
Chapter 187

“Something is troubling you and you don’t want to tell why?”

Nothing my love, am just stressed, maybe I should take a nap”

Yea I think so, I some relaxing tea here let me make some for you” Christy said hurry up to make the tea for her husband, thinking “ I don’t want anything to happen to my husband”.

Here” she gave Paul the tea and he took it without looking at her face.

“Thank you” he drank it all without looking at the cup.

Are you ok now?”

“Yes, I think I will be ok”

“Ok, have some rest” she help him lay down on the bed, covering him with the bedsheet.

Let me make food for you” she ran of preparing food for Paul making him wonder if Christy has this energy. “Maybe I should be getting sick so she can take care of me, Paul don’t be stupid” he said to himself. “This is a serious matter, if Christy caught you with this plan of yours you will be in soup” he look up the ceiling and smile.

“But she’s my wife too, but you have promise Christy not to have anything to do with Bianca, why do you want to change your mind?” Paul keeps fighting with his thoughts while in bed and Christy; running around to make food for him thinking that he is not feeling fine.

“Am done cooking will you like to eat now?”

“Yes, I will love to” answering with this strong voice making Christy think if he was really sick.

Paul consume everything in front of him while Christy look on “are you sure that he’s really sick?” she asked herself nodding her head.

“Are you ok now?”

“Yea, am fine, thank you for the food”

“You are welcome” Christy thought this is first, why is he thanking her?, Surely something unusual is going on with Paul, when did he start saying thank you after eating?”

“So do you care telling me what is going on with you” Christy ask again determined to know the truth.

“Nothing, am fine really, I just had a hectic day at the office yesterday, but staying here with you today and eating your food make me energetic again” he smiles but not looking into her eyes the way he use to.

“So why are you not looking at me while saying that?”

Paul turned to look at her but his heart starts beating, not because of love for her but because of fear, this time he began to be afraid of facing Christy.

“What will happen if she finds out?, Paul was confused, he didn’t know that a man could love two woman at the same time, he just find out that his heart had started beating for Bianca, this is something he has never experience before and it made him sacred.

“Paul talk to me, why are you looking at me like you are scared of me”. He turned his eyes quickly away from her and face the other way.

“Is nothing, you don’t have to worry about me, let me see James” he made an excuse to leave.