
In Kumogakure after adopting Hinata Hyuga.

Hachiro transmigrated into the world of Shinobi, better known as Naruto. He's reborn in the Raiden clan located in Kumogakure as the cousin of the Fourth Raikage. As the 'darkness' of Konoha fights each itself, he cheers on as the Third Hokage and Danzo, slowly kill Konoha from the inside out. Making use of his Lightning God system, he makes a name for himself in the Third Ninja War, and is gradually acknowledged as the ninja with the strongest lightning style! After snatching Hinata Hyuga, he adopts her as his daughter and proudly shows her off to the rest of the world. _____________________ I ended up sticking to the MTL quite heavily for the first 20 chapters, it's harder to actually tell it's a translation after that. This is an edited version of machine translation, just making it clear. MTL- https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-cloud-shinobi-village-grab-hyuga-hinata-at-the-start/ ps: I don't think I will edit past the Naruto arc (Chapter 200 or so), but I'll try to post two chapters a day.

Crystal_Cat · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 77: Strongest daughter system


"Kimimaro! You can't treat your hosts like that!"

Hachiro threw his arm over the Kaguya's shoulder.

He gave him a knowing smile and said,

"We're very sorry. Miss Yuhi. Children sure can be impulsive, some times."

Kurenai stared blankly at the kid holding onto the bone, he was using as a knife.

That bone almost pierced her throat, a few more centimeters and her blood would be spilling all over the ground.

"Shikaku was right."

Kakashi relaxed his hold on Asuma, and looked at the three children with thoughtful eyes.

Guy said with a complicated expression.

"They possess both the bloodline and characteristics of the Kaguya and Yuki clan. That's definitely them."

He remembered back when he was a genin, he had been on the battlefield with his Father, Dai.

They had met quite a few Kaguya clan members that left quite the impression. They had outrageous battle instincts that matched well with their hunger for a fight, menaces that caused the Leaf a large amount of trouble.

Might Guy quietly wondered, "I'm certain I heard that they were annihilated in a meeting a long time ago. When did those two clans go join Kumogakure?"

Kakashi observed the three of them and thought, that the cloud had a lot of secrets that they were probably trying to hide. I should send a message to Shikaku or the Hokage when I get the chance.

After the short chaotic events caused by Kumo, the Cloud shinobi and their accompanying friends from the leaf approached the Leaf Academy.

Kakashi informed them,

"The examination room is on the third floor, innermost classroom."

Kakashi explained.

"Dad, I will do my best!"

Hinata clenched her hands tightly.


Noticing the way the girl referred to Hachiro, the expressions of the four jonin became more complicated.

"Hehe~ good luck then, goodbye~."

Hachiro stroked her indigo hair as a sign of encouragement.

Suddenly, a young voice, whined and complained to the Kumo kunoichi.

"Sis! Why haven't you come play with me in so long."

A little girl, about 7 years old, with features at least 70% similar to Hinata, skipped over in bubbly joy and said hello.

"Ah! Hanabi, I missed you!"

Hinata said in surprise.

Hanabi had taken her place and was now, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga's main family.

Might Guy, looked stunned before whispering to Kakashi, in doubt.

"Hey, how come the two of them know each other."

Kakashi was silent for a moment before responding in a low voice.

"When the Hyuga patriarch's wife passed away, the cloud had sent Hachiro, to Konoha to offer their condolences. I'm not privy to the details but it should be from then."

Kurenai glanced between the two slightly baffled by the odd revelation.

"So, do they know about their blood relation to each other?"

Kakashi explained while looking at the Cloud shinobi.

"I don't think it really matters. It seems like the former heiress is quite attached to Kumogakure which is understandable. That might change when she grows up but for now it would only complicate everything unnecessarily."

After speaking a few words ignorant of the reactions coming from the surrounding shinobi, Hinata walked into the Building with Haku and Kimimaro

Hachiro gave a sigh before turning around to look at the Leaf Jonin.

"Are the three of you going to continue watching me?"


When faced with the direct question, he was unsure about how to answer properly.


Hanabi tilted her head slightly and asked.

"Uncle Hachiro, why is Mr. Hatake watching you?"

"Hmm~ I think its because I'm super strong!

He squatted down and started flexing his arm muscles.

The little girl just looked at him baffled at his strange gestures, her Hyuga heiress education didn't give her any information on what these weird arm movements meant.

Although, Hiashi was certainly not the best when it came to strength or leadership skills. His ability to give birth to talented daughters seemed unsurmountable.

According to his understanding, their Byakugan's were as pure as Hamura Otsutsuki himself, before he presumably awoke the tenseigan.

It wouldn't come as a surprise to him, if Hiashi had some cheat he didn't know about.

Something like the "Strongest daugher system" or something.

Hachiro mused.



The three shinobi representing Kumogakure arrived on the second floor of the academy.

They found a group of Konoha shinobi gathering around there.

Among them was Neji Hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha having a stare off in the middle of the room.

"Neji Hyuga."

"Sasuke Uchiha."

The two coolly reported each others names, causing the fan girls to scream to themselves inwardly.

Naruto noticing, felt jealous and told himself.

"Hmph. Pretending to be bigshots, soon I'm going to be Hokage. Believe it!"

Although, they may have been equals during the exams, it was a pity this world revolved heavily around innate talent.

Without being a reincarnation of the Sage of six path's son, he was simply going to struggle and ultimately reach a peak somewhere in his ninja career.

This exam may as well have been his peak in the Naruto Show.

Rock Lee being the dense teenager, he was exclaimed upon seeing Hinata.

"The same eyes as Neji!"

Noticing the kunoichi's byakugan and Cloud forehead protector, Neji shouted vigilantly.

"You are!?"

He had once heard his father lament about the events from 12 years ago, as such he had a few guesses.

Was this the real eldest daughter of the main family?

The voice of his fathers warning suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Neji, don't tell anyone about what I have told you. This could cause internal problems within the Hyuga family. We can't show weakness our enemies will take advantage of, remember that we are Shinobi. We can only put on strong fronts if we don't want to die an early death."

With a strange expression, Neji commanded his teammates and left towards the examination room.

"Let's go."

Haku looked in wonder at the white eyes.

Although, he had read about the Byakugan in books this was only the second time, he saw them on anyone.

"Look, he has the same eyes as you Hinata!"

Kimimaro mumbled


Hinata answered with a kind smile and continued on walking towards the hall, where the first exam was taking place.

Even if they were related to her by blood. She liked her own family in Kumogakure much more.

When walking past team 7, Hinata gave them a polite nod, Kimimaro ignored them and Haku showed a reserved smile.

The eyes of Naruto turned to hearts, seeing Haku.

"So, beautiful!"

Haku's smile dealt over 9000 points of damage to his throbbing heart.

When they arrived at the large classroom, they found it to be crowded with genin representing many different villages.

The three children of the Kazekage clan had already sat down in their seats early.

Then gradually the Konoha 12 filled in after the Cloud trio.

Hidden within the bustling groups of people. Kabuto, Orochimaru's diehard loyal spy, pushed his glasses onto the ridge of his nose analysing the teams entering in.

Personally, he found the candidates from each village rather interesting.

Kumogakure in particular.

The eldest daughter from the Hyuga clan, that they had abducted her months after birth and what seemed to be the last remaining descendants of the Yuki and Kaguya clans from the Mist.

Their was going to be one large surprise for everyone during this chunin exam.

He was sure of it.