
Chapter 191

“Look Patrick I’m serious, it won’t be funny if I’ll be the one standing in court against you” James said looking at Paul.

“That will be cool” Patrick said still playing his game and not looking at them.

“Stop playing this thing and listening to us” Paul grab the game pad from Patrick and they start fighting for the pad.

“Give that back to me” Patrick said.

“No, I'm not giving it back to you until you listen to us.”

“What is there to listing?, you guys have made up your mind to fight against me go ahead and do it. I'll be watching” Patrick said.

And James turn to look at Paul “I told you he will take this a different way, that is why I said we should come here first. Just look at what he saying.”

“Calm down” Paul said to James and turn to face Patrick “listen, this is a very simple thing, if Sharon said that she’s not longer going to marry you believe me you there is nothing you can do about it . You can't force her so please do this.

 For she to take it to that point means that she has made up her mind, so please listen to me because James is involved.

“That is brilliant, don't you think so?” Patrick ask. “Of all the lawyers Sharon choose James why?” he asked both of them and they just open their hands.

“We don't know.”

“Listen, that is why I said you should just give up on this case because Sharon wants you and James to be at each other’s neck but please I'm begging you Patrick don't do this just let it go.”

“So why must it be me?, why can't James reject the offer of being her lawyer in this case?”

“Well that will be against my profession because I didn't see anything wrong with someone wanting a divorce but if it was a criminal case where Sharon is at fault I would have said no.”

Patrick went to see Sharon, so furious that Sharon has taken him to court and didn’t even inform him. Does it mean that she didn’t love him from the beginning?, why would she get so angry to the point of getting a divorce and even taking him to court.?.

But getting to Sharon's house he saw all the answers that he was looking for, he saw that there's nothing he will say or do that will make Sharon to come back the him.

Patrick saw Ben with Sharon talking and laughing and throwing balloon at each other like long time lovers, his stood there unable to move. Everything in the world seems to have stopped at the moment for Patrick. “Maybe James and Paul were right, maybe I should just sign the papers.” he turned back and didn’t go inside again.

Sharon received the signed papers and happily called Ben.

“Really?, that's good news, so are you coming over today?”

“Yes of course. I'm coming, I'm even on my way”.

“Wow that's great, thanks” Ben said happy.