
Chapter 22 Give Way

"Beat her"? Paul ask.

"Why will your mom want to beat her? And I have been meaning to ask, why do you guys always treat her like an outsider?"

That is because she is an outsider.

"What? She is not your sister?"

"No, she is just a half-sister"

"What’s the difference? If she is your half-sister then she is your sister you don’t have to treat her differently."

"Tell that to my mom"  Bridget said, "so you guys should leave me alone, I don’t know where she is."

"Where could she be"? Paul keeps wondering.

"Ok let’s go" James said "We are going to be late"

"What? Late for what again? Patrick and Paul ask simultaneously

"I don’t know why you guys are not current, do I have to be the only one among you to be current? and am not even paid to do so."

“Well that is because is your calling” Patrick said.

“Let’s hurry up you guys still need to take your bath.”

“I don’t feel like bathing” Paul said.

“Where are you guys going? Can I tag along?”

Bridget ask.

“Yes, you can” James said smiling.

“No, you are not coming with us.” Paul said.

“But why, he has accepted why are you not accepting?”

“Because I don’t like you tagging along” Paul almost yell at her.

“Calm down mann.. she is innocent.”

"She doesn’t look innocent to me". Paul argued 

"Fine  I will just go home and you will never find Christy."

"What? So you know where she is?”

"Yes" Bridget said hopping to tag along with the boys.

"Then please you will come with us, and show us the way."

"Is ok", she said lifting her face, "then I have to be on my best outfit if I have to go with you guys."

"Fine anything is fine" Paul said.

"Then you have to take me home and then wait for me to put on my dress and then….

"Is, ok..ok..ok.. Just get inside we will drive you home but be fast about wearing your cloths, no one is looking at you" Paul said.

"Do you have to say that?" James ask  Paul. 

"Yea, is not as if she is beautiful" Paul said.

"Is like the love you have for Christy has blinded you, you no longer know when a beauty is standing next to you" James said.

"If you like her just go for her and stop talking about beauty, she is not beautiful"  Paul lied  because the first time he saw Bridget she has swept him off his foot, but now Christy’s pure heart and innocence has taking over his heart. 

"Do we need to wait for her"? Paul ask as they stay outside Bridget’s house waiting for her to come out.

"What should I wear? This one will not do the work, no.. what about this?", she brought out all her cloths but none was fitting for the purpose which she wants. 

"Yes! I know, Christy’s cloths, Paul will love me once I put on Christy’s cloth, yes, maybe is the cloths, he like simple cloths."

She ran to Christy’s room and start bringing out all her cloths.

"Hmmm, all these are no cloths they are rags, but what can I do? Paul loves rags anyways."

She put on Christy cloth and ran out, but the boys are gone.

"Ohh… what the fu…k is this? I did all this for nothing? I wanted Paul to see me like this?"

"We should have stayed and wait for her to finish" James said.

"I know, but we are running out of time, are you not the one who said we are running out of time? Let her be preparing while we go and prepare too, we will come back and pick her."

"Ok, let’s hit the road then."

They drove back to Paul’s house and rush into the shower, and put on their cloths.

"Where are you guys rushing to?" The father ask.

"We will be back dad."

"Please drive safely."

"Yes, thanks dad, see you later."

They zoom off to pick Bridget.

"I thought you guys are gone without me", she said rushing into the car.

"Why are you dressing like Christy?"  Paul asks Bridget.

"Me? Oh.. Nothing, I just miss her and wants to remind myself of her."

"Is not as if she is dead" Paul said.

"Yea, I know."

"So please stop dressing  like her, because you will never be her."

"Let her been will you? and just keep your eyes on the road "James told Paul.

"Stay away from this" Paul told James, "I know what am talking about."

"But why are you so quiet?" James ask Patrick, you have been quiet since we left your house what are you thinking about? "

"Oh.. nothing, am fine".

"You sure?"

"Yes am fine."

"Ok, if you say so, were we are going is going be hot, so get ready guys."

"Me: am going to look for Christy, you guys can have fun without me" Paul said.

"But wait a minute" Patrick turned to face Paul because he was sitting in front with Paul.

"Why are you so obsesses with this girl? Sometimes I think is not normal."

"What do you mean?" Paul ask.

"I mean you are going to kill yourself because of a girl?"

"What do you know?" Paul ask.

"I know enough because am in love with her too". Patrick yells at Paul.

And he pulls the car to a stop.

"Say that again," he ordered.

"Yea, am in love with her, so don’t come here making me jealous" Patrick shouted at Paul.

Paul didn’t know when he gave Patrick a blow and they started another fight.

Bridget and James were breathing heavily by the time they finish separating the fight.

"I’ve had enough of the two of you", James said in between his breathing up and down like a fish out of the water.

"You guys are no longer my friends, come let’s go"  he gave his hand to Bridget, she grab his hand not knowing  if she should tell James that she didn’t know him that well to go with him. But all the same she followed him.

"Where are we going?" Bridget finally ask.

James looks back at her and pulls his hand from Bridget.


"Is ok, at least I followed you even though I don’t know you that well, that is a sign of trust" She said.

"What is she saying now? I almost forgot that we are not friends."

"Should we go back to them?" Bridget ask.

"Yes.. Yes.. Let’s go back to them ".


They walk back to Paul and Patrick chatting.

"What the hell is going on here?" James ask.

"I think they are discussing how to share her" Bridget whispers to James.

"Share her? Impossible" James yells.

"You guys should get up, I will personally look for this Christy let her choose whom she love among you, so I don’t loss you both to love." He yells. 

They got back into the car and continue. They got to where they are going and Paul was like.

"What is this place?"

"This is where the hotiest are hanging out."

"Really?" Bridget ask with mouth wide open, she walk pass them to go inside but Paul drag her back.

"Where are you going? Who do you know inside there?"

"I don’t have to know no body to enjoy myself."

"Yea, I think I agree with her " James said. "Let’s go inside" he told Bridget and both James and Bridget walk hand in hand into the bar.

"What nonsense?" Paul said looking at James and Bridget as they walk inside and Patrick agree.

"Let’s go inside too," Patrick said.

"No, am not coming with you, I know how to walk in side myself."

"Fine, suit yourself", Patrick said leaving him outside, he went in to see what is happening.

Paul start to scan the whole place if he will see Christy, but that is not about to happen soon.

He went in search of James, Patrick and Bridget but they too are nowhere to be found.

"What the fu..k, am I the only one that will not enjoy myself this holiday because I met a girl call Christy who has stolen my heart.?"

He was still there lamenting over is wows when he heard noises everywhere.

"What is going on?", he rushed to take a look.

"Give way for the hottest queens…. "a man announce the arrivals of the hottest queen of the night.

And everyone keeps clapping as they cat walk into the bar, or no.. is not even a bar, but what is this place?   

"I told you to behave, just follow my foot step and don’t look at the faces of the people, do you hear me?" Sharon told Christy.

"Yes", she answered shaking like a leaf.

"But am scared she said, everyone is looking at me?"

"Just keep your face straight,"  she said as they walk pass the people to their Exotic chairs.  With Christy pulling down her short dress every now and then.