
Zain's Voice

      Grace took Claire to her cot and lay her gently.

  "You look happy than you were before"

   Grace said, striking up a conversation with Susan.

  "Thank you Grace."

Susan said simply and turned her face away.

  "Why is she thanking me? I made a statement and she is saying thank you"

  Grace was confused as hell. All she wanted was to keep a conversation with Susan to  keep her mind off whatever that is bothering her. Is not just a nurse to look at your physical health but mentally health too.

   "Ma'am, I will run a bath and help you then Dr Emmanuel would come in later to check you and say something about what kind of food I will be giving you"

  Hearing Dr Emmanuel's name sickened her stomach. There was nothing she could do anyway.

  She turned and smiled at Grace, gave her approval to go run her bath for her by nodding her head.

  Grave left and that moment, the door opened to reveal Dr Emmanuel in his pajamas. It is obvious he slept at the hospital because there were a series of emergencies last night.  

  He was not up to work but decided to check on Susan. He could not really stop thinking about her after knowing she is the mother of his first child.

  He had a wild imagination of making Susan his because he is convinced that Zain doesn't love Susan enough because Zain is still in love with his ex, Jenny. He knows all that. 

   Cheating with his friend's wife, he had never for a day been remorseful. His anger was that Owen was sleeping with her too and he left her after finding out but now with the turn of events, his anger dissolved and he made up his mind to take Susan in if eventually Zain found out and left her which he knows there is a wide possibility.

   With who Owen is, Zain will surely find out and if Owen did not tell Zain because of his involvement, he would help Susan tell Zain because he can't imagine having his child being given to another man.

  He lazily walked towards Susan while rubbing his eyes, obviously rubbing off sleep from his eyes.

   At that moment he looked like a teenage boy waking from sleep not by choice but by force. Everyone has that side while once in a blue moon he or she looks vulnerable.

  Susan sighed and turned her face to Claire's cot.

   "Morning Susan"

Susan said nothing. He walked to Claire's cot and smiled down at her,

  "How are you sunshine?"

The look on his face frightened Susan. The love in his eyes when he looks at the baby says a lot. A man like Dr Emmanuel might not be someone who would let others have his things and that's a big problem for Susan.

  "What if he starts calming Claire?"

She asked herself fearfully,

'That means Zain will definitely find out. Oh God what have I gotten myself into?"

   Cold shiver runs down her spine as she feels him touch her face. Her mind wasn't there and by the moving of his lips, he was saying something which she can't hear because she is really not in the room with him.

  Her mind feels so empty that she can't comprehend anything except fear which is fastly driving her insane.

  She start to breath fast and fear gripped Dr Emmanuel. He rushed Susan and started shaking her. He realizes that she is having a panic attack and presses the bell above her head. He did not come in with his stethoscope.

  He came unprepared so alerting the other doctors was the only thing that came to his mind.

  The next second, the room were filled with doctors and nurses and Grace rushing out of the bathroom too. Grace did not understand what's going on until she saw Susan's bed being surrounded.

  Shs rushed to Claire's cot and pushed it away before someone who trip on it.

   Susan had haze sounds around her as she drifted from reality to the other side. She did not understand what the fuss was all about, the images surrounding her slowly turned blurry and moving in circles.

    She could sense the panic in their voices and searched for one voice which she hoped to hear before she blacked out, Zain's voice.