
Not The Only Person

Jenny's point of view…


   I jumped almost crashing into the bathtub if not for Zain's strong arm wrapped around me.

   "Are you okay, what's scaring you"

I swallowed trying not to show my nervousness.

  "Em..I .. fine, what are you doing here?"

Zain chuckled at my flustered and embarrassed state. 

   "I don't know, I guess when I woke up and did not see you in bed with me, it came to me that you might be in the bathroom and here you are. You took your bath without me?"

I flushed feeling my face heat up a little more.

"Well yeah.. sorry about that. I just did not want to disturb your sleep."

I explained.

  He hummed softly. He looked like he didn't believe me. His arms were still wrapped around my waist.


He said and slowly brought his face to mine and before I could understand what is going on, he has kissed me fully on the lips then let go off my waist.

  "Go dress up, I was just take my bath and join you in the room"

He said pushing me out of the bathroom.

  I nodded and closed the bathroom door then sighed.

  But my state of relief soon vanished as I remembered what had been running through my mind while in the bathroom. 


I half yelled and almost immediately, a knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?"

I asked and Tasha's voice came through,

"Jenny, you have a visitor"

"What!" I shouted confused.

"Are you okay in there?"

She asked and opened the door.

I tried composing myself but it was too late.

 "I am fine"

I lied, she did not believe because she gave me a look of " I don't believe you"

I shook my head

"It really doesn't matter now"

I added.

The look of concern in her face changed into a mischievous smile.

"Good luck with your visitor! I hope it goes well"

And with that she made to leave but I stopped her.

"Tasha, can you help me dispose him. I really don't want to see him"

She spun around and regarded me for a while,

"Why, it's no big deal. Zain should come to realize that he is not the only person in your life. There are people who will treat you better than him"

She said, laughing with her eyes. I felt she was not talking about Lucas but herself."

"I seems to have a lot of things to deal with" I muttered under my breath.

    "And besides, I  told him I was going to call you so there is no way I will go back there and tell him something else. Just go out dear and entertain your visitor.`` 

   She replied with a wink. She walked away leaving me alone in my room.

  I sighed. Here I was thinking she would help me. How can I forget that Tasha isn't the same anymore. Her obsession for me is turning her into what she is not. Heaven should help both of us.

  I quickly dressed up in one of Zain's big shirts and one of his shorts. My clothes are not yet in his room and I am not sure I will be taking them into his room yet.

  After putting my hair down, I walked out of the room to meet Lucas.

    He was on his phone, looking handsome as ever. I felt nervous. I really did not know what to say or how to approach him and the worst still, Lizzy was sitting right there opposite him, stealing a secret glances at him.

I bit my lips and adjusted the collar of my shirt as I walked into the living room.

  "Hi Lucas"

   He looked up and smiled at me. I never expected what he did next. He hugged me so tight and after a few seconds, he released me then stared at my face with his hands caressing my chins,

"Are you okay? You looked like you have been crying?"

I felt tongue tied, I could not answer him.

  "Talk to me, is there something wrong with you? I was supposed to spend time with you yesterday but I never got that chance and now I am here, it looks like you don't want me to be here and, again, you are not looking bright to me."

He was worried about me and I could see it.

  "Nothing is wrong really. You don't have to worry about me, please"

He did not believe me and I could not even blame him, who would? When you can easily sense that I am not okay.

   Lizzy cleared her throat and I returned back to my senses then started pulling away from Lucas.

 He was not ready to let me go so he held my hands. I felt him still and when I looked up at him, he was staring at my ring with an unfathomable expression.

"oh no!"