
In Lookism as a system for Daniel Park

THIS IS MADE AFTER WATTPAD TRAUMATIZED ME. So to save and protect other people eyes. i took it in my hands to make a lookism fanfic. Without Any Lg Sh*T. The fanfic is pretty simple. A guy die. Guy meet Rob. Guy spin wheel. Guy gets To be A system. And gets the Perfect body Of Daniel park. Guy happy. Now the guy makes changes in the plot. He will show why Charles took interest in the second body. He will show what is the ture power of it. Wannna know what happens when you send a guy with as a system and gave him hack's. Read to find out. Welcome to my fanfic. Hope you will stick with me to the end of it.

HAMMAD · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

chapter 45 : The ransom.

Recap : System had mutilated taejin. Leaving him barley alive and making sure if he lives, his life would be a living hell. So when be heard his friends are in trouble.

He returned hastily. And sees the place where his friends are surrounded, By Many fodders. Defeating them and going inside. The door locked.

Minsik attacked using him as a human door breaker. And mocking friends. But he js shoulder throwed by Mary. The feeling of big and jiggly. Makes system feel like he is in heaven.

Pretending to be on his last breaths. He pranks them all. As many of them had tears in their eyes. But when they found out. Vin wanted to send him away peacefully.

Story starts here:

After the prank. We see vasco and jace stopping vin. Form going through what he said, Beacuse of his condition.

While they fought. Hiroaki looked at the newly entered Kid. The kid was their main Targets. But looking at his condition. He is not sure if Eugene needed to take this nuch trouble.

He was beaten to this point by just weak numbers. What's will be stopping, him and his brother form killing him.

He looked at little Daniel, Who was distracted. And looking at his friends. But even when he was looking away. He felt if he attacked him.

He will not be successful. So Hiroaki made the desicion of changing his target. Form the sole guy standing. To the guy surrounded by friends.

While Hiroaki was planning, System felt his gaze over him. So when he was gonna stand up. He is stopped by zack and girls to rest beacuse of his injuries.

Slowly getting out of Zack's hands. He stands up. Dusting off the suit. Looking at his Condition. To others he will look like he is dying.

But im reality. Other then tom stab and goo slashes nothing else is really their. The blood which is covering him is form other world sameoul, Sb and a taejin.

By that system thought 'Well their is also a one here. And looking around now i see the guy who can lead me to him. I guess someone gotta clean the trash. And i need to ask him about the Cheoliang's mass killer or was it murderer thing. Fuck way to work for a poor chap like me,... Poor'.

Getting a gleam in his eyes. He sets his Target on a standing Hiroaki and a sleeping Shigeaki. Perfect guys to rake cash.

Standing up. He sees Hiroaki rushing him. This shocked many of them. And got them worried due to his condition.

Hiroaki thinks he will use him as a hostage to get him.and his brother out of here. But too bad.

This situation is like. I am the victim no your the victim. So system thought of a way to knock him out peacefully.

So while Hiroaki ran at his max speed. To system it felt like bro was slowly moving. So system finally got a way to knock him out.

Tapping his foot on the ground a couple of times. System dashed out. Leaving a crater on the ground.

The strat is to kick him really hard on the head. Hiroaki seeing this he uses a straight punch aimed at system abs.

But system puts his left foot over his striking hand and jumps. Using the momentum. Retakewondo Axe.

The kick connects. Like a hammer begin hit on his head. He didn't understood what happened. Hiroaki went to sleep.

Seeing this. The rest are shocked. Beacuse if he can do this to a guy who was pushing little Daniel back.

Then who could have left those wounds over him. System looks at them. As they were thinking.

He talks "Down to Earth. People, Get moving tie em up, We are getting ric.. i mean getting cas.. i mean rans.. fuck it. We exhorting the master mind or anyone behind the attack".

While the boys moved to tie them. A phone rang, in Hiroaki pocket. System pointed at vin and spoke "Get the phone quick thats our sponsor's call ".

Vin reply was instant"Fuck you i ain't touching him, do it yourself". The reason why he didn't wanted to get the phone was beacuse of his history with the old people.

Then the most unexpected guy takes out the phone form his pocket. It was Vasco. Jace and the rest looked at him.

This secene made their brains hurt. A guy who takes justice seriously and always stops bullying and exhorting. Now stole form a sleeping person. Even if the guy was attacking them.

This just didn't fit the secene. System is the one to speak "Great job vasco, You got yourself a lunch box from me". Hearing his words vin feels the world is unfair.

All the color seems to drain form here. Rest reactions are also similar. While vasco is imagining his lunch box.

System picks up the call. Putting it near his ear. He receives no response. For a while. Keeping silent.

A voice from other side which is to similar to him. Speaks "Did you get the job done".

System hearing. Feels that the guy on other side ie getting to predictable. Is it Beacuse system is getting smarter. Or is Eugene gone senile.

By comparing his twin and his unpaid worker with gun and goo. System hearing enough of it speaks.

" 1 billion won. To get back your 2 top guns and some sides pieces back. You got till night to decide. Other wise send the cleaner's to get the piece's back. And believe me am not kidding. You have tested my patience for the last time. Next time I am joining hands with choi to tear you and your petty copied shit of worker's to piece's".

Before you think the amount is too much. Believe me worker's brought sinu for 1.2 bill you say they can't pay 1 bill for kojima bros.

With hearing any response from other side system cuts the call. The rest looks at him with wide eyes.

Jace was counting on his fingers while Yui, mary , zoe , mira were considering how much make-up and other things they could buy.

Boys having only cars and bike on mind. But crystal and jay were focusing on his last words about cleaners and piece's.

While people are making their own fantasies in their heads. System didn't spoke and calmly looked at them.

Jace was the one who got his bearings back. And spoke "Hey do you think they will pay that much".

Before jace can say anything else. System speaks cutting over him. "Suits weapons. Extra man power. Vans, and a silent warehouse. And don't ignore all of wearing a good quality suit, and shoes. If they can get all that. 1 bill might be low for them. We also need to see fuel cost and maintenance costs".

Hearing it jace asks the main question. "If we got paid. What will you do with such an amount".

Hearing jace question. All people raised eyebrows. And set his eyes on him. Containing curiosity and no greed about money in eyes.

System response was simple which made everyone eyes widen. "The cash will be split amoung us. The distribution will be decided later. But with my part am gonna buy land in Seoul. To start the restaurant. Considering all the factor's and sure my investment will return to me in a year or less. And what you do with your its up to you all".

System continued "Money is just a small step, The next ones are the harder ones".

After saying that system contemplated to tell them about workers and crews. But with crystal here.

He might as well send choi his head. And she must have heard his words with Eugene. Thats another factor to keep in mind.

Now system has 2 rewards pending. 1 form 1st affiliate quest. And other one for little Daniel which was form impressing james lee.

But ignoring it. He will accept his and little Daniel reward when they are alone. Just when he was thinking how to contact Eugene.

The phone rings once again. Looking at the number same as previous he picks it up. And says "Hope you decided your answer. I don't have much time".

Hearing the voice over phone. Eugene responds "Don't worry Daniel am sending money with a trusted man of mine. He will give it to you. Why don't you give the phone to Hiroaki or Shigeaki san. So i can talk to them".

Hearing Eugene wanted to talk with sleeping ghost brothers of Kojima. He responds back to him. "They are sleeping, And I don't want to disturb elders in their sleep. Don't worry other then some minor damage they are fine, Look am currently a hostage holder and this ain't a Police shit. Just send me cash i let them go".

After hearing Daniel say this Eugene smiles to himself and responds" you wilm get the money soon".

After saying that he cuts the call. Over Eugene side. We see behind him madook and his twin stood.

Eugene slumps in his chair. Exhaling a long sigh. Madook looking and hearing all the talk. He speaks"What ever is going on president it ain't looking good for us, I never doubted your judgement. But did you really needed to test Daniel park".

Hearing madook words. Eugene gets up form his chair. Going near the window. To look over the whole town. As he was on 50 floor of an building.

Looking over the Seoul. Surrounded by tall buildings and hustle of people running and cars honking.

He responds to madook words. "Madook your my one of the most loyal men in workers. And the one who is around me for most of the times. And you know i never make point less desicion".

Eugene : " The reason why am showing such interest in Daniel is beacuse of Charles. He and Daniel has a connection. A connection which can help me defeat Charles. But seeing how unpredictable and my approach went. He is hard to control or get him to cooperate. But I finally found. A way to get him to work with us".

As malicious intent starts to shine in his eyes.

Story ends here :

Tell me what you think about the chapter. And which arcs are you favorite.

Currently am a bit troubled. Should i go through normal lookism arcs or should just start gangism. Like start crew combining.

Getting gen 0 and gen 1 under system hands. Become the king or go the normal lookism route. Lost flashbacks training. Repeat.

Tell me what you liked about the chapter. And ahat reward should i give little Daniel and system. Pls tell me.