
In Kumogakure after adopting Hinata Hyuga.

Hachiro transmigrated into the world of Shinobi, better known as Naruto. He's reborn in the Raiden clan located in Kumogakure as the cousin of the Fourth Raikage. As the 'darkness' of Konoha fights each itself, he cheers on as the Third Hokage and Danzo, slowly kill Konoha from the inside out. Making use of his Lightning God system, he makes a name for himself in the Third Ninja War, and is gradually acknowledged as the ninja with the strongest lightning style! After snatching Hinata Hyuga, he adopts her as his daughter and proudly shows her off to the rest of the world. _____________________ I ended up sticking to the MTL quite heavily for the first 20 chapters, it's harder to actually tell it's a translation after that. This is an edited version of machine translation, just making it clear. MTL- https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-cloud-shinobi-village-grab-hyuga-hinata-at-the-start/ ps: I don't think I will edit past the Naruto arc (Chapter 200 or so), but I'll try to post two chapters a day.

Crystal_Cat · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 80: Hanabi the neko

Inside the Hokage's office.

Hiruzen was looking through the applications submitted by the dignitaries from the dignitaries from the various villages.

He wanted to make sure there was no problems that could creep up, before he went to see the final exam taking place.

It was important to show the younger generation that he really cared about them and supported them every step of the way...

There was also the new generation of genin from the other village's, he wanted to check out.

He had to make sure, he eliminated any threats as soon as possible for the good of the village.

He could also try to pull some of the high paying clients that would be attending to send tasks to Konoha exclusively, they were interested mainly in the geniuses from each village.

Namely, the Sand's Gaara, the Cloud's Hinata and the Leaf's Sasuke Uchiha. With the last one, attracting the most attention.

For these wealthy and important men, they would support whoever looks to be the strongest at that moment in time.

In other words, this was not just a secret fight between ninja villages, but a for the upper hand in economic might.

He couldn't be certain that Sasuke or Neji would end up winning, so he was going to try and pull some strings and make sure the other genin travel farther in the tournament.

That way, they could at least say the average level of their own genin was higher than other villages.

Asuma, Kakashi and Might Guy came in to report the current status of their mission before someone knocked on the door.

"Busy as always, old man."

Even though, they hadn't entered the room, he already knew that it was the one and only Jiraiya.

Behind the Toad Sage, Kurenai followed along.

"Of course I am, this is the era where the next generation will surpass and take over the roles of the old."

Thinking about his three students, Hiruzen smiled when he amused to himself, "At least one of them has the sense to pay a visit."

Jiraiya lamented

"If Sakumo-sempai or Minato were still here, it wouldn't be so hard to just float along for the next 20 years..."

Kakashi shuddered hearing both the name of his dad, and his teacher.


The Hokage's smile slipped and disappeared, with a solemn expression replacing it.

"Heh, okay, I won't say anything."

Jiraiya shrugged his shoulders carelessly. He was an accomplished spy master for good reason, he knew a lot of things his sensei as well as the other elders did.

"Nevermind, so Kurenai, mind explaining why you are not monitoring Raiden?"

Hiruzen looked over to the genjutsu mistress and changed the subject.

"Patriarch Hiashi, invited him to his residence. I didn't want to intrude on clan matters as that would be against the law..."

Jiraiya interjected,

"You really let those four watch him? That doesn't seem to be the smartest of decisions."

Jiraiya interjected:

"That brat seems to know a lot about our Jonin Sensei's and even me. Even if being that annoying is a talent in itself, that wouldn't give him information like our love lives or the fact I've been chasing Tsunade for 40 years. He seemed pretty confident, he was right as well."

Jiraiya analysed.

"Wait... that's what wrong! I felt like I was missing something earlier.

The eyes of Asuma, shot open in realisation.

"How did I not notice that. Are they trying to go to war?"

Asuma inquired to the spymaster.

He had been apart of the 12 guardian ninja under the Daimyo for a good few years. Trying to find out the intentions of visitors was something, he had learned to do back then.

Jiraiya applauded with a grin

"Now that's the questions, I'm looking for."

He shifted to a more serious expression.

"As of right now, Kumogakure has six possible kage-level ninja, it would be best to try settle any disputes or hostilities while that silver haired brat is still inside the Hyuga clan."

Asuma looked baffled.

Hiruzen frowned and said, "Six people?"

"I know about the Raikage, Killer Bee, Yugito and Hachiro. Who else is there besides these four?"

Jiraiya gave a lewd smile and said,

"Well, I was collecting... research material in the Land of Lightning. And well... their women are real busty and tanned-"

Hiruzen picked up a kunai.

"Ahem... I meant that I went to the Land of Ligqhtning and throw a genjutsu on one of the radical supporters of war among the higherups. I found out that Kumogakure has trained two powerful ninja in recent years.

Jiraiya pulled out a notebook containing information on the Land of Lightning and Kumogakure.

"There's a female ninja with two kekkai genkai's, Mei Terumi."

Kurenai's face changed drastically, she could recall that beautiful woman that grabbed her attention.

She asked,

"The one that represented them six years ago?!"

Jiraiya continued,

"Yes, the other one is an Anbu captain. I couldn't get much information on them except their enemies become mummified corpses, absent of all liquid."

"I'm not certain of their codename but their mission record is a long one, but most of them are either random B or A's with the majority being S-rank. I wouldn't be surprised if Kumogakure ran out of missions for her to complete. I've had my subordinates come up with several hypothesises, but currently we're sticking to the one, where she is an S-rank ninja with the Scorch release Kekkai genkai."

Might Guy while not one to favour thinking could tell that six was a ridiculous number for Kage-level ninja.

Konoha was the most prosperous village and the best they had at once, was Sakumo Hatake, a young Minato, the Third Hokage and the three sannin.

Hiruzen become more aware of how dangerous the situation had unknowingly become.

Asuma asked with apprehension.

"Jiraiya-sama, your staying right? At least until to chunin exams are over?"

Jiraiya rolled his eyes and said,

"I've got so much research to do! How could I stay in Konoha for long.

Hiruzen commanded slowly,

"All of you, go and rest. Jiraiya, would you stay for a chat?"

The four jonin glanced at each other before bowing and leaving.

"Will you be staying in Konoha until the Chunin exams are over?"

They were silent for over a minute before Hiruzen continued,

"Are you worried about whether Konoha will survive?"

Jiraiya gave a depressing chuckle and said,

"With the current firepower in Kumogakure, I don't think that Konoha would survive a war."

He then got up and jumped out the window without showing any respect for the old man.

Hiruzen gave a sigh of relief, he only had one disciple he stayed in contact with now.

He didn't want the last one to cut ties with him as well.

Not just because he was strong and useful for Konoha, but because in his old age he thought back to old times where he was still much more carefree.

The Hyuga clan compound.

The corner of Hiashi's mouth twitched, as he watched his young daughter, Hanabi curl up on her, uncle Hachiro's, lap like a cat.

He decided to selectively ignore that and pretend his second daughter wasn't close to being robbed from him.

He asked the shinobi in front of him.

"So, do you think now that Jiraiya is back, the Third with give way and allow him to sit on his seat?"

Neither of them wanted for the Toad Sage to become the fifth Hokage, that would only bring them way more trouble than they wanted.

Hachiro pinched Hanabi's cute face and replied to him.

"Yeah no, Jiraiya would defect before becoming Hokage, and Hiruzen will certainly be reluctant to leave his seat of power. Well, maybe not defect, but he will go run off to some hot spring for more... 'research' if you know what I mean."