
the arrival

(the sound of a running car and the splash of water is heard)

The villagers then around to see who it is , everyone saw the little boy that was all wet ,but they didn't care,they wanted to see who drove the luxury car to their community.

A young handsome looking man opened the door of the car ,all the young girls feel in love immediately ,the elders of the village heard that there was a stranger in their village ,they sent for him immediately .

When he got there ,the elders where surprised to see the son of a millionaire in their village ,no one new he was a millionaire except the elders.

He told the elders that his parents sent him on an errand ,that if he is able to complete what they sent him he would be worthy of the property. The elders became worried and asked him which errand his parents sent him . He told them his parents said he should take care of everything that was needed in the village ,he told the elders he would be staying for a year.

He didn't Know that that was not the real errand ,his parents wanted him to find love because he was growing old ,he was 27 lasst year this year he will be 28.

The elders agreed to the plan , because they were already gathering money to repair spoilt things in the village ,so they saw it as a help from the gods ,they were so excited. The oldest elder spoke , my son do as your father told you , because you can't disobey him . All the elders agreed to it and that was it.

When the millionaire son left ,the elders jubilated , they plan on using it do drink palm wine , the elders sent a servant to show the young man his new room . When he got to the room he was so surprised to see how small it is . He was so angry , so he told the servant to tell the elders that the room was too small to accommodate his things .

Few minutes later the servant came back to tell him that the elders said his father said that he should stay in the room ,he was so furious that he almost slapped the servant ,then he realized that if he spoil the plan his father made it was over ,so he quickly apologised .

He returned some of his things back to his house in town with the help of the servant . Some of the girls that were admiring him came to help him out,they helped him arrange the room,amaka one of the girls told him that she will help him to fetch water everyday.

The rest girls understood what amaka was trying to do , so they all volunteer to help him with something everyday ,amaka help him to fill all his can that evening ,why Naomi helped him arrange his clothes in the small wardrobe,Amarachi helped him cooked that evening ,he was so surprised .

Later in the evening the little boy came ,he told the young man that he used his luxury car to pour water on him ,he apologized to the boy ,the girls that helped him out where about to go home ,so amaka called him ,my love I'm going home see you tomorrow ,he corrected her saying his name was not my love that his name was Leon ,she apologized so he could see she was a nice girl suitable for him.

It was around 6 when the girls left ,so he prayed for the food and he hate , around 7 he took his bath and called his mom ,he told his mom everything that happened meanwhile his mom was happy that at least he'll see a wife to marry. She told his dad about it and he joined her to celebrate.

He came online on WhatsApp and posted on his status saying "this life is not balance ". He told his friends about the girls he say he will dash the girls to them ,his friends said he should use them and dump them but he's not that type of guy.

Around 12 in the night he woke up for prayers , beside the mosquito didn't let him sleep ,it was an opportunity to kill the mosquito , when he finished praying he used broom to kill the mosquito. Then hewent online he couldn't sleep ,all of a sudden he became hungry so he decided to eat ,he ate to his satisfaction ,he was thinking about how he would tell the girls to stop working for him ,that he could do it I'm self.

Around 2 he decided to sleep , the his alarm rang ,so he woke up to check his time it was 4 o clock. So he took the broom to sweep the house he swept the compound , he watched the plate and cooked his food , around 5 he fetched water to fill a his cans ,he watched his room and clothes.

Around 6 he heard a knock on his door ,he didn't answer ,he dressed his bed and arranged his pillow ,he ironed his clothes with chargeable iron . Around 6 30 ,he brush his teeth and took his bath. He got dressed and ate his food.

Around 7 the girls came ,they wanted to help him but he used the opportunity to tell them he didn't need their help ,they were a surprised ,he told them he was used to helping himself ,they were all afraid that their plan of becoming his future wife was beginning to crash .

He told them not to be angry that it was not something to be angry about, suddenly amaka spoke Bro Leon im not angry , beside I can show you round the village , no there's no prob I don't need your help I'll be going to work soon .

She became furious but didn't show it out the rest girls laughed at her secretly ,the the servant came to show him round the village .

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