

Heather's POV

Those eyes...

There are something she has never seen before. Her heart beat become even worse.....she was terrified!

He looked so fierce and scary...he didn't look like the calm guy she saw the first time...

She panicked as she stood up immediately and started running out of the bushes...as tears fell from her eyes..... she was shaking, shivering out of fear .

She kept running until she reached home and busted the door open... her dad was on the couch obviously waiting for her

"Angel what happened ?"he said immediately as he saw her in that condition but she ignored him and ran straight upstairs but he followed her...

"Heather!" He called out but I couldn't even stop to look at him. I just went in and slammed the door-locking it.

I crawled to my bed because I was breathless...I was gasping for air. I was shaking..my mind wasn't in the right state.

Oh Lord please help me..I muttered as I laid on my bed

"Heather please open up"my dad said.

I stayed still on my bed. I cant tell him any of this....I dont want him to get worried

"Am fine dad I just need to be alone "I said calmly

"Your sure?" He asked

"Yes"I answered and went still on my bed again..

In no time I was calm my heart beat became normal...

I sat up on my bed and sighed

Atleast am alive.... I said to my self

I got into my night wear and scurried to snuggle on my comfortable pillow and get some sleep

What I encountered today was the most horrific thing ever...

I laid on my bed and tried sleeping but those eyes-his eyes keeps popping into my head at intervals....

I just cant get them off my mind...I groaned as I sat up... I tapped my forehead repeatedly. Time was going. It was already midnight. I need sleep and am not getting it...

"Urrrgh"I groaned

"Please get off my mind"I muttered frailly as I held the tip if my cloth ..

He saved me" I thought.

He did save me"

"Steve..."I said lightly so thin it could be almost impossible to hear

And just as if I had summoned a god, he materialised in front of me with a little fog surrounding him and in a few seconds it disappeared.

I sat still and stared at him.

"You called me"he said

He was back to normal . I was silent as I kept staring.... I wanted to be sure I wasn't dreaming..

YES I wasn't in the dream land it is all reality! I was speechless.

"You were almost killed today I hope your aware of that"he stated blankly

"I know"I said as I lowered my head

"A simple thank you would have been enough"he said

"I was scared ok?"I said

"Thanks"I said and he gave a small smile

"I should go"he said as he turned his back at me to leave. He was about leaving when I said what I cant believe I said

"No please dont go stay please "



Cough cough😁

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@Lazy writes✍🏻