

What happens when someone wants you beyond the point of obsession? What happens when someone desires you beyond the point of insanity? What happens when you are desired by the prince of hell? A heart pounding tale of a simple girl, Alexandria Smith who is desired by a rich, handsome yet ruthless man, who can go to any extent to have her. Alexandria has no other option but to work as a maid for the cold-hearted CEO, and slowly they fell in love. What will happen when she finds out the truth about her past life and who he actually is. Will she despise him? Or accept him? And face the consequences for falling in love with the prince of hell. It's a forbidden love story between a Demon and an Angel.

EllaBlue · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 9 Think about it

"Good morning, master," She smiled when she noticed him descend from the grand staircase and came to stand in front of her.

His hair was a bit messy but he still looked breathtaking as always.

He ran his fingers through his hair, "What time is it?"

''Nine o'clock. Master."

Sigh, He was late.

He went back to his room to take a shower and got dressed.

Alexa helped him to knot his tie and buttoned his shirt which surprised him.

It seems she was in a good mood this morning.

"Master, breakfast is ready."

He checked the time on his watch. "It's too late, I'll go now."

"Wait....take it with you.'' She handed him a small flask.


Why was she suddenly acting like his wife?


"Exander!!!! Exander!!!!"

Alexa who was in the kitchen heard a loud voice coming from the living room and went there to check what was going on.

"Where is Exander?!!"

"He is not back yet, miss." Said the butler who bowed to the lady.

Who was this gorgeous lady?

"Ugh!! Shut up old man!!"

"Miss. Mr Exander isn't back yet. And who are you?" Said Alexa who didn't like the way the lady spoke to the butler.

Her gaze shifted to the girl in a maid's uniform who dared to speak to her in such a way.

She walked up to her, staring down at her even though they were in the same height.

Alexa looked at the expensive dress and shoes the lady wore. It made her wonder how much they cost?

"What a brave girl you are. Do you know who you are talking to?" She glared down at her.

"No I don't." She answered.

"Good. Now go get me a glass of water." She ordered but the girl just stood there.

"What are you waiting for?!! Get me a glass of water."

"I'm sorry miss, but I can't."

Not a single person had dared to disobey her. Who the hell does this idiot think she is?

"What did you say?!"

"I am sorry, but..." She couldn't complete her sentence because a slap landed across her face, throwing her head to one side.

This woman looked dainty but she was really strong. She grabbed her cheek and felt the taste of blood in her mouth.

"How dare you disobey me?!" She spoke in a harsh tone.

Oliver the butler who stood there in shock prayed that his master would be back as soon as possible. Who knows what this crazy woman would do?

"You bitch!!! How dare you disobey me?!! I am Exander Quinn's future wife. The mistress of this house."

Alexa's eyes widened in shock .M...mistress? She was Mr. Exander's fiance?

"I am sorry miss, but I am to answer only to my master....."

The lady raised her hand again and Alexa immediately closed her eyes waiting for another slap to land on her cheek but that didn't happen.

She slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see her master who held the crazy woman's hand.

"What do you think you are doing. Blair?" he asked before letting go of her hand.

"Oh Exander. Thank God you are back." She offered him a sweet smile.

"What are you both doing here? Go back to work."

Oliver sighed in relief and Akrxa nodded before they both went back to work.

"Exander it seems your maid doesn't know her place." She said as he kept a stern face. "You should have let me punish her."

"I believe she is my business. What are you doing here?"

"Can't I visit my fiance?" She placed her hand on his chest

before Exander grabbed her wrist.

"Listen Blair, we've spoken about this before. Just leave."

He was about to walk out when she grabbed his arm. "Don't forget I'm the only one who can help you. Forget about everything and let's move on."

"That is enough now Blair, please leave before I do something I'll regret."

Blair gritted her teeth and nodded "I am leaving. Think about it carefully, Exander. I'm the only one who knows about the curse, I can help you just agree to it."