
Chapter 101 Caught him

“Do about what?”

“Where are we going to sleep this night?”

“We are going to sleep at the hotel where I work before as a cleaner” 

Bridget wanted to ask if that’s not Paul’s hotel but she didn’t want to anger her again.

“Ok at least we will see Paul there” she murmured.

Getting there they made their reservation before they start looking for an agent to get them where to live.

“You can go without me” Bridget told Christy, she wanted to go look for Paul to tell him that they are lounging in that hotel.

“I thought you are coming with me?”

“Yes, am supposed to but am not feeling ok just right now, just go the agent will know what to do”

“Ok, if you say so” she went out to look for agent while Bridget went to Paul’s office to see him.

“Oh my gosh!!!.... Sorry, I will just come back later” Bridget said rushing to close the door back. 

“Shit!... Bridget please come back, please” Paul rushed out after Bridget.

“Look, is not what you think, I was…I was… I mean am sorry you saw that” Paul begged without knowing what really to say.

“I can’t believe you Paul, I thought you loved her?”

“Yes I do, I love her so much” he almost go down on his knees.

“I can see how much you love her, look am out of here” she rush out of the place, Paul went back to take his car keys and rushed out but Bridget is gone.

“Where is she?” Paul search for her but couldn’t find her.

“Shit… am done for”  

Bridget got to their room and was so angry on behalf of Christ, “ Why will Paul do that to Christ? And who is that girl?, She looks like that Sharon girl, if is Sharon then I will personally make sure that Christy never go back to him”

Christy came back later in the day but met Bridget so angry.

“What happened?, When I left you where not this sad, is your sickness getting worst?”

“Am fine Christy, let’s leave here immediately”

But that is not going to be possible, the agent ask me to come back tomorrow to pay for the rent, so we have to stay here today then tomorrow we can move after paying for the rent.”

“Please be fast about it, I want to leave this place as soon as possible”

“Did something happen?”

“Just forget it” Christy raise an eyebrow and left her since she didn’t want to talk.

They left the hotel the next day but Paul keeps calling Bridget’s number without success.

Christy rent a space for her fashion business and start beautifying the place.

“Where did you get all this money from?” Bridget confront Christy because the money spend here is not small money.

“Is from my savings and the ones that Paul guy gave me”

“Are you serious?, So Paul has this kind of money that Christy could save this amount off him?, I don’t need to tell her anything, she has to get together with Paul, we can’t afford to loss him to another family.”

“What are you thinking?” Christy thought Bridget was acting a little strange this days.

“Nothing, am just happy for you, but I think I can be your marketer if you let me”

“Why not?, you can be my marketer, I will love it”

Bridget was over the roof, she has never been this happy before over a job, but she thinks she can do better in the fashion business marketing Christy brand and….. wait a minute, I could be her partner instead of a worker” she rush to inform Christy that she wants to be in partnership with her and not just a worker.

“How did you intend to do that since you don’t have money of your own?” 

“Well, I could make your company go global”


“You know what?, Just accept me first as your partner then I will tell you how this works”

“Ok, you are already my partner, so go ahead and tell me how you are going to achieve that, because am interested” she went and brought out one magazine.

“Look this is the kind of lifestyle I want, I want to be like her” she pointed at a fashionista  big shot, she is always at every magazine cover and making waves through the fashion world. 

“Are you sure you can get to this level?” Bridget ask Christy.

“No need asking, let’s just do it”

“Ok, am right on your side” Bridget smile at Christy loving her like never before. “This is the big sister I have been looking for. Let’s do this”

The next day they start putting things in order while Bridget keeps drafting the company mails and everything they need to take it online.

“Look, we will need a photographer, a professional photographer” Bridget said.

“What for?”

“We are building this brand round you Christy, you are going to be the face of chrisfashion”

“Is that the name you want to give it?” Christy ask.

“You don’t like it?”

“Let’s make it more matured” Christy suggested.

“So what name do you prefer?”

“Eniglams fashion”

“Hmmm, that’s a good one, ok, let me work on this one”


Bridget went on to register the company and to start preparing letter heads, I.D cards for workers, complementary cards, customer bags, etc.

“We are running out of money” Christy cry out to Bridget.

“But I thought Paul gave you enough money”

“Yes, but is finished, we need to manage what we have and start”

“We can’t just start like that, we still need money to sort materials”

“Yea, you are right, so what do we do now”

Bridget thought for a second.

“Don’t worry, I know what to do”

“No, you are not doing that, you can’t send me out to that guy again saying he is my husband.

      Besides I think I’ve pissed him off the other day, so don’t even think about it” Christy told Bridget because she was looking at her and smiling.

“Don’t worry, am not sending you to him, I will get the money”

“How will you get it?”

“Just watch and learn” she said and went out of the house.

“Whatever, just make sure you are not going to do anything bad” she yell at Bridget as she was leaving the house.

“Don’t worry, and thanks Christy I love you my big sis.”

“What’s wrong with her?” Christy murmured.

She enters Paul office keeping a straight face.

“Hello Bridget” Paul stood up, he was surprise to see her.

“Hi Paul” she greeted and sat down with her nose in the air.

“What can I get for you, drinks or food?” Paul ask and Bridget was like “What’s wrong with him? Is this a new hobby he formed after i caught him with that girl? When did he ever ask me that?” Mtcheeeew.

“Who is that girl?” She ask rather than answer Paul’s question.

“Oh, emm…..em…, are you sure you don’t want anything?”

“That is not an answer Paul”

“Ok, she is no one important”

“Really? And you were kissing her in your office”

“Am sorry you saw that ok, but is nothing serious”

“Hmmm, so I should tell Christy that?”

“No..no..no.. please don’t, I will tell her myself”

“Then pay me for my silence”

Paul’s face change from been anxious to angry.

“Why should I pay you?”

“Because we’ve run out of money”

“What are you talking about?”

“Ok, I came here the other day to tell you that we’ve move to the city and Christy wants to start her own fashion business but you were rather enjoying yourself so I left.”

“What!!, That’s good news” he said smiling from ear to ear.

“But we are out of money Paul”

“Did she send you here?”

“No, she didn’t even want me to mention it”

“Oh, thank you for coming to me, how much do you need?”

“Five hundred” she said almost in a whisper because she thought is too much for Paul but…. “No, I will give you one million” Bridget heard it but didn’t believe she heard the voice very well.

“What!!, One million?, no..no.., Christy must hear this, thank you Paul”

“Your welcome, anything for Christy” he added.

“Yea, your right”

“Where did you get that money from” Christy foamed thinking that Bridget has gone to that Paul again.

“Look, you said we are out of money, so I ask a friend to lend me  the money that we have to pay back and she did”

“Are you sure”

“Yes, we just have to make sure that we return it back in six months”

“That will not be a problem, six months is fair enough” Christy said and agreed to use the money.

Everything kick start and the customers starts trooping in to patronize them.

Bridget was the happiest, she never thought she could live this kind of life, she now wears designers clothes and bags, but one thing has surely change and that is Christy, she now hangs  around the topnotch and living life like one of the bigger queen in town, her face in every magazine cover.