
Chapter 171

“Ok enough, come here” Paul hug her, but she keep hitting his chest and crying .

“I love you Christy and I will never go after any other girl so just stop crying ok”

 but she refused to stop crying and Paul don't know what to do. Paul became more confused and all he could think at that time was to kiss her and she responded making Paul wondered what is going on “maybe she needs me” so he thought of going deep but Christy didn't refuse so Paul knew that Christy want him so badly but he has been busy with other things and with his friends too.

When they finish Christy was as calm as ever.

“Did you miss me?” Paul asked her but she only nods and smiling at him

“You naughty girl, I thought I should give you a little space but I didn't know that you need me that badly, I promise not to leave you lonely ok, I promise to always make you happy”. they stay in bed all through the day and then he report back to the office the next day.

“Sir, someone is here to see you.” His secretary informed him.

“Let him in”

“Is a she sir”. Paul stopped what he was doing and look up to the Secretary immediately. who could that be?, he wasn't expecting a she in his office this morning.

“Ok, let her in”

“Yes sir” Bianca bashed in.

“So this is where you are hiding” she started shouting.

“Hey.. you know you can’t come here and start shouting, this is an office.”

“What nonsense, you can’t tell me to keep quiet, what kind of a reasonable man will leave his wife and ran away with another woman?, so you thought I will not find you. Today I will be going with you to where ever you are staying.”

Paul look ahead of her to see who let her come in but that is not important right now because Bianca is already in his office and this is his worst nightmare. He has been praying that Bianca shouldn't find where he is but whoever gave her the direction is his worst enemy.

Paul took his phone to call his mum.

“Hello mum did you give Bianca my office address?”

“Not really but she was asking so maybe I did, I don't know”

“Oh shit….”

“Is anything the matter?”

“No mum I’ll call you back later” as he was about hanging up his mother keeps yelling.

  “Hello don’t hang up”

“Ok what is it?”

“How is Christy, how are my babies doing”

 Christy is doing fine just that sometimes she behaves strange”

“ it’s ok my son is the pregnancy making her behave that way, is called mood swing”

“Really? thank you mum for reminding me I almost forgot”

“So is Bianca there?”

“Yes, she’s in my office right now causing a scene”

“What do you mean cause a scene?”

“Anyways mum don't worry I can handle it”

“Ok then bye”. Paul turn to Bianca.

“What do you want?”

“ I want you, I want my husband back.”

“Why do you want me back, I thought you are very happy that I left.”