
In love with the Devil

Zariel!! Anywhere that name is heard, chaos was sure to follow. What happens when Jasmine was sold to a prince who is rumored to be the devil reciprocal?? ******** "Dad, I don't wanna get married" I screamed "It's not about you, it's for the kingdom" my father replied ******* "Your Highness..." "You can call me Zariel when we are alone" he cut her off Stupified, I forgot what I wanted to say and got lost in his eyes ********* "Your Highness, about the wedding consummation, I am not ready" There was a minute of silence before I heard him say "it's okay" and a relieved smile found it's way to my face but before it could settle finish he completed his statement "I can just spend the night with one of my mistress" "WHAT!!!!!!!!"

Moe_Lia · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning ( Vol 1 )

All my life, I have always been told to let nature take it course, and this nature in question is my ever dearest father.

  How pathetic!! A princess who doesn't have a say in her life and is always forced to do the bidding of her father.

Today, which is supposed to be the happiest day of every lady is the saddest day of my life. 'Why??' because I was forced to let nature take it's course again. I can remember like it all happened yesterday...

"No! Father, I don't want to get married"

"It's not about what you want, it's for the kingdom"

"Mother... please help me"

But as you know once a greedy man, always a greedy man. My father won't hesitate even if he has to sell his one and only daughter out to a mysterious prince rumored to be the 'devil reciprocal' or better still the 'Prince Of Darkness'

"You look beautiful in your dress m'lady" Olivia, my personal maid complimented me providing her most charming smile though fear and worry was evident in her eyes, I said nothing.

I had to be strong, I couldn't cry because I didn't want to ruin my makeup, I only gave her a pained smile. She took my hands in hers and said "everything is going to be fine" and I replied "yeah" even though I know nothing is gonna be fine. I am getting married to someone the whole kingdom is terrified of, someone I know nothing about and she is telling me everything is gonna be fine?? "What a joke!!" I thought

"It's time" a court lady came in to inform me

I begged Olivia to escort me to the ball room which she happily obliged to

      On my way to the ball room, I met one of my father's trusted men having a conversation with another royalty...'he is probably here for the wedding ceremony ' I thought

' can't father marry me off to him instead??' I thought

But it is too late to wish for that since am getting married already so I bowed to them and continue walking

Reaching the entrance of the courtroom, I hugged Olivia one last time.

"You shouldn't be hugging a servant m'lady, it's against the law" she said it who cares?? She is the only person I have ever been open up to without being scared of the consequences and now am leaving for good, it breaks my heart.

"I have never seen u as a servant Olivia but Instead as a friend " I said before releasing her from the tight hug. I breathed in accepting my faith as it is before stepping into the courtroom...

2. The Beginning (2)

Stepping into the courtroom, all eyes were on me which made me very uncomfortable cause usually at weddings the guest ought to be happy for the bride but in this case, they were all pitying me. I could hear spiteful whispers coming from them but I decided to put on a strong face.

' who exactly is this prince am getting married to whom everyone shivers at the mention of his name?'

Finally, I was almost close to where my parents are, while everyone including my mom was shedding silent tears from me, my father face was full of smiles

' what a greedy man' I thought

Obviously he is the only one happy with this wedding, smiling and accepting fake praises from other royals. Getting to where they were, I bowed to my father and gave my mother a reassuring smile before sitting beside her.

I had to sit for about an hour before the groom could appear. The dancers danced so we'll and I couldn't help but let go of all my anxiety but immediately it was announced that the groom is about to make his appearance, I became so nervous I could hear my hear my heart beating in my ears, not ready to see him, I quickly faced down and I could hear the guest gasping.

' is he worse than what I expected ' I asked myself

Curious, I looked up to check and my eyes immediately widen in shock

' he couldn't be the groom!!'

He was the same man from earlier, the one who my father surbodinate was having a conversation with. He really couldn't be the groom! Right??

The guest stared at him supreised as well and began to whisper hysterically into each other's ear. I rubbed my eyes to make sure this isn't a joke. Just like me, they must have also been expecting someone with black horn, fangs, long sharp nails, red eyes, serpent like tongue to enter the room and not some talk, elegant looking man. He must be the god of perfection!!

Not at least was he bothered by whispers or stares, he walked majestically towards my father, taking each step with full confidence.

" Your majesty", he said, bowing slightly

I dropped my jaws and so did the guests. ' what effontery!'

No one bowed slightly to the king. This handsome man was truly fearless and being disrespectful even to the father of the lady he is getting married to. I already got a bad feeling about him. He was daring with his actions.

He must have noticed people reactions; it was so obvious, but he didn't seem to care. My father on the other hand didn't react. He just gestured towards me.

As I saw him turn to me, I looked down quickly then heard the clicking sound of his footsteps as he neared me , sitting on the other end of the table facing me.

He didn't utter a single word, not even a compliment.

' wasn't I dressed up so he could compliment me?'

That's it!! That's my life now, movi g from frying pan to fire. From a home like prison to my husband who doesn't even seem to acknowledge me. He could have at least told me his name.

I don't think my father ever made mention of his name not like I even gave him the chance to do so. I had fought, cried and threw tantrums the day he said I was getting married.

" Today I gather us to celebrate my daughter's wedding to the Prince of Milla" father spoke once everyone was seated. He raised his golden wine cup.

" Let the ceremony begin, and enjoy yourself "

People clapped while dancers and musicians walked in to entertain the guests. People seemed to enjoy themselves. I of course couldn't see since I was supposed to keep my gaze down, because 'that's what a lady is supposed to do'. Well then, I hate being a lady.

3. The Beginning (3)

Soon it was time for the tea ceremony. I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, everyone attention were directly on me. The guest would sit and enjoy their tea while I would have to entertain them. I started playing the piano. Soon my nervousness disappeared. I loved playing the piano and loved the sound of it.

Closing my eyes, I let the sound take me far away, to a peaceful place. Now and then, I would hear people praising me through my haze, and they all applauded me when I was done.

Opening my eyes, I found him staring directly at me. He wasn't applauding, but there was a hint of smile on his face...

Short note.....

Hey guys! It's your author Lia again.

Please my lovely readers try commenting after reading and u can make suggestions

Love you all!!!

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