
Chapter 128 A killer?

 “What?, why are you girls looking at me like that?”

 “No we are just surprised at you, you are married to a rich guy and you want to borrow money from us?”

“Ok let me break it down for you girls, I am married to his mum”.  her friends nearly jump out of their seats.


 “Yes, his mum was the one who did everything and brought me to him but the guy hates me”.

 “So it means you have been lying to us since then”

 “I haven’t been lying to you girls, that is the truth.”

 “Ok we need to call him because we don’t have that kind of money with us”

 “Well I don’t think he will come”


“He rushed his daughter to the hospital”

 “His Daughter to the hospital?, what happened to her?”

 “The little rat wanted to try my patience”

 “No way! did you kill her?” They ask with mouth open.

“What did you girls take me for? a killer?”

“We don’t know” they answer simultaneously.

 The doctor walks in while they were still talking.

“Are you ready?” he asked her.

“Yes doctor I’m ready” she said looking at her friends who shook their head in disagreement.

 “Ok nurse please get patient ready”

 “Yes sir”

 “What are we going to do now? I don’t have that kind of money” one of the friend said.

“Me too, so what are we going to do?”

“Hello who of you here is her best friend?” the doctor ask,

“Both of us” they said simultaneously.

 “Ok please come with me” they follow the doctor to his office.

“Your friend has a very serious complication and she need urgent treatment but we cannot do anything without a deposit  of a hundred thousand”

“What?” they both shouted at the same time but cover their mouth again immediately, as the doctor nearly jumped out of his seat.

“We are sorry sir, it's just that the money is too much we don't have that kind of money can we give you five thousand?”

“It’s like you girls are not serious, you better do something fast before it gets too late for your friend”

 “Yes sir, we will look for the money” one of them said and get up to leave.

 “What kind of stupid promises is that?” the other shouted once they are out of the doctor's office.

“Shat do you want me to say?.

“Look this ashawo business that we are doing how much do you think they are paying us?, now that we are happy for Bianca   that her husband is rich and thinking that her marriage to a rich man will change our lives that is when our lives become worst, look at what she has done making us to pay such kind of money”

“We better go to that man and ask him of the money because he's the one who put her in that condition”.

“Fine if that is the only solution then let's go” they met Paul and Christy at home.

“What are you girls looking for? your mad friend is not here we’

“We know but we are her to see you sir”

“See me for what?” Paul almost losing his temper.

 “Please calm down” Christy held Paul.

“Please sir” they both went down on their kneels.