

In depth of winter,I finally learned that within me there lay invincible summer

PrincessMalepe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The lonely girl

Hope is the lonely girl she's sitting alone outside during break time ,this is what she says in her mind:

As usual am always lonely,I've always been the lonely girl that no one wants to interact with .Hope has got no one she's always lonely. She's sitting here all alone.In her thoughts,"I wish this could change, wish I had someone to interact with" .

While Hope was sitting alone, a gang of boys came to her .She's used to this,getting emotionally hurt,harassed,bullied, called ugly and all the insults you could ever think of .She cries out for help but no one listen to her voice .

The boys came to her with the intentions of hurting her.One of them grabbed her by hair and slapped her.She wanted to report this to her class teacher but she thought no one could ever believe her .The boy continued.She screams, "can somebody please help me!"No one helped her learners from her school passed by , looking at her as if she's some wild animal ,some laughed at her and no one offered to help her. What can she say this is high school life, she guess. It really hurts to be alone without friends or even your own family to fight for you. This is the kind of life she's used to even boys in her neighbourhood do not take her serious.

There's no any guy who had ever showed interest in her.All the see in her is a lonely unsecured girl. Hope is no longer confident in herself ,she even hate herself .When it comes to her appearance shes the most unsecured person ever.They say before you can expect love from someone you must start by loving your self first. "I don't blame them am not attractive by the way and will never be attractive like other girls",Hope said.

Damn she's been here on the dusty pavement for almost 15 minutes.Her mates wandering around watching her as if she's lost.She's even embarrassed to stand up and clean herself up. What made her feel more embarrassed it's the fact that she didn't try to protect herself . Does she have any other choice?

She's supposed to stand up and clean herself.that's what she said in her mind. She finally decided to stand up so she whipped out the dust on her skirt and school shirt using a cloth, she was so dirty."Is this the kind of life I wanna live here at this highschool? Did I come here to learn or to be treated like trash"? She asked herself.I just turned myself into a laughing stock. While she was busy asking herself all these senseless questions someone came to her.

It was Ann Marshall, the school most feared bully came to her with her group of friends and told her how useless she was.Ann took her lunchbox and spilled her lunch out on the pavement then broke her lunchbox.She then said,"I enjoy making your life difficult,you being sad and your tears makes me feel strong and more feared."I own this school and no one can tell me what to do.Let's move you morons",she said to her friends as she walked as a warrior.

The truth is no one can ever touch Ann Marshall,she's untouchable,everyone at school respects and fears her.Even our very own teacher's treat her like a Queen only because her father is one of the biggest sponsors at our school. He's a such respectable man.Since his father is the highest sponsor,Ann use's this for her own advantage. This is the reason why Ann keeps on bullying us without getting punished or expelled

There's this guy who once tried to report her but no one took him serious.This school lacks justice ,in the code of conduct they wrote all learners deserve the right to learn ,No learner has rights to bully other's,If so they shall face punishments or get expelled.In english they say, " you must practise what you preach .In this school they just preach without practice ". Hope wished to leave this school maybe she will find peace at other schools.This was the most hectic day ever of her life,It was worse than the other days she spent on this highschool .Hope was so embarrassed.

The bell rang now it's time for us to go back to our classes. Hope was hungry and tired.She managed to attend the first period after break without any problems.Now it was time for the second period,during the second period she accidentally slept in class while the teacher was busy teaching. When did the teacher arrive on her desk?She even didn't notice her but she was already here.She asked,"Hope what is your problem?Why are sleeping in class?Hope wanted to tell her what happened but she was scared because she knew if she told her she was gonna go home crying. She was scared of those who bullied her.Hope replies,"No am fine Miss everything is fine,it's just a mistake .The teacher asked Hope to come to her office after school.

Now it was after school She went to see the teacher when she arrived there she just offered her a mop to go and clean the toilets.She became more heart broken because she never thought she was gonna punish her .Hope cleaned the toilets after when she was done she told miss Ferguson that she's done.Miss Ferguson told her that she must never ever sleep in class and told her to go home.It was now 17h00.It was late the transport all ready has left herbehind .Hope had to walk home and it was very far.She had to walk the long distance,tired,dirty and hungry.

At home-------------

Finally she arrived home. Her mother asked her what happend because she looked so untidy ."mom I need you to transfer me to a better school",Hope said to her without answering her question. Her mother told that she can't afford to transfer her to a new school besides mid year examinations are about to begin .After her dissapointing reply ,Hope just passed and went to her room. Jumping on her and took a nap. She had to wake up after some time so that she could eat and bath .While she was laying on her bed,she started thinking about what happened .She judged herself for letting people underestimate her instead of standing up for herself. She thought about what Ann said to during the break time,"You are useless " She cried alone. They say crying makes you feel better,so that's what Hope excatly did,because crying is part of the healing process.She came to think that she's used to this anywhere,No one values her.

This pain won't go away,She's been crying for almost six months now without getting help.She lost weight.When she first came to this high school she was about 90Kg but right now she lost 20kg . The say we should be open about what bother us but Hope chose to keep quite.She even did not notice that she's getting depressed.She tried to commit suicide to end this pain.She thought the world will be a better place without her