
In Kuroko no Basket as Shogo Haizaki

Shōgo Haizaki: "This move is good, but now it's mine!" Daiki Aomine: "Only I can defeat myself!" Along with the first blue flower blooming, a grey flower also blossoms simultaneously. Different colors, yet they play the same sport, using passion, diligence, talent, positive energy, let's have an exciting and fulfilling basketball match! 2 to 3 chapters per days. My first language isn't english so please bear with me, I'm doing my best. I'm translating this with Chat GPT, then I edit the chapters, mainly the names and things that doesn't makes sense. Raw link : https://www.uukanshu.com/b/153944/ I'm also translating two others chinese fanfics, don't hesitate to check them out : Magneto of Hyuga, My Pokemon Trainer Simulator

Ethanma · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Good Times


Shōgo gently sent the basketball into the net, and the whistle blew, signaling the end of the intra-team training game.

Everyone gathered together, waiting for Coach Kudo's post-game talk.

"Today is Friday. Rest well tomorrow. We have a game the day after. Though our opponents are weak, we are not strong either. Everyone needs to step up. Understand?"

"Got it!"

"Alright, break!"

"Clap" "Clap Clap" "Clap Clap Clap." The players clapped their hands a few times in succession, signaling the end of the session.

Shōgo took the bottle of water offered by Rina and asked, "Is it too late to practice swordplay now?"

"No, it's not. I have an appointment with Coach Rei at 8 o'clock. We still have half an hour."

"Then wait for me a few minutes while I change into different clothes."

"Sure, Shōgo-kun!"

Quickly changing into suitable attire, Shōgo left the gym. He walked alongside Rina, who wore a white top and a black pleated skirt.

Those fair, long legs always seemed to captivate Shōgo's attention. He couldn't help but steal glances at the girl's legs.

Unlike other girls, Rina didn't shy away or blush. She let him look without hesitation.

This carefree attitude made Shōgo feel a bit self-conscious, wondering if he was being too inappropriate and full of doubts.

The two of them took a car and soon arrived at the city's fencing hall. Shōgo, now clad in protective gear, stepped out of the changing room.

Once again, he was treated to a view of mature and alluring legs. He didn't need to see the face of their owner to know who it was.

"Hey there! Rei-senpai, were you waiting for me here?"

"Get lost!"

The moment Shōgo appeared, Rei felt the slightly heated gaze he directed at her legs. It created ripples of unusual emotions within her.

"After not seeing you for so long, Rei-senpai, I came here specifically to see you. Are you so heartless as to turn me away?"

"Tch! Where did you pick up that smooth talk?"

As Rei finished speaking, she twirled her fencing foil gracefully, and coincidentally, it was directed toward Shōgo's groin area.

Shōgo immediately covered his mouth, feeling a chilly sensation both below and on his vest.

Seeing Shōgo behaving obediently, Rei smirked, and her eyes sparkled mischievously.

Meanwhile, Rina, who had changed into fencing attire, emerged while holding a foil.

"Senpai Rei, Shōgo-kun, I apologize for keeping you waiting."

"Rina, let's start practicing!"


Rina's arrival eased Shōgo's awkwardness caused by his jesting and playful comments. She rescued him from the uncomfortable situation.

However, escaping from the chilly atmosphere only led Shōgo into a different predicament.

It seemed like Rei and Rina had reached an unspoken agreement. They took turns practicing fencing with him.

Having already expended much energy from playing basketball and the journey, Shōgo found himself exhausted as the two beautiful girls took turns engaging him in practice.

His physical condition couldn't keep up with the intensity, and his critical areas were repeatedly targeted by both of them.

"Hey hey hey! Is it really fun for you to take turns poking me?!"

"I find it quite amusing! Could it be that your stamina is failing you? Can't keep up?"

Hearing Rei's words, Shōgo couldn't possibly admit his fatigue. He responded with a raised voice.

"Alright then, Rei-senpai! Let's have another battle of three hundred rounds. See if I can make you surrender with my pokes."


Unable to gain an advantage physically, Shōgo resorted to his verbal antics, only to face Rei's sharp and precise strikes. He found himself struggling and his body aching.

Even though he wore full protective gear, if the opponent used enough force, the foil's strikes still caused discomfort.

In the end, Shōgo was left fatigued and sore, accompanying the two cheerful and giggling beauties into the car for the journey home.

As he sat in the taxi, the driver seemed to have noticed Shōgo accompanying the two beautiful girls. With a knowing smile, he commented, "Young man, even though you have energy now, constantly pushing yourself like this will wear you down sooner or later."

Listening absentmindedly, Shōgo's mind was filled with confusion. He could only think: What is he talking about? I don't understand.

Seeing Shōgo's silence, the taxi driver shook his head and drove on in earnest.


Back at home, Shōgo barely spent half an hour in the swimming pool before collapsing from exhaustion. He quickly showered, then fell onto his bed and fell asleep.

His mother softly entered his room, shaking her head. She tidied up the room, pulled the blanket over Shōgo, turned off the lights, and left.

The next day, as the sun bathed everything in warmth, Shōgo stretched lazily as he got out of bed. He donned his basketball attire, threw on a jacket, finished his breakfast, and headed out to find Satsuki.

At the convenience store, Shōgo carefully selected some high-quality cherries. These were for Satsuki. He knew that cherries were her favorite.

To what extent did she love them? Satsuki could tie the stems of cherries into knots with her tongue. He wondered if he could match that.

After getting off the train, he spotted Satsuki in her green jacket and skirt. Shōgo walked over, hugged her tightly, and handed her the cherries.

Looking at the excited expressions on their faces as they met, the atmosphere immediately brightened. Satsuki, munching on a cherry, looked at Shōgo and Daiki who were engaged in a friendly interaction. She set the cherry aside.

Stretching out her empty hands, she formed a 'click' gesture by touching her index finger to her thumb, as if trying to capture this moment forever.