
Chapter 1

It was a D-day for a young youth , Anita Omivie a young graduate from a prestigious university somewhere far away from her home town. She was dressed in an official dress code and in her hands were the documents needed for the interview. She crossed a busy road and head to a gigantic, Luxurious skycraper. She when remembered she woke up to a call from the administrative officer, she had her bath and skipped breakfast to be punctual for the interview. She entered the building where she met Ms Olivia, the receptionist of the organisation. She was in her late teens and was dressed lively in a colourful casual dress. She gave her the direction to the administration office in which she followed. She stopped at a huge door with a name written on it, under the name was ' ADMINISTRATION OFFICE ' written. She entered the office to find herself in a mix of a crowd who where also there for the interview. Some were on their feet while other were seated waiting patiently to be called.


"Miss Omivie , can you come in for your interview?" a thick masculine voice said from an inner room. She rushed quickly and had silent prayer in her heart for success. The office was a well furnished, comfortable and impressive room with a cabinet alongside a dustbin at a corner in the room. A desk positioned at the centre of the room filled with heavy paper works. She pulled a chair toward herself and balance her weight on it. A short plum man about the age of forty sat opposite her with his hands crossed

"You must be Anita Omivie. We received your letter of employment two weeks ago and you were asked to come here for the interview today." she nodded in coefficient of yes.

"May I see your resume?" she hand over to him a black file which contained the resume. He glanced at it with a surprised look. He raised his glance from the paper an immediately employed her. She stand up to leave without collecting back her resume.

"Miss , here is your resume." she collected it from him and left the office in joy. She finally got a job to take care of her family an herself


she picked her phone from her bag an answer it immediately without knowing who the caller was.

"Hi babe , how are you? I am waiting for you outside." The joy in her heart left as she heard the voice of Jack Limpton , her boyfriend. They had an argument last night and she was still sulking over it. Jack stood outside leaning against his car , waiting for her. Anita pretended she didn't saw him and went to the opposite direction from where he stood. He held her wrist before she could walk away.

"Babe , why are you doing this to me? You know I am the one to get the job and gave you support when you had no job. You promised me you will never leave me." Anita was angry when he came late last night but waited patiently for him finish talking.

"Why were you drunk last night? You can't force me to love a kind of person like you." she said and waited for him to respond but he was short of words. She walked away and decided to trek home even though the distance was far. She stopped at a grocery store to get some food stuffs. A young a man in his early twenties walked in with strong-serious looking bodyguard. They followed him everywhere and also carried his shopping bags for him. She was impressed by his physical statue and his looks were that of a male model. His jet-black flowed along with the wind and with every step he took , his amber eyes gazed at the grocery on the shelfs.No one was allowed in or out of the store. After he had left , she concentrated on what she was buying. When she was done shopping, she stood on the pavement waiting for a taxi

A car slowed down the minute it passed by her, she looked at the driver frowning with her head boiling out of anger. In the car was Jack holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. She was hopless that she will find a taxi. She allowed Jack to give her a ride home. A smile escaped his lip as he saw her entering his car.

"Are you still upset?" he asked as he was driving.

"How do you get me employed?" she said , ignoring his question.

"My brother is the CEO while the other is the president LO." LO is the abbreviation of Limpton

organisation. He held the steering with his right hand while he placed the other hand on her palm.

"I was at work. I promise to make it up with you." Jack drove to a hotel and Anita was shocked when they approached it.

"Why do you take me here?" She said while blushing slightly and also trying to avoid his gaze.

"I want to make love with you all night."He said boldly. Anita didn't want to say no to him either follow him.

"Another day" she replied still blushing. He helped her get down from the car and she quickly left him alone without saying 'Goodnight

or Goodbye.' A faint smile was painted on his face as he looked at her walking away from him , have I not done enough for her to let me have her body? He entered the car and drove away slowly.


Anita entered her room , slamming the door behind her. It was a simple dorm a girl her age would want, a big sized bed at the center of the room and furniture at every corner all in variety of pink. She sat down at the edge of her bed, trying to recall what happened last night.


<In one of Jack's house>

Anita was sitting opposite a TV , watching a live program. She checked the clock on the wall.

"Past twelve" she mumbled repeatedly while pacing the living room. What could he be doing so late in the night? was he robbed or kidnapp?, but he has bodyguard and even cops are following him almost everywhere. She went to the window and check out to see if Jack's car was around but it was not. Her heart began to beat fast scared if he won't return home. Tears rolled down from her eyes as she sat on the sofa, did he get lost? She was lost in thought when she heard footsteps approaching. She stood up and saw Jack standing in front of the door, her heart left for joy.

"Jack" she said and ran to him and hug him tightly. Jack stood unmoved, although he was drunk, he still compose himself. Anita looked at his face and could perceive alcohol from his breath.

"Jack what's wrong with you? are you okay?" Jack walked passed her and went into his bedroom. She immediately followed him. She moved closer to him in his room and he pushed her away.

"Stau away from me, you are all the same, you are all cheaters." He said in his drunken state. Anita was shocked and angry, why would he get himself drunk? He staggered to his bed. Anita tried to cover him with a blanket but he pushed her harder this time.

"Don't touch me Stephanie, you smell of cheat."

"Stephanie" she mumbled.

"You think I will let you marry my brother after you broke up with me."

She left the room for him to sleep, who is Stephanie? is he cheating on me with her? who is his brother? She shook the thought of her head and sat on the sofa.


James, her brother entered the room only to find his sister sobbing on her bed, did she not get employed or she was not qualified? He moved towards her.

"Did you get employed?" he said, chosing his words carefully not to make her situation worsen.

"Yes" she answered as she wiped of the tears at the corner of her eyes. James sat next to her trying to comfort his only sister.

"Don't tell me is Jack that did this to you." He said as he was patting her head.

"I don't know what Jack sees in other women that I don't have." she said as more tears fell from the corner of her eyes. He held his fist in anger, he knew it was her rich boyfriend that caused her pain yet she will not leave him.

"You know how mom will feel if she ever saw you like" James said, trying to console her.

Anita quickly wiped her tears by his statement, she doesn't want to bother the old woman with her stupid feelings. Her mom entered the room immediately Jamea spoke. She was happy to see the good brother to sister relationship.

"How was your interview?" Mrs Omivie, Anita's mom asked

"Fine, I am employed now".They were so happy for her, at least there was someone who will assist with their financial problems. Their mom left to check on the food she was cooking.

"I have a girlfriend." James blurted out as soon as their mother left.

"on an app meant for adult" Anita chuckled silently inorder not to show the little happiness left in her.

"And what makes you think you are an adult?" she asked in a childish way which only created a frown on her brother's face, who was expecting a positive reply. He left his room feeling embarrassed by her reply. She stood up to change to a red dress before going downstairs to have dinner. She met James stuffing his mouth with piece of meat and chewing on it loudly. She pulled chair towards herself and sat on it. Mrs Omivie observed her daughters behaviour closely and noticed how quite she was than usual. Before she could asked for the sudden mood swing, knocks were heard on the door. James stood up and opened door to find Jack holding a bouquet of flowers. He step aside for him to enter and join them for dinner. She avoided his gaze and didn't spoke to him even after she finished her meal.

"When will you going to be engaged?" it echoed all over the room, there was silence for some moments. Anita rushed to her room, ignoring the question.

"As soon as she agrees" Jack said to assure her mom how their relationship has grown to. He left immediately he had finished his meal leaving Mrs Omivie and her son discussing about their relationship.