

In depth of winter,I finally learned that within me there lay invincible summer

PrincessMalepe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Kissing my work goodbye

This is my final day of working here.Am very happy and sad at the same time.What makes me happy is that I will be getting paid and what makes me sad is that I will never get to see that stranger again and I will be having to face those monster's back there at school. It's true when the say you reap what sow,l mean I can't wait to spend my hard earned money.I can't wait to spoil myself,buy nice things for myself and even assit my mom where I can.I think I will make my mom proud.Let me get back to work .Can't wait for the knock off time

It's time to knock off and go back home.I will be having to Iron my school uniform and prepare to go back to school .I hope I won't get bullied this term.I think things will be different now. Am really tired of being bullied,laughed and being embarrassed. I hope I will be able to stand up for myself .I was tired of being a victim.I wanted things to change. But how am I gonna change the situation?What will I do because I got no one to stand up for me?I had to come up with a plan .

"What kind of plan"?I asked my self.While I was busy thinking of the plan that's when my little sister knocked on my room. "Dinner is ready"she said.I quickly stepped down on my bed and rushed to the kitchen. "You love being alone",she said.I answered with a smile. I then offered to help my mom with setting up the table .While setting up the table my mind was not there.The question is what was I thinking?Where was mind ? Well I was busy thinking about the plan of defeating the bullies .That's when I broke my mom's favourite plate .She yelled at me "What is wrong with you?Where is your mind "? I didn't answer her because we are taught of not to talk back at elders.

I've lost my appetite but I can't just leave the table and go back to my room,that would be rude and disrespectful. I just sat down and pretended to be eat.The truth is I couldn't wait to leave the kitchen .I had to wait for the whole family to eat so I can wash the dishes. While eating my father asked if are we prepared to go back to school .My sister quickly answered,"Yes dad we can't wait to go back to school ". "Who is we"?I asked. That's when dad asked me if I wasn't happy about the school reopening.I just said it was just a mistake,I didn't mean that am not excited about the schools reopening.

Finally they now finished eating,I washed the dishes and while I was about to put the plates in the kitchen unit.I saw the knife in the drawer.Will the knife be the solution to my problem?I then hid the knife in my pocket and went back to my room.Arriving in my room,I put the knife in my schoolbag.I now had confidence in me.I will be able to defeat the bullies .I then thought about what our bus driver advised me .Tommorow will be a long day I will teach them the worst unforgettable lesson.They will never try to bully another person.I will be their last victim.

It's already 21h30 let me pray and ask for forgiveness about the sin am about to commit tommorow. Finally I will live my life peaceful without getting bullied or living with fear.I then kneel down and start to pray. After 10 minutes of praying .I then switched of the light and slept.