
Tasha And Girls Relationship

   For Tasha to have the nerves to tell me her she feels about me even when she knows my stance about girls and girls relationship. It means it has gotten up to her neck and she can't deny it anymore. That's the last thing I will ever do, involving myself in a romantic relationship with a lady. I don't understand how they do it, maybe it's because I have not experience something like that but if you ever ask me, I will tell you that boys are the best, opposite sex relationship is the ultimate.

   After I ended the call with her, I continued staring at my screen as if I was expecting another call. Lo and behold Moris called me and it was bad timing for me because I didn't have the urge to talk to him and him calling at this moment means one thing; video call and when I say video call, you should understand what I mean.

  I grumpily picked the call and wished that it would end as soon as I picked it. I just hope for something to happen and a video call with him will not happen tonight because suddenly I am not ready for s******** video chat.

 "Hello sugar pine"

He said seductively, I sighed because I know what he wants whenever he uses that tune.

   "Hi Pine Pine"

I said in the same tune as him. 

   "I miss you so damn much. I wished you did not go, my dick has been erected since you left and no one to ease me off."

   I huffed inside me. It's all about sex for Moris.

"Are you there?"

He asked after some time.

  "Yeah, I am. Just that my sister was at the door and really wants me to do something for her"

I said apologetically. I heard him hissed and that got me annoyed but I chose to play cool.

  "I am really sorry darling. You know women and pregnancy. I promise I will get back to you when I am done attending to her alright sugar"

I said sweetly. I have to lie to him to free me.

  "Dammit Jenny. when I thought I was definitely going to get time with you, now it has to be your sister. Is this how we are going to do this?"

He asked frustratedly.

   "I promise to make it up to you"

I pleaded with him and he sighed.

"Ok I'm holding you onto that be fast and get back here"

He muttered. He has no choice but to accept

"Okay bunny"

  I said and hung up the call. 

The phone rang again and I swear that I nearly smashed it. I had to hold myself when I remembered that if I smash it I would have to stay without phone for a while which I don't think I will be able to do. Having no phone, naw..

   I checked the caller and it was Susan. I was like how can I be in the same house with her and  she will be calling me or did she dial the wrong number?. I purposely ignored it to see if she will call again and guess what, she did and I had to pick the call.

   "Jenny,please can you get me a bottle of water and bay leaf"

She requested. I was on the verge of asking her what she is going to do with a bay then remember that pregnancy makes you crave for The impossible. And even if I had asked her, she wouldn't have answered me anyway.

"I will do that right away sis"

I said and the call went off.

  I stood up and went out of the room in search of a bay leaf and a bottle of water. I could literally find a bottle of water but what about the bay leaf? I just arrived today in her house and she had entrusted me to know where she keep most of her things.

   I got the bottled water but getting the bay leaf is something I was finding hard. Going to ask her will mean she giving me one of those her glares and I am not ready to receive any now or she could possibly tell me to use the door like she always. What a sister I have?.

  At last I found the bay leaf after searching for roughly five minutes and took it up to her. I knocked and she invited me in. Zain was not in the room and I guessed he is in the shower because I heard it running.

  "Thanks little sister. I don't think I will be needing you for the rest of the evening and the night. Zain and Owen can handle themselves tonight."

She said and looked up at me.

"So I am literally saying goodnight to you. Please close the door behind you"

She dismissed me as usual. I should better get used to this side of her telling someone off. At first I thought it to be rude but then I realise that it's  actually her way of saying I am done with you, you can take your leave now.

   I smiled at her.

"Goodnight sis, sleep well"

I wished her and walked out. The moment I closed the door, I heard the bathroom door opening and I did not want imagine what it is.

   On my way to my room, I met Owen. He was going to the kitchen. When he saw me he said,

  "You look like someone who is going off to bed already?"

He asked and I looked at myself. I was not putting up nighties. Where did he get the idea.

  "Is it written on my forehead?"

I asked confused.

  "Nothing is written on your forehead. I am just assuming"

He said and shook his head then walked into the kitchen.

  My sister and Owen sure have ways to tell you things. They can never talk to you directly, they like cutting through corners.

   I turned and headed to my room. This might be the last time I would be seen outside my room today.