
In Kuroko no Basket as Shogo Haizaki

Shōgo Haizaki: "This move is good, but now it's mine!" Daiki Aomine: "Only I can defeat myself!" Along with the first blue flower blooming, a grey flower also blossoms simultaneously. Different colors, yet they play the same sport, using passion, diligence, talent, positive energy, let's have an exciting and fulfilling basketball match! 2 to 3 chapters per days. My first language isn't english so please bear with me, I'm doing my best. I'm translating this with Chat GPT, then I edit the chapters, mainly the names and things that doesn't makes sense. Raw link : https://www.uukanshu.com/b/153944/ I'm also translating two others chinese fanfics, don't hesitate to check them out : Magneto of Hyuga, My Pokemon Trainer Simulator

Ethanma · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Vs. Yokohama I

Game day


The whistle signaling the start of the game sounded, and Shōgo leaped high into the air. Facing the opposing player in a white and purple striped uniform, he swatted the basketball away with a powerful hit, sending it into the hands of his teammate.

Shōgo landed steadily, receiving the basketball passed back by his teammate, and quickly started dribbling.

Taking a step forward, he leaped, and with both hands pressed down fiercely, he dunked the basketball into the hoop.


Fukuda Junior High scored the first points with imposing momentum. The sharp aura created by Shōgo was intimidating, leaving the players from the opposing school surprised.

After the score, Shōgo and his teammates quickly retreated on defense, watching as the group of tall opponents from Yokoizumi gradually approached. Feeling their aura, Shōgo narrowed his eyes.

Yokoizumi's players, though not as tall as the high school players, had an average height that wouldn't be lower than 185cm. This posed immense pressure on Fukuda's other players and was quite challenging.

True to their reputation as a strong team, inheriting the basketball style from their high school, Yokoizumi played a "defensive-oriented" game, and their defensive abilities were impressive.

While Shōgo managed to defend against one player, the other four easily broke through Fukuda's defensive line and scored effortlessly.

Soon, Yokoizumi managed to equalize the score.

Dribbling the basketball after receiving the pass from the captain, Arata, Shōgo observed the situation on the court and felt a sense of unease.

It was because of the opponents' high average height; this would put immense pressure on his teammates. Though he had started with a forceful dunk to boost their morale, it seemed like the momentum that was raised was easily broken by Yokoizumi's swift breakthrough and equalization.

Not good!

Shōgo's mind raced rapidly. Another forceful dunk to boost morale now would be an unwise choice. The question wasn't just about building momentum; the critical issue was that it would accelerate his physical exhaustion.

That kind of behavior would be foolish and not worth the effort!

So, the only way forward now is to focus on scoring, and the easier the points, the better.

Understanding this, Shōgo dribbled the ball and moved closer to the three-point line. Just as the Yokoizumi players were closing in to defend, he had already risen and released the shot.

Shōgo's crouched posture turned into a jump, reaching the peak of his jump as he released the basketball from his hand. The ball sailed over the outstretched hand of a jumping Yokoizumi player who tried to block it.


The basketball cleanly swished into the net, giving Fukuda three points.

The ball going in caused the teammates on the bench to jump up, raise their right hands, and cheer.

The assistant coach, Rina, and another female assistant embraced each other in celebration before picking up their notebooks to jot down notes and diagrams.

Observing this scene, the coach from Yokoizumi, a middle-aged man with a buzz cut, stood up from his seat with an expression of surprise and disbelief.

The signal Shōgo's three-pointer released was too clear. He wouldn't engage in physical confrontations inside the paint against the physically imposing Yokoizumi players. Instead, he would keep shooting three-pointers, gradually widening the point gap.

Seeing through the situation, the Yokoizumi coach felt quite frustrated and helpless. Not good! Fukuda's No. 6 is a tough nut to crack!

On the other hand, Coach Kudo tightly clenched his fists and was just one step away from joining his players in cheering. However, to maintain his coach's authority, he refrained from doing so.

Excellent, very strong!

Coach Kudo felt fortunate at this moment. He believed that by recruiting Shōgo into the team and building the team and tactics around him, he had made the right move. And now, Shōgo had led the team to this point, overcoming and outperforming Yokoizumi. Shōgo's abilities hadn't disappointed the team.


Another three-pointer went in. Fukuda Junior High was leading Yokoizumi Junior High 8-6. This frustrated the Yokoizumi coach, who called for a timeout just five minutes into the game.

In the resting area, Shōgo, having taken a sip of water, wiped his sweat with the towel passed to him by Rina. He smiled and thanked her.

The whistle sounded, and the game resumed!

Shōgo's pupils contracted as he faced what seemed like a tall barrier. Yokoizumi had sent out two of their strongest and tallest players to guard him.

The coach from Yokoizumi was no simple opponent; he had discerned the core of Fukuda's strategy: to shut down Shōgo and stifle Fukuda's scoring ability.

Seeing the two tall players defending him, both strong and imposing, Shōgo, his teammates on the court, and even those watching from the sidelines, took a sharp breath.

Even Rina, in the resting area, had a faint trace of worry on her face, let alone the others.

Coach Kudo, with a slightly furrowed brow, glanced at the Yokoizumi coach on the opposing bench. Internally, he couldn't help but think: You guys are playing dirty tricks. Your intentions are truly despicable.

However, Coach Kudo quickly shifted his gaze, focusing on Shōgo, who was dribbling the ball.

Looking at Shōgo, Coach Kudo had no choice but to trust him. Since Shōgo was part of the "Miracle Generation" team, he believed that Shōgo was different and that he too was part of the "Miracle Generation" that Fukuda belonged to.

At this moment, Shōgo, dribbling the ball, also saw through Yokoizumi's intentions and the scheme they were about to employ.

"Just two guys want to guard me? Underestimating me, huh?"

Under the surprised and alarmed gazes of the two Yokoizumi players, Shōgo seemed to vanish, easily slipping past the two defenders.

A quick stop, followed by a jump shot!


The friction of the basketball entering the net created an entrancing sound. Fukuda Junior High gained another three points.