
In Love with the Bully

All Ariana wanted was to enjoy her last year in Highschool but she knew that wasn't going to be possible when the delectable handsome Brandon came in one morning as a new student. Brandon liked Ariana but he tried to snuff the feeling out but at the end, he found himself falling in love with her.

Osaze_Iyokho · Teen
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134 Chs

Chapter 22

So far so good, Arianna had been enjoying her conversation with the Jeffersons. The Jeffersons children were so funny and down to earth. Not one moment had she felt awkward and left out of the conversation. Asides this, Mr and Mrs Jefferson were also fans of the boy band, the same people Arianna and Emily went to for their concert.

"Oh, you attended the concert?", Mr Jefferson said.

"Yes sir, I did. I'm a really huge fan", Arianna said.

"That's awesome. Me too", Austin said.

Austin was the Jeffersons second son and an elder brother to the twin girls who were only right years old. He had salt and pepper hair, just like his father and when he smiled, he had a cute dimple at the side of his face.

"I've been a loyal fan since I got to know them. Wait till you meet my friend, Emily, she's a die hard fan", Arianna laughed.

"The boy band just have a way of infecting you with their good vibes", Austin said.