
Chapter 40 Best Scene

Sharon walked up to a  scene  she wasn’t expecting to see, Paul and Christy where lying down sound asleep with nothing on but forgot to lock the door, Sharon took her phone and record a shot clip and went away.

Paul woke up the next day by his phone right tone.

“Is dad, hello dad how are you doing?”

“I and your mom are fine, what about you?”

Paul turned to look at Christy sleeping sound beside him.

“Am doing great dad, thanks for asking”

“Yea, I know you are doing great, what about Sharon?”

“I don’t know dad, she should be in her room”

“I hope you guys are getting along very well?”

“Dad I know why you and mom left the house for me and Sharon but am sorry is not going to happen”

“What are you talking about son?” He pretend not to know

“Am talking about the plan, mom’s plan, me and Sharon.”

“Ok, I hope you didn’t piss her off because your mom is not going to like it”

"No dad I didn’t piss her off, I only did what you advice."

“Which is”? His father ask curious.

"Show her another girl, Christy is here with me” he whisper in the phone.

"What! And what did Sharon say?"

"Nothing, she got angry at first but we are cool now."

“Now that is dangerous son, send that girl away now, I and your mom are coming back tomorrow”

“Ok dad” he hang up the phone and Mr. Brown was surprised at his little boy who has now became a man, he couldn’t believe his ears, he is just concerned about the day his wife will find out because to her Paul is still a child.

Paul was about to drop his phone when it rings again, is Bridget, “ What does she want now?”

“Hello Paul where is Christy? Is she there with you?"


“Allow her to come back home, mom is about to find out and I have began to run out of liars to tell mom”

“Really?  I thought you have a bag full of liars” Paul said, but Bridget wasn’t joking.

“But I paid you, just do your job”

"Don’t joke with me Paul, your money expired today."

"Fine, she will come back towards evening…

Bridget hang up.

“Did she just hang up on me?” Paul ask himself looking at the phone.

“Who is that?” Christy ask as she woke up.

“Good morning sweetie,” Paul kiss her forehead as if they are already married couple.

“Morning who is on phone?"

“Is Bridget, she wants you home”

“Oh.. I know, I don’t want to go back to that house but I guess I don’t have a choice”

“Don’t worry, I will make a way for the two of us” Paul said.

They took their bath and came out to meet Sharon at the sitting room.

"Hey, good morning" Christy greeted Sharon but she didn’t answer,

“Leave her alone” Paul told Christy. “ Let’s eat so that you can go home."

“Ok” they eat and Christy went back home.

“Look who is back?"  Bridget rush into Christy's room.

“How did it go?, Tell me, tell me, she was so excited to hear the gist.

"Well it went well, but what about mom? Didn’t she noticed that am not at home.?"

“Are you forgetting who I am? She can never find out except I told her, but you already pay your dues so no problems”

Christy just smile and wonder that maybe Bridget is not that bad after all.

“So tell me how did it go? What about Paul’s parents what did they say?”

“I didn’t meet his parents, they traveled.”

"Wow.. so you guys have the whole house to yourselves? Look at you glowing like that” Bridget said smiling at Christy.

"What? Stop it Bridget is not what you think ok, and I saw Sharon there too, is like she stays with Paul."

“As what”? Bridget ask surprised

“I don’t know, Paul said, her mom and his mom are friends so she has access to their house anytime.”

“Hmmm, I don’t like this” Bridget said concerned.

“What is it you don’t like?” Christy ask Bridget.

“Something tells me that Sharon and Paul has something between them?”

"You think so?" Christy ask remembering what Sharon said

"Do you know Sharon even said to me that Paul is her husband."

“What? You see? are those two trying to use you?” Bridget ask.

“ Me? No, Paul can’t use me” Christy said defending her man.

“Open your eyes Christy can’t you see? If not what will Sharon be doing in Paul’s house, are they related?”

“Anyways, I have to ask him over the phone” Christy said.

“Is ok, so what did you bring?” Bridget ask

“I didn’t bring anything”

"Don’t tell me you didn’t bring anything, what do you mean by you didn’t bring anything?”

“But I thought Paul paid you?”

“That money has expired, I worked really hard covering your ass, so you have to give me something.”

“Fine take, Christy hand her a good sum of money”

“Wow.. this Paul is the best guy ever, he is  lucky that is not me, I would have been

 going shopping every day”

“Hmmm, I know you” Christy said.

Paul’s parents where back from their trip and Sharon demand to go home because she wasn’t happy staying here.

"What is it my sweet angel you are not smiling."

“Is nothing mom, I just want to go home” Sharon said.

"Come", Paul’s mom took her aside.

"I hope Paul didn’t treat you badly?"

Sharon wanted to tell her the truth but instead she smile.

“No not at all”

“Then smile for me” she said making Sharon laugh.

Paul met Sharon at the kitchen and was like “what were you planning to tell my mother?”

Sharon wanted to ignore him but no, is getting too much for Paul.

“This, this is what I was going to show your mom”

"What’s that?" Paul took the phone from Sharon and it was him and Christy sleeping naked.

“Why did you do that?” Paul ask angry.

“You don’t need to ask why, is either you marry me or I show this to my mom and end this madness.”

“Look you need to delete that video”

“I wouldn’t, and you will have to let Christy go”

"Fine, go ahead, I will just tell my mom that you do drugs and girls."

“No one will believe you, do you have any proof”? Sharon ask Paul.

“She is right, I don’t have any proof” Paul thought.

"What are you  trying do? Paul ask Sharon, "you know how much I love Christy, I can’t let her go."

"You have to, you will transfer that love to me or this video will get to my mom and yours, you know what will happen Paul", she said and walk out on him.

“Nonsense, trying to get me jealous with that naïve girl, I never intended to hurt Christy, but Paul is getting on my nerves, kissing and making love in front of me huh.”

The whole house sat down for breakfast the next day, but Paul wasn’t himself.

“Are you ok my dear?” His mother ask

Paul didn’t answer.

“Am talking to you dear”

“Mom am not hungry, just leave me alone” he got up and left.

“What did I do wrong? She ask but Sharon just smile.

“Am going to deal with you” she smiles to herself.

Weeks pass and James was worried about Paul not visiting,

“Did we do anything wrong to him?”

“Are you asking me? You ask him when you see him” Patrick said.

“I told you that guy is full of himself, just because of that girl he refused to see us”

"Well we don’t know that yet, we need to go and see him” James insist.

“Am going because of you” Patrick said.

“I know, forgive him already will you?”

“I have forgiven him but I will not forget it”

They went to see Paul and he was so happy to see his guys.

He rush to hug them and Patrick was surprised.

"Heyy.. let go of me, am not a woman" Patrick shake Paul off him, but Paul just smile knowing who Patrick is.

“Heyy.. forgive me already will you?” Paul told Patrick.

"If you want me to forgive you, you will have to give me that girl, the sister to Christy."

“Hmmm, I think Bridget will be a perfect match for you”. Paul said.

“Is that her name?” Patrick ask

James react at the mention of Bridget.

"Please leave her alone, I want her for me, what is it with you" James ask Patrick.

"I don’t understand, which one is for me? Patrick ask.

"Sharon! Paul shouted, Sharon is for you."

“Stop it, I don’t like that girl, she is too much for me, I need a girl that will be humble.”

“So whats up Paul? Why can’t we see you anymore this days” James ask.

“A lot is going on, Sharon is giving me headache.”


“Mom wants me to marry her”

“What?”  Patrick and James shouted at once.