

In depth of winter,I finally learned that within me there lay invincible summer

PrincessMalepe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Three weeks holiday

After long weeks of writing it's finally time to rest now. The three long weeks of being at home just begun.So today since it's my first day of being home what can I do?Hope asked herself. She wonders if their siblings will visit them this time .While she was asking herself questions ,mama called her name shouting ."I wonder why she's shouting this is not the kind of peace I expected",Hope said in her mind.She quickly rushed to her as she answered,"Am coming mommy ".While she was rushing downstairs she slipped and fell. Her mother was so scared and she jumped to come and assit her to get up. She felt so special while she touched her with her magic hands.

As you all know there is no special kind of love like mothers love.Hope told her mother, "am fine mama it's just a litte incident ".Hope asks,"Is everything okay mommy"? She saw her unhappy face. "My baby things are tough,everything is falling apart and your dad is no longer able to provide for the family,we got unsettled debts and your maintaince fee needs to get paid",she said .Hope hugged her,"don't worry mommy the lord will provide things will get back to normal". Her mother looked at her and told her how special she is and how she always makes her feel better.Her mother said she's such a blessing.

Being at home was starting to bore Hope and the situation at her home not changing made things worse.She knew she had to do something to assit her parents.Doing the same thing daily was boring ,waking up ,cleaning ,bathing,stay at home,watching tv and going to bed later was actually irritating her now.She needed to do something that will lighten up her mood. She needed to secure the bag and assit where she could.There is nothing she can do at the moment but she had to come up with a plan that will provide for her family and make mommy proud of her.

Sge had to do something during the holidays but what could she do? She came up with an idea of looking for a job .She did job hunting ,tried job interviews but they only needed people with higher certificates and shr had none.Even though she wasn't lucky enough to get the job, shenever gave up

She kept on trying and praying. After some time she finally decided to try out job hunting locally,decided to try her luck at the shop nearby. Shecwent there and asked for a job .Luckily they didn't need any certificates or qualifications. All the needed it was just someone who can count and clean , So Hope decided to take the job. She had no choice because the bills were not gonna pay themselves .She took the job even though the money was not enough but it could keep them going and pay the bills.

The shop owner told her that he will pay her after three weeks.Since she wasn't gonna work there permanently. They both agreed that she will receive her payment after three weeks.She was now a shop cleaner and assistant.Shr was gonna work there till the day schools reopened.Thanked the shop owner for this opportunity she was so grateful. Sge went back home.

When she get home she couldn't wait to prank her mother. Her arriving home .Her mother asks ,"any luck with the job hunting"?Hope facial expression was of a sad person and dissapointed person. Hope answers her,"No luck I didn't get the job ".As she walked past her dragging her feet."Don't worry my baby it's not like you never tried et least ,you tried and failed but you never failed to try am proud of you."she said. Hope shouting I GOT THE JOB MOMMY ! Mom proudly replys,"am so proud of you Hope my daughter,I knew you will make me proud ".

We all know that being at home is boring.Especially if you are not working or schooling.Parents will be expecting you to do something with our lives.Hope wasn't forced to work but she just felt like she had to stand up and do something instead of lazing around without doing anything.She was excited because this time around she stood up for myself and did something during her free time. She never thought she would work one day ,at a young age and be able to receive her own first hard earned money.All this felt like a dream.What made her proud of herself is the fact that she never dated blessers to give her money and all the spoils you could ever think of .In exchange of sleeping with her and impregnate her then later get rejected or denied or even worse get infections like HIV.

Trust me with God everything is possible all we need to need is just to kneel down and pray .