
Chapter 41

Christopher emerged from the door with his personal assistant Jack beside him, Jane couldn't help but notice him, he looked way more handsome than he was in those pictures she has seen that day, he looked so hot, like a demi god, his tall and masculine body came out perfectly well even though he was in a suit

Jane wondered how he must look like without his clothes on, she licked her lips unknowingly at the thought, he was emitting a very cold and dark aura but she wasn't even a bit scared instead she feels more drawn to him, how strange she thought

Jane couldn't see his face very well, he was a bit far from her, and all of a sudden their eyes locked, she suddenly felt heat spread all over her body, she has never felt that way before, no one made her feel that way, Christopher's gaze didn't linger much on her, he shifted his gaze to something, she subconsciously followed his gaze

that's when she became aware of her environment, everyone was downstairs they must have come to welcome him back home, how come nobody called her, she thought

she felt someone eyes were on her, she looked up and saw it was Estella telling her to move closer, she obliged and went to stand near Estella

she couldn't help but take a look at Chris's face, she looked at him she stared for a while she was trying to get a clear description of his face and their eyes locked once more, she quickly looked away in embarrassment, she didn't want him catching her staring and besides he had such an intimidating look

"son this is Jane the maid we hired for you, she's such a good and competent girl,she won't cause you any troubles" Maria was the one who spoke

he didn't say anything he just muttered some words she couldn't hear, and she was sure nobody did, Estella poked her back signalling for her to move forward, she moved forward a bit, "good evening Sir, am Jane" Jane greeted, never in her life have she feels so intimidated by someone, not even by those scary men at the club, who the hell was this man, she thought

Christopher didn't say anything he just nodded, he then turned to Jack "you won't be needing to take care of my things then, she will do them" he said authoritatively

I didn't realize what he meant until Jack appeared in front of me with some bags and luggages "the rest are in the car, I will bring them" Jack said and left

"oh okay thanks" Jane took the bags and headed for Christopher's room, she carefully arranged them, she repeated the routine like four times before she finished arranging almost everything

she took his tie and laid them on the bed, she wanted to sort them out before putting them in the wardrobe, she felt a bit dizzy, then she remembered that she has not eaten anything since morning, today has been super busy, she looked at the time it was already 8pm good thing she had already called home

she felt her leg weak and she could fall any moment, but she had to finish her work and she still had to help serve dinner, Estella and the girls were already setting the table, she knelt down instead of giving up

she started to sort the ties, a deep wave of slumber flushes thorough her eyes, she tried to keep her eyes open but she couldn't hold up for long, she soon surrendered to the slumber and went to sleep, after all she was so tired and hungry

the food was served, everyone was seated at the table, the mood was so high, everyone was so happy to be around, Christopher ate his food quietly without taking to anyone, but his eyes were sweeping back and forth ' where the hell is that maid of his, he doesn't know why, she feels familiar to him, he had taken a liking to her, she seems coordinated, and she won't be causing him any trouble just like his mother had said, but she was nowhere to be found

maybe she had gone home, he thought

Maria saw how cold and distant her son still was, the five years abroad doesn't seem to have done much good except that he was more powerful and wealthy and of course his appearance had changed, but he was no longer the sweet and caring boy he used to be

her face fell as she thought about it, Williams saw how worried his wife looked, he patted her back and gave her a reassuring look

about thirty minutes later dinner was over, they wasn't much of eating but rather talking, and chatting, they would have been much laughter too but Chris's look wasn't giving anybody so much opportunity to do so

"I will be heading back to my room I need to rest, I had such a long flight, please excuse me" Chris said

"of course son, you can go ahead, I will see you in the morning" Williams replied him

Maria wanted to protest but Williams gave her a disapproving look, she could only nod

"just make sure you don't oversleep, cause if not I might have to wake you up myself and am sure you know what that means" Grace said and winked at her brother

"you haven't changed have you?" Christopher couldn't help but smile as he spoke

"I can never change" Grace said half smiling

"alright then you try it and see what I will do to you" Christopher said and stood to up

"goodnight Mom, goodnight Dad, goodnight everyone" Christopher said and made his way upstairs

everyone said their goodnight except Maria, she was really worried for her boy

"mom what is it, you look so sad" grace was the one who spoke

" how can I feel happy can't you see the way your brother was behaving, he barely smiled, he didn't even give me a goodnight kiss like he would have done" Maria pouted her mouth almost crying

"come on mom, just give him time, he just got back, he will come around" grace replied

"time, isn't that why we sent him abroad, is five years not enough for him to come around" Maria wouldn't drop the topic so easily

"come on honey please calm down, we still don't know what happened that night, we can talk to him tomorrow when he's more relaxed" Williams urged her

"alright" she finally agreed