
Chapter 195

She thought that Paul has been playing her all this time, the only good thing is he has been paying her school fees, but he always promise to come and see her and that is what Bianca needs more than anything in the world

She can’t keep rejecting men because of him and he is busy only with Christy, that is unfair. She reasoned.

Bianca in Paul’s office the next day foaming like cobra.

“Calm down, I can explain” he said trying to calm her down.

“You have nothing to tell me rather than you been with Christy, what excuse do you have this time?”

“Yea, your right, Christy wasn’t feeling fine, so I couldn’t leave the house”.

“Stop it Paul, I know I promise you to behave but don’t push me”

“It's not like that, you just have to understand me”. Paul try to calm Bianca down because she has started raising dust in the office.

“Sir is everything ok?, Should I call security?” his secretary ask seeing that Bianca is already vibrating and threatened Paul.

“No, it’s ok I can handle this, just go back to your seat”.

“Ok sir”, she went back but she couldn't sit still because it's like Bianca is going to rain fire in Paul’s office.

After much pleading she agreed to go home and wait for him.

 When he finish from the office he decide to go see her with the hope of going home that day but things turn around because Bianca sized him.

Christy was so worried when Paul didn’t come back home, she sat up all night waiting for him.

 She tried calling his number but switch off.

 She thought of going to the office but it's too late, she called James but James said s he hasn’t seen Paul.

 She called Patrick and Patrick did not see him too.

“What is going on?,” Bridget has to come and stay with Christy because she is already dying for not seeing Paul for a night.

Where could he have gone Patrick us the unguarded in Paul's house waiting for him and console increased because she has started crying.

“You don't have to cry, I think Paul is ok and he is going to come back soon” James said thinking maybe Paul has gone to see Bianca but that is not something he will say, so he just kept quiet.

They were still there when Paul arrive, he hurried straight to the sitting room but met the shocking sight of his life.

Bridget was consoling Christy while his friends were standing round her.

They looked at him as he walk into the sitting room with his suits in his hands.

He didn't know what to say so he just sat down and Christy rush to him.

“ Where have you been, are you okay?”

Paul turned to look at his friends and said “Yes, I'm fine, I just had a minor accident”

 “Where?, How?” Christy ask examining him up and down.

His friends shot a look at each other and kept quiet, while Christy was all over him making sure that he's okay.