
Chapter 133 Not a saint

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing, go on am listening”

Forget it, if you are going to insult me” Christy left pat shocked and staring at her as she walk away.

“What?, So Christy is married?, No… I can’t believe this, some people are so dangerous, look at Christy oo, some one I thought can not harm a fly, hmm. I was such a fool to have believe that she is a saint”.

 She walk to and fro, doing things any how and complaining about everything.

Christy couldn’t believe her eyes, “why is pat behaving like this? She is free to have lucky after all they are no longer dating.

“Pat can I talk to you please”

“No am busy” she walk out and then in.

“Ok, what are you looking for?”

“Don’t worry I can find it myself”

Ok be careful” “Christy told pat because she almost fell down.

Hey look.. seriously you are married and you didn’t think to tell me?, What are friends for” she said standing in front of Christy.

Oh am sorry, am just discovering it myself”

“Hahaha, are you talking to a kid?” Pat yell at Christy almost spating on her face.

“Oh.. take it easy, I was like that when first I found out” Christy said.

“Oh my goodness, and I thought I have a friend?” she starts crying.

Christy hugged her and console her.

“So when are you going to tell me about your marriage and what are you doing here staying single?”

“Well is a little bit complicated and I have a daughter too”

“What!!” Pat shouted and Christy took her hands off pat in other to over her ear.

“Am sorry, am so sorry, but you are making me to shout, a daughter? and a husband?, Ah .. Christy am finished”

“What happened?” Christy ask in surprise.

How can you do this to me Christy, you have everything and still you took the only thing that gives me joy why?”

“I don’t understand”

“Lucky.. lucky..” she yell “why don’t you leave lucky for me?”

But you can have him, we didn’t do any anything after all”

“Liar, you have been dating lucky for almost half a year and you are telling me you did nothing with him, why should I believe you”

“Well you can choose to believe me or not is your choice, see you later” Christy drove home very tired, she got to the house and a surprise was waiting for her.

“Mum! Why don’t you call before coming?”

“Do am not welcome into my daughters house again?”

“No is not like that, I would have sent you transport money”

“Don’t worry my daughter, am not here for that, why is your house so quiet?”

“Quiet? Where you expecting to hear noises?”

“Oh I almost forget that you are living alone, am just coming from Bridget’s house and she is telling me she is yet to be pregnant, can you imagine that?” Christy could only roll her eyes because she knows that she is next after Bridget.

“Mum, am just coming back can we talk about this later am so hungry”

“Don’t worry I’ve prepare something for you”

“Really? Thank you mum, I was thinking about what I will eat, oh thanks” she rushed to the kitchen and bank with food in her hand.