
You Mean...

Jonah offered Eden hand sanitizer before squirting some on his own hands and rubbing them together so they could eat. He sighed contentedly after taking a bite of the sandwich she made for him, which was a relief. At least the sandwiches tasted good. 

She took a few bites of hers before switching over to eating grapes for a while. She forced herself to hold off on eating any cookies until she was done with the healthier parts of her lunch. 

Light filtered in through the trees so shadows danced slightly on the ground. The sounds of birds, squirrels, and a few other passing hikers were the only things she could hear. 

The setting was perfectly peaceful but Eden was uneasy. Jonah still hadn't said anything and they were nearly to the halfway point of this trail. What was he waiting for? Now was the perfect opportunity!

"Did you make these?" he asked, gesturing to the half-eaten cookie he was holding. 

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