
A Spoilt Brat

Jenny's point of view….

I felt like slapping him when he pushed me into his car. Though he did it gently, it was not nice at all. Pushing a lady is not an ideal thing and for that I wanted to give him my piece of mind then I remembered he is looking for what will make me say something to him. I am sure my silent treatment has been tailing on him.

  I got settled and ignored him totally after telling myself of how I will deal with him if he tries that with me again.

    I felt suffocated and doing anything to take my mind off Zain was worth my time so I called Moris and the dude had to allow me to call him twice before he was able to pick. If he had not pick, I could have continued calling him.

   "Hey boo! you didn't even call to check on me. Is that how a good boyfriend should do?"

I said while I eyed Zain. He clutched his hand on the starring which means he is pissed off.

   "Sorry darling, I got busy but I was gonna call you anyway. How is Reben Castle and your sister?"

Moris asked bored, more like I was boring him with my call. I didn't care anyway. I will do anything to make Zain feel his loss.

"Reben Castle is fine and my sis is cool. I can't wait to have time tonight, you know how we roll right?"

I deliberately said the last part.

   "I know right. I can't wait. My d*ck has refused to sleep since and it all because of you. Just do and call me alright"

"I definitely will. I am on my way home with Brother Zain, he took me to the mall to shop for the house. When I am done cooking, I will call you,we will take at length"

  I told him and he hung up without saying anything.

  "I love you baby"

I said out loud, pretending I was still talking with Moris.

  I took the phone out of my ear and grinned when I saw that Zain was boiling in anger. It was a sight to watch, I did not even let him know that I saw him.

   "Jenny, I don't know if you understand that you are in my house. I'm not going to let you mess yourself up in my house. If you want to turn rotten, wait until you go back to your mom. I don't want a situation whereby it has to be that you came to my house and you returned a spoilt brat"

   He said annoyed. I laughed in my mind. I am already rotten and he has to be blamed for it. I am this way today because of him so he should mind himself and don't remind me of what I am trying to forget.

   "Did you not hear me talk to you?"

He said after I did not say anything to what he said the first time. What is he expecting me to say to him? That I have heard him or that I am not rotten already.

   I still did not reply to him.

He pulled up by the roadside a moment later and got down from his side. I was wondering why he did that not until he pulled my door open and got inside. I was still trying to understand what was going on when he crashed his lips on mine.

   All my hair stood up and landed him a hot slap. He pulled away instantly and stared at me. I was expecting him to be angry at me for slapping him rather, his anger softened. He scratched his neck then looked away from me.

  "I am sorry for doing that. I didn't mean to"

He apologized then went out of the car. He stood outside the car while I was still trying to understand what happened and how the hell I allowed him to kiss me. I felt my mouth then spat out whatever saliva of his that he might have left in my mouth.

  I felt irritated and what I had in mind was how to get a mouthwash to wash off his taste on my mouth, if possible I need a tongue scraper too.

Zain's point of few…..

   "Holy shit!"

    I kept muttering to myself. How in the world did I not control myself? How will I not do so when all she has been doing is to spite me. She knew how I would react, yet she made that call and when I talked to her about it, she blessed me with silence and that alone pissed me off. Who the hell does she think she is to ignore me when I talk to her.

  I know I was being angry unnecessarily because this lady here is my ex and she is free to date whoever she wants to date. But the problem here is, my mind has refused to acknowledge that fact. I can't ignore her as far as she is within my reach and I don't know how long I will keep up. I was beginning to think that her coming would be a mistake after all.

   Having stayed outside for some time, I got in and drove off without saying anything.

   I was still feeling the impact of the slap on my cheek. She is lucky she is not Susan. Susan can't even try it with me, she knows me in and out so her madness is not up to that level. 

   I know one thing for sure, when you love someone you can endure the trash he or she does. I don't love Susan to that extent of enduring things from her. Sometimes I feel she is the reason I lost Jenny.

   If she had not come in the picture, I would have ended up with Jenny but it's not entirely her fault, I was blinded by her beauty that I forget that Jenny has a pass mark too when it comes to ladies who are beautiful. Love is not about the physical qualities, it goes beyond that. You need someone who will endure your craziness and that person for me is Jenny.