
Chapter 43 Stop seeing her

“How do I tell my mom everything? Is better that she didn’t know”, Sharon thought and keep crying so that her mom could console her.

           Paul’s mom went to visit Patrick because neither Paul nor his dad would tell her where Christy live so she had to find out herself.

“Welcome Mrs. Brown” Patrick mom greeted 

“Thank you, long time.”

“Yes, what brings you to my house? Seeing that you no longer visited since you started your business”.

“You can say that again, business has not been easy” she said wondering what brought business into this conversation. 

“Where is Patrick I here to see him, I want to ask him some things about my son”.

“What! Is anything wrong with Paul?” She ask curious.

“No, Paul is fine, so can I see Patrick?”

“Yes, I think he is studying in his room. Let me go and call him”. She left Mrs. Brown in the sitting room.

Mrs. Brown just  roll her eyes as she watch her enters the next door and murmured, “ just get me the boy with all this show off, what is he studying that my son don’t  study? Huh.. this children of nowadays who only study girls, I can’t imagine Paul… am going to deal with him.”

Patrick’s mom resurface with Patrick in a few minute.

“Good day ma” Patrick greeted his friends mom.

“Hello Patrick how are you?”

“Am fine ma”

“You are looking more handsome than the last time I saw you, what have you been eating?”

“Hahaha nothing ma”.

She turn and looked at Patrick’s mom and both woman shouted at the same time.

“What! You mean you eat nothing and you are still like this?” his mom ask.

“No mom I didn’t mean it that way”.

“So tell her what you have been eating” she said jokily and they all laugh.

“So my son, am here to see you regarding Paul.”

“Ok ma”.

“Do you know a girl call Christy and where she is staying.?”

Patrick thought for a second.

“No ma, I don’t know any girl call Christy I have never seen her before”.

“Liar”, she shouted, and Patrick’s mom was surprised at Mrs. Brown.

“Why will Patrick liar to you, maybe he didn’t know the person.”

“Look this children are growing very fast, so faster that  you can’t see them when they pass here”, she said not knowing how to put the words in other for them to understand that Paul has started dating a girl and she is here to find out who the girl is.

“Well, I know that they are growing fasting Patrick mom said, but who is this girl to Paul”.?

“That is why am here, I want to find out who she is and how I can get to know her since Paul don’t want to show me the girl himself”.

Patrick knew that Paul is in soup for his mom to have come to their house asking of Christy, I can’t betray my guy like that, he will hate me for life.

“Well, I have to take my leave since you don’t want to tell me.” she got up to leave.

“Is not like that ma, I really do not know who she is, but if I have any information about her I will let you know ma”.

“Ok, see you,” she entered her car and drove off.

Patrick’s mom turn to look at Patrick.

“Is it true”?

“What is true”?

“That Paul know have a girl friend”?

“I don’t know mom.”

“Why wouldn’t you know? Is he not your friend?”

“What if he is my friend? I don’t know this girl and he has never introduce any girl to me”.

“I hope you have not started your own, because you are leaving for the United States next year after your final exams don’t do anything funny”.

“Please mom give me a break, we are talking about Paul here don’t make it my issue.”

“Am not making it your issue, he is your friend.”

“Is it a crime to be friends with somebody”?.

“Am only saying” his mom said and went back to her work.

Paul went away murmuring as he walk back to his room. “ I don’t know what is wrong with women, another man’s problem they will put it on my head”.

He rush and pick up his phone to call Paul.

“Hello Paul, is your mom back home?”

“No, is anything the problem?”

“She was at my place just now, asking about Christy.”

“What? What did you tell her?”

“I said I don’t know Christy.”

“Good, please don’t tell her anything, Sharon and my mom are on my neck.”

“Guy you are in soup”.

“Yea, you can said that again, but don’t worry about me I will be ok.”

“Who is worried about you? Just hand me Christy and be free.”

“Get lost madman”, Paul hang up and Patrick just keep laughing at Paul.

“What is mom trying to do?” Paul rush out of his room but there was no sign of his mom. He wanted to call Christy but pause, no, maybe is not a good idea.

Within the next minute his mom drove in.

“Hello mom, welcome.”

“Thank you.”

He rush to take her hand bag, “mom are you ok?”, he ask as his mom did not ask him anything about Christy.

“Do I look sick to you?” She ask Paul.

“No, but you are too quiet.”

“You want me to shout?”

“No mom is fine, I don’t want you to shouted”.

“Then just take my bag inside, where is your father?”.

“He went out?”.

“To where?”

“He didn’t say”.

“He will come back to meet me here”, she started shouting and Paul was relieve.

He prefer his mom shouting than keeping quiet because when she shout you will at least know what she is planning to do, but for she to keep quiet, Paul wasn’t comfortable with it.

He waited patiently to her his name.

“Paul.. you are going to tell me who that girl is and where she lives”.

He now breath a sign of relieve.

“Mom I can explain”, he said.

“Go ahead and explain to me”.

“Her name is Christy and I love her”.

“So is true?” She ask and Paul wondered if he has may a mistake.

“I don’t care to know her name, you are going to stop seeing that girl or you wouldn’t like what I will do to her”.

Paul stood there not saying anything, how would he tell Christy that they should break up? Only the word break up makes his heart ache.

He walk silently to his room and never want to see anyone for the rest of the day.

“Where is Paul?” His dad ask when he didn’t see him at dinner.

“I don’t know, he should be somewhere in his room” his mom said not concerned.  

Mr. Brown look at his wife and told her is too early to worry about Paul and Sharon.

“No, I have to deal with it now that is still early.”

“Do you want things to get out of hands before you will say something?”

“He still have one year to go, before you start worrying about who he will marry”.

“And I don’t want to worry about it, I want to be sure.”

“I don’t like this, I don’t like the way you are handling  this” her husband told her and walk out of dinner table without eating.

“Whatever, I work hard for this, I wouldn’t sit here and watch someone destroy everything for me.”

[Sharon and Desmond]

Desmond keep calling Sharon  but she refuse to pick up, he send series of text massages but she refuse to text back. All she does this days was get busy preparing herself for work, she wants to make her mom proud.

Even though her mom wants her to work in the family business she went ahead to study medicine, now she can only work in the hospital. 

“I have a friend who’s  brother is a doctor, I can call him to give you a chance in his hospital,” Sharon’s mother told her seeing how hard she was struggle to get a place to work.

Thanks mom, but I didn’t think is going to be this hard to find a job in this damn country, I prefer working abroad. 

No, you will stay with me here, so I can keep track of your behavior.

“Yes mom” she walk away sad.

Look, am just trying to help ok, is for your own good.

I know mom, and thanks, she throw her shoes forward and enters her room. He mother pick up her shoes and place it well for her.

“I think you are trying really hard, is only best that I help you out, and I will do what it takes for you to be a good person, and Paul will see your  worth and get married to you.

Sharon took out her phone and saw all the text messages from Desmond and still she didn’t reply.