
Breaking Up With Zain 2

   I struggled to pull away from him but he held me tight and kissed out all his frustration. When I could not hold my tears and hurt anymore, I let go of the bottle of whiskey and it shattered on the floor. He pulled away immediately and stared straight into my eyes.

 "Are you okay?"

Was all he could ask. I looked at him stunned. Like is he being serious right now?.

  "Zain, I am done!"

I whispered quietly and he sharply looked up at me.

"What do you mean by that?"

He asked with fears in his eyes. He might have seen this coming. What kind of a guy is he?

  Your girlfriend cheated on you and all you do is ask if she is okay.

   "I meant I am breaking up with you"

My heart contrasted the moment the words left my mouth.

  He shook his head in disbelief"you can't do that,Jenny"

"I am doing that now, Zain"

I muttered, pulled away from him and turned my back on him. I felt his hands on my shoulders,"I am sorry , Jenny. I did not know my actions hurt you that much. You know I love you very much and I will make it up to you, just tell me what I have to do but don't leave me."

He pleaded brokenly. 

  I wiped my tears furiously"if only he knew what was at stake, he would just let me go without asking me to stay back in the relationship.

   "You love him right? Then you are doing the right thing. Get this over with him and leave before Harrison butches your kids"

   My subconscious mind stated and my expression turned cold, I turned back to face him"Do you think after what you did, I was going to accept you back? You ditched me for my sister, got married to her and after two years, you decide that you don't love her again. That it's me you want. You think I was not going to pay you back? You must be shallow minded to think I am this forgiving. If you know what you made me go through this two and half year, you would not stand here and utter nonsense"

  He let got of his hands on my shoulders and stepped backwards"

"I literally made my way into your heart then boom, I shattered it, the way you did mine. I hope you enjoyed the tape, that's how much pain I want you to be for leaving me"

I gritted my teeth and huffed," you are speechless. You were not expecting this from me. I know right, you thought that after running and coming back to me I will accept you with open arms. I took my time to plan my revenge and I am happy at the result I am getting. If you ever fall in love again, which I doubt you will, you will be careful with the lady's heart."

I paused and took a deep breath," I am done with you Zain, done with the relationship and everything that has to do with you"

I added the last one bitterly and threw the ring to his feet. He looked from my face to his feet and slowly bent down to pick the ring. I was more than heartbroken seeing him not fighting back. He had given up on me easily. Who would not?

   I ams sorry I said those hurtful words to him but I want him to think I never forgave him so that he would not try to get back to me

  My mission was done, it was left for me to leave him for life.

  " I am so sorry, Zain but I have to do this, if one day you find the truth, I hope you will forgive me"

I cried in my heart.

   I walked to the closet and started packing my things. Zain stood rooted at a spot the whole time. When I was done, I picked my phone up on his bed stand and slid a picture of him off his shelf. I am not sure he saw me doing that but who cares if he did,with one glance at him, I left his room.

    I know my things are still in the other room but I don't have time to get them so I am leaving them for him. He can help me burn them.

   I dragged my suitcase out of the building but I did not leave right away. I stood for a while to absorb the last feeling of being here into my system. There is no doubt I am going to miss Zain and here too.

  It is what it is, my life with Zain is over. I hope for the grace to start afresh with just Michael, Mitchell and I.

   I finally dragged my suitcase to my ill-gotten car, settled in and brought the engine to life but before then I sent Harrison a text which I believe he will receive by now.

  With my seatbelt safely on my side, I drove off Zain's residence with a heavy heart. 

I can't possibly drive home because I have not gotten my driving license yet, I will find away to get home because that's where I need to be right now, in the arms of the woman who loves me.

  "Goodbye, Zain.