

He's not just handsome He's not just cute His every lady's dream, Ladies just wish to just have a one night stand with him, most ladies are head over heels for him that if they manage to have him they will cherish that memory a lot,but the problem is that he's rarely seen. Who are we talking about? Is no other person than the CEO of Walter's company. Alexander Walter, popularly known as Xander,son of a well known billionaire (Mr Donald Walter) who is among the top richest men in Las Vegas. He owns a lot of companies all over the country(Mr Donald Walter). Alexander is just a 23 years old guy with cute blue eyes and a tempting lips. He has a best friend who is the opposite of him, Michael doesn't give a damn about women. He's freaking just like Liam. Due to Xander flirting Life,he heard a child with one of the b*tches, Steven is a cute little boy of six. Looking at him you might think his ten due to the way his father raised him. He's arrogant and mannerless, let's just say he's a spoiled brat. He fires workers like he is the one paying their salaries. Who is going to change them? Will she be able to cope living with a playboy and arrogant child? How are they going to Meet. Join me as we ride through these journeys of suspense, arrogance, pains, and love. Your humble Authoress Barbie.

Authoress_Barbie · Teen
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Chapter 1&2

"Why did you fire her???" Mrs Walter asked immediately Alex alighted from his car.

"What do you mean Mom???, fired who???" He asked innocently.

"Don't tell me that Alex, you know what I'm talking about, What has Rose done to you that made you decided to stop her from working for you, she agreed to be your personal secretary and to take care of your son, so I don't see anything wrong with that young lady".

"So you wanted to talk about Rose that's why you stopped me from entering the house" He scoffed with his hand on his waist.

"Well Steven complained so much about her, so I just want her changed" He added.

"So just because Steven said he doesn't want her that's why you stopped her from working, does that make any sense to you"

"Mom, please just stop all this now and let's do what Steven want, remember we promised the little boy to do whatever he wants, so just get someone else who's willing to take care of him and to be my personal secretary, that's all".

"What do you...."

"What's going on here dad???". Steven chipped in as he alighted from the same car Alex came out from.

"I deliberately stayed in the car, watching what's going on" He added.

"Just talk to her, she'll understand you better" Alex said and walked out.

"Grandma" Steven pulled her hand down and she bend down to reach his height.

"Why were you scolding Dad???" He asked.

"I wasn't scolding him, I was only asking him why he stopped Rose from coming here".

"He didn't stop her on his own will,I told him to".

" You told him to???" She asked.

"But why???" She looked so confused.

"She doesn't give me the respect I wanted, she scold me sometime and she doesn't dress nice, she doesn't even refer me as master, she doesn't now down for me when she wants to serve me and she doesn't even cook good food for me to eat, she doesn't give me enough food" He complained.

"What do you mean Steven???, Why didn't you tell me all this since???" She asked.

"I don't want to stress you that's why, I just want a new one grandmother, I just want her changed please" He pleaded with his hands folded.

"But Steven...."

"Please grandma please....." He pleaded almost admist into tears.

"Okay then, if that's what you..."

Before she could complete her words, Steven pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you grandma"

"That's my cute little boy" She said and hugged him back.

"One more thing grandma".

"What???" She asked and pulled away from the hug to look at his face.

"Can you just stop those bodyguard from following me everywhere, I mean they are overdoing thing nowadays".

"I'm sorry I can't do that, it is for your own safety, so let them keep following you".


"Where's the doctor???"

A young lady rushed to meet one of the nurse she saw, she was trembling, it was well written all over her face that she came because of something important, because of how she was also panicking.

"Madam, please just calm down and tell me what you're here for" The nurse tried calming her down, but she didn't stop.

"I just need to see my mom please she was rushed here".

"Then you should go see the receptionist please, I don't know about that".

The young lady didn't waste any time and rushed to the reception to meet the receptionist.

"A woman was rushed here, please which Ward is she???" That was the first question she asked immediately she got there.

"I don't get you madam, can you just calm down and tell me what you're here for???".

"I got a call from this hospital that my mom was transferred and was rushed here".

"Oh, are you Miss summer Hemsbarg???"

"Yes I am" She quickly replied.

"Is the doctor you need to see"

"Where is his office please" She asked.

"Go straight and take the elevator to the 7th floor, then turn to your left then...."

Fortunately for her, the doctor passed at that very moment she was describing his office.

"That's him" she pointed to the man wearing a white coat.

Without wasting time, summer run after the doctor till she finally catch up with him.

"Doctor..." She quickly stopped him.

"How can I help you young lady???" The doctor asked.

"My mother was rushed here some hours ago"

"Sorry, but we received so many patients today so I don't know who exactly you're referring to".

"Mrs Juliet Hemsbarg, she's my mother"

"Ohhh....." The doctor finally recal after so many explanation.

" She was transferred here from the previous hospital she was".

The doctor explained in details to her.

"Can I see her please, which ward is she???" She asked panicking.

"She is not in any ward, She has been intubated in the ICU and she's only alive under a life supporter machine that tells how critical her condition is, she really do not have much time left, she need to be operated on as soon as possible before it is too late".

The doctor explained everything she needed to know to her, Hearing this Summer collapse immediately and was been rushed into one of the wards.


"Summer, I noticed something strange about you, I mean since yesterday you came over here, your face look so dull, you've not even smile for once, you haven't have anything talkless of water, you hardly even reply me when I talk to you, and the worst part is that you didn't have any sleep, what's wrong with you???, Can't you at least tell me what the problem is" Bella(Summer's bestfriend) asked with a concerned look.

Expecting summer to reply her, she only kept quiet still lost in her thought.

"Summer...." Bella called her but she was really lost in her own thoughts.

"Summer" Not until Bella touched her that she came back to reality.

"What's wrong with you Bella???" She asked sitting beside her on the bed she was sitting.

" Are you okay" She questioned continuously.

Summer turned to look at her and burst into fresh tears.

Bella was really shocked seeing her reaction, she quickly moved towards her and hold her two hands.

"What's wrong Summer???, Can't you just talk to me.... Why all this???"

"B.....Bella.....M.....Mom..."she stammered in the middle of her tears.

"What's wrong, what happened to your mum???, Is she alright???, where is she???" Bella questioned almost admist into tears also.

It happens to be that Bella also to Summer's mother as her own mother, cause she never let her feel are mother's absent ever since she passed away so she sometimes a fast has her own mother.

"She is in the hospital.... ICU...." Her tears became unstoppable after telling her.

She explained everything the doctor told her to Bella. Bella couldn't stop the tears which already gathered in her eyes she burst into tears also, but she immediately cleaned at tears.

"It's okay Summer" she pretended to be strong in front of Summer in other to make her calm down.

"Everything will be okay,we will find the money I will help you." She assured her and hug her.

To be continued.....