
Claire And Noah

"Are you?"

He asked in a mocking way and Claire was surprised by the fact that it came out as an accusation.

"Am I what?"

"Over what you feel for me?"

Noah questioned her.  He was enjoying having her squirm.

 Claire just stared at him blankly not knowing how to answer.  She has always been confident and strong. There is never anything that she wasn't confident about except this.

Not wanting to lose this fight against her, Noah stepped forward making himself closer to Claire. Their noses were just barely touching as they stared at each other in the eyes.

His eyes had a hint of anger in them but mostly sadness.  "Tell me Claire, how can you be over me and you are here?" 

He asked slightly, tilting his head with a small smirk and yet another glare came from his eyes.

Claire tried her best to avoid eye contact.

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Why is it so difficult to say what she wants to say?

When she finally looked back at him, he gave her a small smile, happy that he got through to her.

 "So you are insinuating that because I am here, I have not gotten over my feelings for you huh?"

  "Then if it is not what it is, why are you here then?"

Noah asked in a challenging tone.

  A small smile appeared on Claire's face," I guess I am here to see your face after you were suspended because of me. Like I said before, you deserved what you got"

 Her tone was neutral, making Noah  gulp involuntarily. He was mad at himself for being like this. His words were hurting Claire and she is doing all she can to hide it which prompts her to take cover under this nonchalant attitude she is displaying right now.

Claire saw how Noah flinched at her words and she took satisfaction from that.

Noah wanted to argue more against her and yet he couldn't because  he knew that she was right. 

  "Sorry I bothered you, someone like you deserve no sympathy"

She finally added and brushed past him. She exited the main entrance without looking back. Noah watched her go and when he could not see her anymore, the facade he had on dropped and he headed back upstairs sulking.

  Madame Cassidy, who saw all that happened now realizes that Noah has been suspended because of this girl that visited and again there more she is seeing between them. She just has to stand by the corner and watch how far these two will go. She sighed and left to continue what she was doing before it clearly arrived.

Tasha's point of view....

    I kept tapping on my phone for so long.  I have been sitting here at the fancy conference hall in one of the city hotels for longer than expected. My lunch meeting with the Zidat Corporation is being held here. In fact, we are supposed to be done by now but I can't even see the representatives. I just can't wait to leave the stupid conference hall. It's been one hour and I am tired.  Catherine was bored and tired as well, it was written all over her.

  "Are you sure they will come?"

Catherine asked with boredom laced through her voice.

"Sure they will come"

I mumbled, frowning. I squeeze my face which made Catherine laugh at loud.

  "That pretty face of yours looks funny right now"

I glared at her and she stopped laughing or rather, stopped trying to laugh.

    I don't know why rich people have the tendency of inconveniencing others. I have a meeting hall , yet they chose a location for the meeting by themselves. It could be what Zain can do, I am sure he knows I am the one that's why he is frustrating me today by keeping me waiting. Wait until I see him here, I will give him my piece of mind.

  My waiting continued and when I thought I wasn't interested anymore, I heard footsteps. I turned towards the entrance to see a man in a red tuxedo and this black Italian leather shoe. Another man was walking behind him, he seemed like one of his men, you know rich people and escorts walked hand in hand.

  He had an apologetica smile on his face and as he approached, I wiped my eyes twice to know if Zain had changed or if it was another person. The resemblance is striking but I doubt if this is Zain. I could not wait to find out.