
Chapter 03 : The school life

Our story starts here.

location J highschool:

Side character. Hmm look at them all looking at me I must me popular due to my looks keep looking at me wait where are they looking at what I behind me. As he turned he Sees is

Dainel thinks to him self

'why is everyone looking at him so carefully'.

To ease his confusion system answers. "I don't know let me guess a guy with your body type is a candy for all girls and even some boys so better be careful. Cause I am staright. So better keep your self save".

Wait now that I think about it I have never checked stats of the second body right.

"No need to check I am telling your in top 01 in your School if you get some fighting styles and your good. To beat everyone".

Really are you sure dainel asks system in a questionable tone .


Wait full power Dainel asks system excited. Yes Did you forgot about skills tab you unlocked as system reminds dainel.

Dainel with his rank of A intelligence forgot to check skills in his fat Body.

As dainel screeams inside his heart . Hey stop too loud I am inside your head do not disturb me or i might just leave. System says while getting annoyed.

Daniels starts to panic and says.

"Hey you cannot do that you promised me to keep stay with me all time".

Oh yeah but did you know promises are meant to be broken. As system replays smugly.

As Dainel enters class room he looks girls giving him. While boys giving death stares.

"Hey system help to much pressure form Thier looks".

Help dainel ask system. As then system says "Hey stop being so scared about it you can easily beat everyone here in seconds so just chill and enjoy the system respond and of things get tuff I will take over ok. Just relax".

After that statement dainel starts to clam down. And then teacher points him to go and sit down. Hope my neighbor is not a bully thought daniel.

system : Oo you poor soul you do not know what have you gotten your self into as system thinks to ot self.

Hello I am dainel park pleased to meet you as dainel introduces him self.

Zack lee talk to much and your getting your lights knocked out.. as he says with a hated look in his eyes.

As the days continue . A girl comes over to introduce herself . Hi my name's Zoe nice to meet you handsome says Zoe. As dainel stays Their blushing. As Zoe goes to speak more she is quickly told to shut up by Zack. Saying " Hey stop pestering your voice is annoying". Says Zack.

As Zacks see Mira blushing As she is looking at daniel secretly .

He feels angry and promises to him self to kill him. As the day continue

Lunch Time.

During lunch dainel feels happy to only carry his lunch instead of carrying food for everyone else. As all girls are watching him like a hot ticket. While Zoe is scolding them in her heart.

As he is eating he is approached by some students. School bullies

"hey transfer student meet us after lunch". As they say and left while dainel is panicking he hears a voice in his head. As system says

" clam down Dainel if things go south just beat them rember this is not your old body it's a body that can beat everyone in school under a minute".

As system explans. "Really" says dainel shocked by this revaluation.

As he thinks to him self o have never checked stats on this body. As he says 'stats' in his head he Sees a panel of second body.

System holder

Name: Dainel park second body

Strength: ???

Speed: ???

Vitality: ???

Endurance: ???

Intelligence: A

As he see all question marks in his second body stats he asks system.

"Why is it all question marks? and why is this is only showing intelligence".  As then System explains.

" You have never used this body before to checks it's limits so you don't know. If you know your limit of this body then system will make a status display for you. As for intelligence it will remain same in both bodies as your in control currently".

. As the explanations ends. After lunch.

He goes to meet bullies as they ask him questions.

" Hey where are you form?. Why are you so tall?. Do you smoke?.

While offering him. A cigarette.

While dainel is panicking inside system takes over and says.

" Sorry but I quit smoking a while back. And why I am so tall good family genes. And I am form a rural area outside Seoul".

As system replays while going out alley. As one of them puts Thier hand on his shoulder to stop him. The person suddenly feels heavy pressure. While system who is in possession of the body says.

" Hey get to class. It's getting late. And next time never try to put hand on my shoulder form the back. I do not take kindly to people who bully the weak while scared of strong".

After saying that system in possession of dainel body makes him way out of alley. While the bully is frozen. He says

" Hey let's not mess with him. He is dangerous. I felt if I moved I will be beaten".

He doze off to sleep. In classroom as he wakes up in his second body. He feels pain. In his fat body he asks system why is he in so much pain system replies. Due to excersie. System replies and as

.System reminds Tells him that he dozed off in classroom . So he fell asleep . As Dainel panicking. System tells him to clam down.

"Do not worry I can make you wakeup easily. I can just send you into second body".

As Dainel wakes up in second body he sees zoe close to his desks. And asks her of she needed any thing. After school System tells Dainel to get a part time job to support his food intake of both Bodies. Dainel speaks .

"I know that's why I am going to a grocery night shift grocery store".

He replays smugly while thinking he is ahead of system. And as system reminds him.

"Hey did you forget something that 2 bodies I can be in 1 you can be in one asks for 2 people shift or just let me take over".

As system takes control. Inside grocery store. Owner seeing a handsome boy he thinks of his sales increasing happily says your hired without missing a heart beat. If it was Dainel in control he would have just said it is for my friend. And got owner to change his personality. so as system was in control he asks .

" Are Thier places for 2 people me and my friend wanna work part time".

As he says Thier is for only one as I am about to leave he stops me and says Thier are 2 places. Bingo I knew he will not let me go. As I negotiate our both salaries. Dainel who was in fat body.

I called him. After owner who saw him. Was out of words thinking why was I hanging out with a guy looking like him.

He says " You both can start today after fat Dainel is happy. I look at him thinking how should I tell him about the second quest

Quest 2 difficulty Easy+


DO 20 PUSHUP (0/20)

DO 20 SITUPS(0/20)

DO 20 SQUATS(0/20)

DO A 200 METER RUN(00/200)


"Easy plus as I think to my self even if I am the system I cannot see the rewards am I a system of a ghost who can possess him".

After thinking about I tell dainel about. The quest.

As he sees it.

'He becomes scared as i give him courage to do it he does it all in 3 hours as our shift is going people seeing a fat boy exercise.

Some people straight up laughs or some just ignore him. For the people that were laughing after seeing me looking at them like they are fools. They shut up while during our shift I got asked for my number way to time dainel second body is too much for this world.

Girls are looking at me like . I am Thier future husband and some staright up drooling. While I think about it.

Stalker arc got me crazy that stupid lady was crazy about it. So I better tell her that ring is ugly. To get her off my back.

I hope that that rings not pretty works. Otherwise I might give her a jab. Hope that it does not comes to that. As Dainel complete the workout in his fat body he goes to run around the grocery store as I watch it.

I note time that it takes him. 5 minute to come in front of store. Now it has been 8 minutes I have not seen him. finally as i see he is tired form running .

As he makes his way into the store. I ask him to watch the counter. Because I was gonna take stroll around the area.

Dainel fat body pov. "Why is this happening to me I was just working out while some laugh or some ignore me. For people who ignored me I do not care but those who laughed. Makes me feel. Like I am doing something stupid. As I was about to give up I remember my mom how she worked hard to support me. I remember when people said how will she raise me.

When father died. But she still cared for me and support. As a new fire burns in his body he starts working faster. As he goes to run. After completing his 200 meter run he returns to store after he comes.

The system who was in possession

of the second body ask me to watch counter as he is going out on a stroll. I say yes.

As he leave after a minute. My classmate come asking for cigrates. As I ask for Thier IDs they show a fake one after telling them that it will not work. Zack lee comes saying .

"If it's not working. Let's try somewhere else. As he looks at me. He smiles . Saying hey we might get some alcohol as well while we are here".

He comes with some beer and other alcoholic drinks. He says

"hey if you can sell this to me I will forget about the trouble you caused on my date with Mira. He says with a with a angry look why don't you think of it as a apology form my part to yours. You sell this to me and I leave".

As I hear his friends talking in the back ground.

"Why is he in a bad mood?" .

Other one replies. "Did you not know in the morning Mira was staring at the new transfer student. So he is pissed about that".

as Zack hears them thinking. And then saying. " The offers is over piggy. Now you will sell this to us or I will beat you and take this".

As when he was about to punch me the door opens coming. In my second body.

Pov of Dainel over

Well the stroll got my mind of some things now as I return to store seeing Zack and his lackeys. Troubling fat dainel. Them seeing me stops them seeing Zack was about to punch Dainel. I say

" Zack enough leave and I will forget about everything that happened just now otherwise don't think. I will not beat and throw you out of the store". After hearing my warning".

He looks at me angrily and was about to punch me . When another girl comes in to store seeing her I know who she is 'crystal choi'. The daughter of Charles choi. And after seeing her Zack leaves but not without saying that.

"This is not over transfer student". I will fix you in school. And leaves.

Story ends here

Next chapter