
Chapter 112 Bridget's Wedding

He murmured as he put his face in order.

He didn’t wait to close from work, he just went home.

“You are back so early?” Bianca rush to greet him.

“Yea, so how are you doing?”

“Oh well am fine” She smile since is the first time he is caring to ask her how she was doing.

“Do you have any thing in the house?”

“Yes, sure” she rushed to the kitchen but nothing is there, she hasn’t been cooking since Paul don’t eat when ever she cooks, so she sees no reason to cook.

“Wait a minute let me microwave it for you”

“Is ok, you can take your time” Paul said seeing how she was running up and down confused.

She ran out to buy somethings and prepare something in less than two minutes.

“Ready” she stood by Paul smiling.

“What is making her to smile?” Paul ask himself. “Ok I will be there”

She went and stood by the dinner table.

Paul could only shake his head “ no matter what you do, I can’t seem to find you in my heart” he said in a low tone to himself.

She stood there until Paul finished eating.

“Why did you stand like that while am eating?”

“Oh nothing, I just feel like standing”

“Please next time do sit down or better still go into your room I will call you when am done”

“Ok, she kneels a little smiling down at him while Paul just looked at her. “Whatever” he murmured.

“Are you done, can I take this?”

“Yes, take them away”

“Ok,” she took everything away and Paul just hate it when a lady is trying so much to please him. “It supposed to come naturally not by all this pretending to be good and humble”

She came back to sit with Paul.

“Ok, so can you tell me what happened to you? Because you were in a very bad mood on Saturday but now I think you are ok”

“Can we just forget about that?”

“Ok if you say so, but can you at least introduce me to your friends?”

Paul almost jump out of his sit.


“Oh.. nothing, nothing is just that my friends are not around now, I mean they are very busy people so I don’t think I want to bother them”

“Is ok, maybe with time” she said still smiling.

“What! With time? How long is she planning on staying here?” “pual don’t be stupid, she is not going anywhere, she is now your wife” “no she can’t stay here for a long time, what if Christy comes back” idiot, Christy is not coming back, you better take her as your wife” Paul keeps fighting with his mind. The war in his mind went on for hours and then he remembered Sharon’s words “maybe Sharon is right, I have to go on with my life, maybe Christy and I are not meant to be together.”

“So what is your name?” Paul ask her for the first time.

“My name is Bianca” she said so disappointed because Paul can’t tell her that he doesn’t even remember her name but had sex with her, and not to talk of that she is his wife and yet he is just asking her of her name just now.

“Calm down Bianca, at least you should be happy that he is coming around now”

“Hmm, Bianca, that’s a lovely name”

“Thank you”

“So how did my mother know you?”

“Well someone introduce her to my mother and she propose marriage to me telling me that her son is so handsome and hardworking but he didn’t have the chance to come himself so we should accept the bride price and follow her down here”

“Wow.. that’s so interesting and you accept me without seeing me.

You must have been do desperate to get married” Paul said hoping to upset her but no, she wasn’t.

“Not really, I just like the way your mother looks so I thought her son will be so handsome and my guess is right because you are so handsome”

“Hmm, thank you, but should I feel better?”

“Yes.. why? You should feel better. Or is anything wrong with you?”

“Nothing is wrong with me, am in love with another woman, it’s making me not to love another” Paul said feeling so relieved from some kind of heaviness in his chest he can’t explain.

“I see, is it that woman on the picture?”


“Is she still alive?”

“Yes… why? She is still very much alive”

“Ok, so why haven’t I seen her in this house?”

“That is because she’s busy”

“I see, you must really loved her to defend her like this” Bianca turned her face around not talking to Paul again.

“Oh.. shit.. am sorry ok, didn’t mean to hurt you”

“Is ok” she said still not looking at Paul.

“Alright, can you face me now?”

She only shake her head because if she try’s to move the tears will fell off.

Paul went closer to look at her and she is crying.

“What now?... Ok, I said am sorry can you just stop crying?”

“Am fine you can go”

“Am not going anywhere, am in my house”

“Your right, I will be the one to go” she got up and went to her room.

Paul just raise his hands midair and sat down again.

Bianca was so angry that Paul couldn’t even come to console her. “I don’t think I can continue in this marriage, he loves someone else then what am I doing here?” she sob all day into the night.

Paul didn’t care, at least he has taken the load off his chest. Now she knows that he has a wife.

Paul wanted to go to bed when he heard her still crying.

“What? Is that how she cries?” he went to check up on her.

“Bianca open the door”

“Go away, I don’t want to see you, and am leaving your house tomorrow”

“What? She can’t leave, mom is going to fly down here cutting down my neck, I won’t let that happen.

 “Please am sorry can you just open the door?”

She opens the door and Paul went in.

“Please stop crying ok”

“How can I stop when my husband don’t love me but he’s loving someone else”

“She’s not someone else, she’s my wife. Can you just stop talking about her?” Paul insist that they stop discussing about Christy if not he can’t concentrate.

“Fine, am not the one who brought her up”

“Is ok, but please don’t go, my mother will come here making trouble and I don’t want it”

“If you promise to let me sleep in your room and be your wife”

Paul nod his head in agreement.

“Thank you” she rush pass him into Paul’s room.

He roll his eyes and followed her.

That night Paul had it with her without regret.

They start doing things like husband and wife.

“Daddy…” Sharon keeps crying and asking her dad if Bianca is her new mom.

“Yes my dear, she is your mother now”

“No dad, she’s not my mom, I know my mom, I want to see my mom”

“Nancy take her away” Paul ordered.

“Yes sir,”

“Oh.. the poor girl wants her mom back, hahaha, I will deal with you in this house, just wait until I get pregnant and have my own kids, then I will throw you out of this house” Bianca murmured while smiling at Paul.

“Is ok dear, she will learn to accept you in no time, just be patient with her”

“Is ok sweet heart, am always very patient”

“Thank you for your understanding” Paul kiss her.

“Your welcome, I will do anything for you”

“Ok, remember we are going to James wedding in few weeks I hope you are preparing for it?”

“Yes, am always ready”.

“Ok I will transfer all the money we need for this wedding to you, James is my guy and we are going to surprise him big time”

“Is ok honey” Bianca is so happy to marry someone like Paul, even though sometimes he behaves like he doesn’t love her.

Hearing about James marrying the sister of the women in that picture makes Bianca wants to attend this wedding by all means.

Even though they are married Paul refuse to take away those pictures and won’t let her touch them.

“I have to see this Christy, let me see if she is as beautiful as she looks in those pictures, and maybe find out why Paul loved her so much”

The D day arrived, Paul and Bianca arrived at the wedding ground dress as husband and wife.

 Christy was busy with everything, she is so happy for Bridget and James, smiling as she got busy preparing the bride and at the same time making sure that their guess are comfortable.

“I hope you are ok here?” she will ask.

“Yes, we are fine, thank you. And you are so beautiful Christy”

“Thank you ma” she smile so beautifully at the couple who are praising her beauty. But just than Paul turned away very quickly so she wouldn’t see him staring at her.