
Vivian's New Boyfriend

   She looked at David, "Life is worth celebrating?"

He raised his eyebrows then laughed lightly.

"You need to start getting out of your shell, Vivian. You always seem to worry too much and to me it is not healthy"

He said with a serious expression.

"You don't have to sound like this every time"

"Well maybe I' am trying to lighten the mood, after all I am not dead yet so I might as well drink to life"

"I guess you're right...I will try being less worried about stuff"

They stayed silent for a while, eating and drinking.

   When they finished, David helped Vivian clean everything up and had everything stuck into the paper bags.

   "Lunch was beautiful, you know why?"

David asked, looking directly into Vivian's blue eyes. They were both sitting facing each other.

She didn't answer his question; rather, she tried looking down but David did not let her. 

   "It was beautiful because I ate it with you. I kind of fallen in love with you, Vivian. Can you give me the chance to date you?"

Vivian swallowed hard then finally looked down.

  "I really don't have anything to offer. In case if you have not noticed, I am not classy or porschy."

  Her voice was down laced with anger and sadness.

  "Who cares about that. I just want you, you is enough for me. I might have behaved like a jerk towards you but I was just trying to get you to noticed me. Just give me a chance, that's all I ask"

His voice was gentle and pleading. His hands held onto her shoulder and squeezed tight as a way of reassuring her.

   She couldn't deny that he is handsome and that he made her feel like she was special in ways that no one else could. But she is just another poor ass b*tch that doesn't measure up to anyone, can he handled her?

  Her eyes met his then and she couldn't help but look away for a second but she forced herself to meet his gaze again.


She said quietly and smiled shyly.


He exclaimed happy and kissed her cheek quickly then hugged her tightly

"Thank you Vivian, you would not regret giving me a chance. I love you"

   Vivian blushed a deep red and pushed him off

"Okay, I should be on my way now. I will be back later"

Vivian nodded and watch him leave.

   David, on his way out ran into Alice who had a basket with her. Alive was surprised to see him with an empty bottle of wine and two paper bags, which means one thing to her, he brought lunch to Vivian.

  She did not feel so good about it but pretended in order not to give the wrong impression.

  "I see you went to see Vivian"

David smiled," Yeah and I had to force her to eat. What's in the basket?"

  "oh! I see. A lunch for her. I checked on her when I returned from work and the state I met her was not a sight to behold and I had to quickly go prepare something for her. I bet she would use it as dinner."

 Alice said and David nodded,

"Thank you so much. I better be going"

After he walked off sight, Alice opened the door and walked in.

  Seeing Vivian looking brighter and happy warmed her heart, " I see you have gained more colors. What is the the secret"

  Alice asked sitting down and dropping the basket as well.

  "What do you got in there. It smells so heavenly"

Vivian said instead. She totally ignored the question Alice asked. Alice wasn't going to have it with her.

  "Don't dare change the topic. What happened to the miserable Vivian I left a while a go?"

  Vivian sighed when it was obvious Alice was not letting go.

  "David brought lunch"

She replied simply.


Alice asked further. She was not satisfied with the answer Vivian gave her because she knew there was more to that.

  "And after we ate and drank, he asked me to be his girlfriend."

Vivian stated and Alice smiled broadly.

"Wow! really, that's great. And did you say yes?"

Alice asked excitedly. Vivian nodded with a smile.

"Yeah. It's not that he asked me to be his girlfriend. He just said I should allow him date me. I am not sure if they are the same thing"

she answered.

"Oh I guess you will find out soon enough, and that's wonderful!"

She said happily and hugged Vivian." I am happy for you. It means when I am not around, I have in mind that some guy is taking good care of you. I trust him to do that because he seems like a gentle man."

"Yes, I know right" Vivian hugged Alice back then pulled away.

"Thanks Alice"

"You don't need to thank me. This is what we do for ourselves. Since you have had lunch, you could eat this as dinner"

Alice said and pointed to the basket"

Vivian smiled and hugged her once more," I appreciate the help, thanks again"

"Anytime girlie. Just be happy always"

  Alice told her then broke the hug and started walking out,"come and see me to the door"

  Vivian followed her to see her to the door.

   After bidding Alice goodbye, she shut the door and went inside looking better than she was about thirty minutes earlier.

 "Looks who got a boyfriend"

She thought smiling as she walked to her room.