
Chapter 103 Forgive Him

“I don’t have anything to do with Sharon, so I can’t decide for her”

“So you are not angry with Patrick?”

“Am not, why should I be?, She is old enough to know what she wants” Paul said but somehow he thinks that Patrick is a pain in the ass, “for goodness sakes why will he always go for what is mine Anyways, I don’t have to get angry over Sharon after all she is not my wife.”

“Why are you so quiet?, You seem not to be happy” Patrick ask Paul because he didn’t like it that Paul was quiet, at least he can take it if he gave him a punch or yells at him or do anything, but this silence!, Is something he cannot take.

“Paul looked at him and was like “ You want me to say something?, Fu*k you and get out of my house”

“ Calm down Paul” James has to get ready to separate the fight but Paul didn’t fight Patrick, and Patrick didn’t want to leave, he wants Paul to forgive him so he can move on with Sharon.

“Guy, you can go ahead and do what ever you want to do, but don’t be surprise if Sharon comes back to me, I wouldn’t guarantee that I will say no” Paul said trying to piss Patrick off.

“Is ok” James try calming them down.

“Look, you just have to talk to Sharon, because I know Sharon is the one who will come back to Paul, so in my opinion I suggest you leave that girl alone.” James warn Patrick.

“Tell him, because it wouldn’t be my fault” Paul yells.

Patrick went to see Sharon at her place after leaving James and Paul.

“Babe what is the matter? Why is your face not bright? “ Sharon question Patrick.

“Nothing, can we go to my house?, There’s something I want to ask you”


Sharon want with Patrick and when they entered the house, Patrick was still not happy but he didn’t know how to put the question across to her.

“Babes, say something, what is going on? Or you don’t want me again?” she thought maybe Paul has told Patrick about her pass life and he wants to dumb her. But she was always ready to hear those word. “What!! So you do woman’s” she has hard that word and expression over and over again, is no news that Sharon.

“I want to ask you something” Patrick began.

“Go ahead ask me anything”

“Do you love me?”

“Of course I love you”

“Do you really love me?”

“What is going on Patrick?”

“Ok, if for any reason will you go back to Paul?”

“Oh.. is that the problem?, Paul!, He can not be a problem to us”

“But am afraid”

“About what?”

“About you going back to Paul”

“Paul is history, so don’t you ever, ever worry yourself about him”

“You sure?”

“I give you my word, if Paul where to be the only man on earth, I better remain single”

“Really?” Patrick ask smiling like he just won the lottery.

“Yes sweet heart, I am yours and yours alone, except you said other wise”

“No, I love you so much, I wouldn’t say something that will hurt you” he hugged her and they lock in a kiss.

Christy want home to bring her stepmom to the city showing her all that she has acquired.

“Wow.. this is so beautiful, thank you my daughter” she was so happy because her two daughters are doing fine, Bridget is about getting married but Christy…. She turns to face her.

“What is happening?”

“Where mother?”

“You and Paul, don’t you still remember anything? Even though is just small thing about him and your daughter?”

“I tried mom, I tried, but is like the more I try, the more is becomes hard for me”

“Hmmm, this is strange, because I don’t think you can forget Paul just like that, or why don’t you start on a new slate with him? Maybe you can remember something”

“Mom just stop it, are you telling me that there is no man in the world except this Paul?, Why is everyone telling me about Paul this, Paul that, I need a breathing space with this Paul”

“I can’t give you are breathing space my child, because is this Paul that made you what ever you are today” Christy gave  her mom an angry look.

“Well, I didn’t mean that without him you can’t be who you are today, but Paul was a major contributor to where you are right now. And besides I want to go and see my granddaughter” Christy rolls her eyes and walk away.

“What is she talking about?” a friend of Christy in the fashion industry ask her just to know if Christy is hiding something from her.

“I don’t know, she’s an old woman you know, she is just saying things, maybe I have to take her to the hospital for check up”

“Please do” her friend said still looking at Christy’s stepmom.

Christy thought maybe is time to get a boyfriend and probably get married so they stop disturbing her about this particular Paul, after all there are handsome rich guys in the fashion industry that will give anything to be with her, she was just concentrating on her career, now that she is at the top of her career, is time to look the other way.

Christy keeps smiling with any guy that looks her way.

“Wow.., I thought this beauty does not like smiling, not to talk of waving at someone” Jack said smiling back at her from across his table”

“I need to get close” he got up from his table to Christy’s table”

“Oh my God!!, he’s coming to our table” her friend said, trying so hard to control her excitement, she has been eyeing this guy for a very long time, finally he is crossing over to them.

“Hey.. be still, you are going to make a fool of yourself” Christy told her.

He finally got to their table and was like “Hi gorgeous, do you mind if I sit with you?” the words has not finish from his mouth and “Yes, you may sit with me, I mean with us” she said looking at Christy who was so embarrass by her actions, she thought her friend is a no nonsense person but she surprised Christy today.  

“Ok, thank you” he said and sat down.

“So what is your name beautiful angel”

“My name is Patricia, but you can call me pat for short” she said without realizing the question was not for her.

“Ok pat, so what about you angel?”


“Wow.. such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, so do you care for a drink?”

“We already have our own drinks” Christy said.

“Yes, we will like it very much” pat said.

“Ok, then I will order for drinks” he got up and went for the drinks.

“What are you doing?” Christy foamed.

“What does it look like am doing, you can’t just tell him off ok, that guy is a big shot, we are very lucky to have him on our table”

“Are you for real?”

“Yes, and if you don’t want him then don’t spoil things for me”

Christy was dumbstruck because pat has always been like she don’t give a fu*k, but this?.....

“He’s coming, shut up” she told Christy and she shut her mouth up.

“Ok ladies, so your drinks are on their way to you shortly”

“Yea”, they both smile like they just loss their mind.

“So why have you been avoiding me” he ask Christy.

“Me? No! Why will I avoid you?, I’ve not seen you before so how is that even possible?”

“Are you serious?, And you have been in this industry for how many years?..

“Four years” Christy said.

“Yea four years, and you have not notice me while I’ve been running around to get to you”

Pat couldn’t believe this, she has been the one running around to get to him and here he just confess to Christy that he has been running around for her? “Unbelievable”

“In fact, I just have to leave this two alone” she got up to leave.

“Where are you going?” Christy ask pat.

“Using the restroom” she put on a fake smile and Christy understands.

“Please hurry and come back quick, we have to leave”

“Yea”, pat said still putting on that fake smile.

“Are you in a hurry to leave?” Jack ask not knowing what is going on.

“Yea, my friend I think she is not feeling well just now”

“Oh.. I hope nothing serious?”

“No, not serious at all, I have to go and see her”

“But what about the drinks”

“Just keep drinking, my friend is.. I…I need to take her to the hospital”

“Oh.. shit . Am sorry about that”

“Yea, thank you” Christy rushed out but find pat in their car.

“What’s the meaning of that?” she ask pat.

“Are you done?”

“Done with want?”

“Done flirting with him?”

“I thought you have some sense, I don’t know you are stupid” Christy said without thinking.

“Are you insulting me?”

“You insulted me first”

“Christy you dare insult me?”

“Look, I don’t know what you mean but I don’t have anything to do with that guy not to talk of me flirting with him”

“Take me to my house”

Christy took her to her front gate.