
Chapter 3 In Heat...

When i told him i had to save him he faint so what i did is i run to the guard on the front gate of the school and i said"sir can you help me my friend got beaten up by 3 mens?" And the guard said "sure!where is he?" Then i lead the way...

When we were at the place i told the guard to put him in his back and go to the nurse,Axel in deep injured his face all full of blood and scars on his face...i was worried about him...

At the nurse i told everything that happen and they said they are sorry i said "no need to be sorry,its not your fault,its those sketchy a$$e$ mens!" And they said "never wanna know some other men can be bishes!" The nurse said that and we all laugh and the guard said i must get going by girls! And i said "bye sir"when he woke up we both knew it was all ready night so we had to go home but this part is very awkward...

When we got home i knew i was in heat it means a thing that your gonna feel like you want a s£xual thing...i said "this still should be in next 4 weeks!" Then i suddenly said "A-Axel s-senpai... h-help me..." he knew i was in heat so he help me so yeah it happen...

-the end of chapter 3 in heat...