
Chapter 31 Love, With everything in me

"Don’t worry about her, Paul will bring her back home" his mom told Sharon's mother to go home and not to worry as her daughter is in good hands.

"Ok, I take you at your word"  she got up to leave without Sharon, she wasn’t really worried about her because she knows who Sharon is and she knows Sharon can take care of herself.

“Mom where is Sharon’s mother?, She has fallen asleep in my room.”

“Don’t worry dear her mother trust you, you can just take her home when she wakes up”

Paul just shake his head and walk away.

“I don’t know what you want from me”, Paul murmured as he walked out of the sitting room.

Christy could not take her mind off the experience she had with Paul, she started spacing out every now and then.

“What is really wrong with this girl”? Bridget ask whenever she caught her spacing out.

She snapped her finger at her.

"Yea, am sorry," Christy would say.

“What’s going on?"

"Where?" Christy ask.

“What is going on with you”?


 “No, you can’t tell me nothing when you always space out like that.”

“Can I ask you a question?” Christy ask Bridget.


“Ok, don’t worry just forget it” Christy don’t know how to put this question across to Bridget without sounding odd.

“Tell me am listening” Bridget wanted to know what really happened between their two but Christy is not the type to open up on things like this.

“Look if you don’t tell me, don’t come to me when you get pregnant”

“What,? am I going to get pregnant?”

“No, you are not going to get pregnant, is Paul that will get pregnant, Mtcheeeew." Bridget make to go out but Christy stopped her.

"Please Bridget I don’t want to get pregnant."

“Look let me tell you the truth, the money I took from Paul is not to pay any school fees, I use it for abortion because I got pregnant.”

“What? …." Christy jump away from Bridget.

“What’s that?" Bridget ask. "You will get pregnant too if you don’t mind the way you go out with that Paul, not to talk about the one you are just doing it for free.”

“What do I do now”? Christy ask almost shaking, she didn’t want to get pregnant if not stepmom will have me for breakfast."

“I’ve told you what to do, stay away from Paul, and if you are going to sleep with him ask for money”

"Ok", Christy said.

"But why are you helping me,?" She ask Bridget.

“Am I not your sister? Is only natural that I help, besides I needed the money for my abortion.”

"Why didn’t you collect money from the person got you pregnant you?"

"Ohh.. that; he gave me but I use it to buy clothes". She lied.

“Ohh.. I see", Christy said. "Ok, I will do as you say, so can we be good friends from now on aside from been my sister.”

“Sure if you allow be to come closer to Paul a bit.”

“Is ok, that would be a problem.”

“Heyy.. Patrick let’s go to Paul, if Muhammad does not go to the mountain, the mountain will go to Muhammad." James said, "Is been long we saw that guy."

“Am not going, that guy is too full of himself, he thought he has it all." Patrick said.

“Common, don’t be like that because of a girl", James said trying to calm Patrick down.

"Tell that to Paul, why do you always say that to me" Patrick ask angry.

“Because the girl loves Paul”

“She doesn’t love Paul, is Paul who is begging her” Patrick said jealous.

“I’ve heard you, so can we go now?” pleasesssd..

“Fine, let’s go.”

James and Patrick got to Paul’s room and were surprised  to see Sharon in his room sleeping.

"Guy you are something else, I don’t know you again I swear" James said with a surprise look on his face.

"Look guys is not what you think, you are just over reacting."

"Ok, tell us what to think" Patrick said. "Guy I fear you."

"My mom wants me to marry her, and since then she always come to my room behaving like this."

"Really? So what are you going to do?"

"I don’t know yet, and my mom is very serious about it."

“So what are you going to do about Christy”.? Patrick ask.

“Christy had my heart, and there is nothing anyone can do about that” he said looking at Patrick.

Just then Sharon woke up

"What is going on?" She ask looking at the three guys who are also looking at her.

"We think that question goes to you, what are you doing in a guys room sleeping like that?" James ask

"I… I.. was here earlier, then am here now, what happened?" She ask.

James and Patrick turned to look at Paul.

“What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?. I didn’t do anything, she was the one who moved from here to here after she finish drinking this”. He showed them the drink.

“Fine, am going home” Sharon got up to go.

“Your mom left without you,” Paul said.

“Then you take me home.”

“No way, I have some guests”,  he said pointing at James and Patrick.

“Who? These?, they are no more guest than I am. Just take me home or I report to your mother.”

Paul looked at his friends, "We need to drive her home, will you guys come with me?"

“Ok, let’s go”, they all drive her home and went out to hangout.

“Guy you are sitting on a hot sit, is that why you didn’t went to hangout with us”? James ask.

“No, not like that, I have been busy”.

“Busy doing what?" Patrick ask, "busy banging girls.”

“Stop it Patrick, don’t start” James warned.

“Let him say what ever he wants to say, but I’ve not be banging girls, but just one,” he made the last statement almost whispering.

“Look if I were you, I will bang that girl” Patrick said.

“Well thank goodness you are not him, maybe that is why girls always run away from you”. James said.


"Guys is almost new year", James reminded then.

"So?" Patrick ask.

"What are you guys arranging for new year.?"

"Like what?" Paul ask not giving a damn.

"You already have yours, so is me and Patrick remaining."

"What are you talking about?", Paul ask now serious.

"You have Christy, so just arrange Bridget for me please." James said.

“Like seriously?”

“Yea, I don’t know how you do it, but I want her” James said.

"Fine, I think I can get her for you", Paul thought is time for Bridget to pay back all the money and things she has been talking from him.

"Wow, you do that for me?" James ask so happy that at last Bridget will be his.

"So what will I get for Christy?" He thought aloud. "Ok, I will get her a lovely dress and shoes with hand bag to go with it"

"Yes, I will buy for Bridget too" James said. Only Patrick said nothing. He was just looking at them making plans for new year without getting him involved.

"Dude what’s up?"

“Nothing, you guys should keep making your plans without me is ok, am good.” Patrick said.

"Just look around, there are lots of girls, pick one." James said.

"Why don’t you pick one yourself. Is Christy I want, and am going to get her."

Paul just looked at Patrick and kept quiet, because is obvious he wants to pick a fight with him.

"Patrick stop it", James said noticing that Paul’s mood is beginning to change.

"Am not going to stop until I get her." Patrick said.

"Why don’t you go and get her?" Paul ask getting up to leave the table.

"Guy what is wrong with you?, must you always pick a fight with him anytime we are hanging out.?" James ask Patrick.

“He started it”

"Look Sonia is long gone, can you just forgive him already."

"No, am not going to forgive him just like that, he knows I love Sonia but instead of him helping me get Sonia, he took her away from me."

"But if I remembered correctly, Sonia was the one running after Paul."

"Is that enough reason for him to take her?" Patrick ask angry.

"Dude, just forget this thing and let’s move on". James said walking away from Patrick to go look for Paul.

"Guy, Patrick is so angry about Sonia that is why he is behaving like that."

"What’s my business with that,? He can have her but tell him to stay away from my Christy. You know what happened didn’t you? I didn’t say I love Sonia, it was just a mistake which I regret, why can’t he just deal with it?. Christy is my girl, and I will do anything to make her remain as my girl" Paul said.

"Wow.. is that how much you love her?" James ask surprised.

"Yes, I love her with everything in me."