
Episode three

Some minutes before Sun collapsed, in Ontario. Prince Cletus had reached the Earth portal with prince Alexander. Cletus had warned Alexander not to come back without his father. If after a month, he doesn't come back, he will join him on Earth. Alexander didn't want to go to Earth since he read that he would loose his myalo once on a strange land.

"Why don't you go to Earth yourself. At least, your father would know you truly love him." Alexander teased Cletus.

"Shut it there, you won't understand. My father had 3 wives. He wanted another one, which was the one your father also wanted. I was barely young then. After my father left, we lost connection with him. His myalo wasn't reachable. My step mothers left because they didn't bore any child for my father. I was left alone. My mother died when I was 17.I need my father back, now I'm 32". Cletus said.

"Hmm, okay" Alexander said pretending to not have heard him.

" Were you even listening to me?" Cletus asked.

"Do I have to?" Alexander replied.

" Push him in" Cletus grunted and commanded his guards to push Alexander through the portal.

Alexander went through and within a glimpse of an eye, he was on Earth. But he couldn't find the portal to go back to his world again.

Alexander was amazed with the type of buildings, cars and clothes people on Earth were wearing. He was lost in thought when he mistakenly hit a guy.

"Bro, watch your way, he looks lost" he mocked him and turn to leave.

Passer-by also mocked him as they pass....

" Wow, his bride must be missing"

" He looks so cold, how handsome"

" He must have lost his way to the ball"

" Who is this Greek god, how handsome"

Alexander didn't get what they were saying. He saw a house and entered. He never knew it was a club.

Immediately he entered, an attendant walked towards him, requesting for money.

" Your money please" the bar attendant requested.

" What's money?" Alexander asked.

The attendant looked confused.

"Don't you have a phone?" The attendant asked again.

" What's a phone?" Alexander asked.

" Where am I please?" Alexander added.

" In a club, it's okay. You look lost. You can have fun today. But no next time. The attendant told him and left.

Alexander nodded and left his sight. As he opened the door, the sound of loud disco music made him turn back. He tried to enter again. He finally got in and saw different girls in weird clothes dancing on a pole. They were almost naked, some weren't even wearing at all.

He sat on a couch looking strange. Some ladies wanted to get close to him. His handsome face was not clean because of the dusts from Ontario.

He noticed a man coming out from a room,he got there and entered too.

He knew it was a toilet. He got inside and sat down.

His thoughts flashed back to money and phone. He came out and was washing his hands. The toilet became empty, he stared at his reflection and saw how dirty he was.

He washed his face clean. His thoughts drove back to his father, mother and sister. He breathed heavily and calm down.

"I want money, phone and a fancy clothes,and I'm going to get it" Alexander said and left the toilet and went back to the couch he was sitting on.

Before he knew what was happening, several ladies came sitting beside him, carcassing his body.

" Hey ladies, how can I help you?" Alexander asked.

"Nothing, we want you" one of the lady who was fairly beautiful. Her hair was so long that it covered her breast. She was one of the strippers.

"Yes, you can have me, I'm all yours" another lady replied.

"Why you? Are you up to my class you bitch? You can't satisfy him a percent, but I'll give him my body and my soul" another stripper replied.

Alexander smirked as the girls argued among each other, as they argue,he noticed that he was dressing modern and he felt a hard thing in his pocket. He brought It out.

"What is this?" Alexander murmured and to himself.

"OMG, look girls,he has the latest phone" the first stripper said.

The other girls also admired the phone. Alexander was confused.

So this is how a phone looks like. He was starting to feel proud.

"Come on girls, take me to the room where I can have all of you" Alexander said standing up.

"Sure,this way". The girls followed behind as other gentlemen became envious of Alexander.




Sun tried to open her eyes but it seemed to heavy for her. She felt some cool breeze driving through her skin. She heard some people calling he name asking her something. But she couldn't listen to them.

She finally saw it was her parents. They were fanning her.

"What happened to me?" Sun asked as she found herself on the bed.

"Oh goodness she's awake, Sun I and your father have been worried sick" Lisa spoke softly.

"I'm sorry Mom, I can't clearly remember what was going on inside my mind, I felt a sharp..." Sun stopped talking.

"Sharp what? Tell us Sun. Do you need to go to the hospital" George asked.

"No, I'm fine. I need to finish my work in the kitchen" Sun said as she tried to stand up.

She felt dizzy and fell on the bed.

"Oh Sun, you need to rest. I'll take care of it. Now take this drug and go to sleep" Lisa said and Sun obeyed.

Sun slept immediately she took the pills.

Lisa and George left the room. They both went to. Arrange the kitchen together. They discussed about Sun's health all night.




Next morning.....

"Hey bitches" Gold greeted her friends as she catwalked into the room.

"Hey" they all chorused. But their attention was on the phone.

Gold and her four friends are all strippers at XXX club. They all left their parent house to be free to do what they want to do.They bought an apartment when they got paid on their first Job.

"Hello,can any one notice my presence" Gold snapped at them trying to get their attention.

They all slowly put their phone down.

"Thank you, now gist me. How was yesterday?" Gold asked as she brought out a stick of cigarette from her bag with a lighter.

"As usual, we got paid and that's it" one of Gold's friend, Ariana replied.

"That's it? Isn't there anything else that happened yesterday?" Gold asked as she puffed some smoke into the air.

"There was actually" Bella said smiling.

"Good, now let me hear it" Gold spoke as she lean her back on the couch to listen to Bella.

"We slept with guy yesterday, he was the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my whole life" said Bella.

"Really, is he hotter than Josh?" Gold asked.

"Of course,he is ten times hotter. I wish I could meet him again" Bella said hugging the couch's pillow tight.

"Hmm, I see.i have an appointment with Josh. See you guys in the evening" Gold said as she threw her cigarette butt on the table and left.


"Bella, I knew from day one that you never had sense" Nora barked at Bella immediately Gold left.

"What's the insult for?" Bella asked.

" You know that every guy we slept with, Gold takes them away. Trust me if I loose this one, you will regret the day you became a bitch" Nora left the other girls and went out of the house.

"She has a point though, look I'm sorry girls. I didn't think of it" Bella spoke with sadness in her voice.

"It's okay,you had no idea about it" Valerie replied.

"You just need to apologise to Nora, she's the one that's affected" Ariana said.

The rest of the girls nodded.




Sun woke up that morning feeling much better. It was as if she never feel sick. She remembered how worried her parents were yesterday.

She went to the sitting room and found her parents preparing for work.

"Hey Mom,hey Dad" Sun greeted walking close to them to give them a hug.

"Oh my goodness, hope you are now better" Lisa asked worriedly.

"I'm fine mom, trust me" Sun replied.

" That's my daughter, she took over from me" George said.

They all burst into laughter.

"I'll be late for work Sun, if you can't go to work, just stay at home. Okay?" Lisa said patting Sun's head.

"Yes Mom" Sun said as she bid her parents bye and locked the door.

Sun stepped into the bathroom and took a long shower. The coldness of the water made her feel more alive. She stood in front of the mirror and watched her body.

"Am I gaining weight or loosing? I think I'm loosing." Sun murmured.

She thought of what Gold told her last night.

"Do I really need a boyfriend?" Sun asked herself.

" No you don't"

She heard someone replied her. Like a man's voice.

"Who is that? Show yourself now" Sun said with her shaky voice.

"It's me " the strange voice spoke again.

Sun stood confused and scared.

"Please, just talk. I feel you are inside of me. Just come out and stop scaring me. Who are you?" Sun asked again looking round her room.

"I am your myalo"