
In Kumogakure after adopting Hinata Hyuga.

Hachiro transmigrated into the world of Shinobi, better known as Naruto. He's reborn in the Raiden clan located in Kumogakure as the cousin of the Fourth Raikage. As the 'darkness' of Konoha fights each itself, he cheers on as the Third Hokage and Danzo, slowly kill Konoha from the inside out. Making use of his Lightning God system, he makes a name for himself in the Third Ninja War, and is gradually acknowledged as the ninja with the strongest lightning style! After snatching Hinata Hyuga, he adopts her as his daughter and proudly shows her off to the rest of the world. _____________________ I ended up sticking to the MTL quite heavily for the first 20 chapters, it's harder to actually tell it's a translation after that. This is an edited version of machine translation, just making it clear. MTL- https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-cloud-shinobi-village-grab-hyuga-hinata-at-the-start/ ps: I don't think I will edit past the Naruto arc (Chapter 200 or so), but I'll try to post two chapters a day.

Crystal_Cat · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 29: The house key

"Oh, hi dad... I'm going to go see teacher and practise. See you!"

After saying goodbye to Samui and Hachiro, Hinata ran off towards the Island turtle that was meant only for high ranking ninja.

While watching her run off, Hachiro smiled in satisfaction and cast a glance at the hidden anbu slowly trailing behind her.

Although, she had only started her training two months ago, she was already a small celebrity.

When he was away, Samui had requested for a jonin teacher and one of his cousin's assistants to post an Anbu mission to guard Hinata when she was roaming about the village with no supervision.

Although, his perception covered the entire village, it was taxing processing everything that happened in its range and humanly impossible to keep up all the time.

The saying, 'better safe than sorry' existed for a reason and he wasn't taking any chances with his daughter.

Now, that she can run about, she spends all her time outdoors training or just playing with other children.

He entered his house again and found Samui stretching her shoulders.

Those weapons on her chest had leveled up recently.

She was beginning her 'sore shoulders' mantra from the original book.

He walked over silently and helped her by lifting the weight on her chest...

"You! What are you doing! Let go!"

Samui was taken back, and turned her head around to look at Hachiro with wide eyes.

"Aren't these too heavy? I'm holding them for you..."

Halfway through his sentence, he started breathing into her ear and whispered,

"Cmon baby, it's been a month.

Samui's face flushed slightly red, but then she remembered about Mabui and Mei, and thought he was getting himself carried away lately.

"Go away! Go find Mabui and that mist woman.

"Oh, is that fine with you?"


Samui widened her eyes even more as she started feeling angry, she searched through her small vocabulary of curse words only to find her lips blocked.

After resisting for a while, she gave up and went with the flow.

Around two hours after Hinata went off to train, Samui and Hachiro jumped into the pool.

After they entered the water, the water rose and ran along the tiles outside the pool.

The pool was 3 metres deep, 5 metres wide and 5 meters long.

Samui's beautiful features relaxed.

He attempted to observe whether her double G's had reached the Boa Hancock kind of level, before getting a slap on the thigh.

"What are you doing?"

How cold! I just wanted a peek!

This Shinobi is so cruel.

"What do you have to say about that woman from the mist?"

Samui turned her head slightly and asked sternly,

You're a ninja, you shouldn't be so angry all the time, doesn't fit your ice queen persona at all.

He muttered to himself.

He didn't really want to risk saying that out loud otherwise he would be leaving the bathroom witha a few new bruises.

"She's from the Terumi clan in Kirigakure. Like the other two boys she has inherited the last of their clans bloodlines. My mission was to try and benefit from the recent chaos in Kirigakure. I thought that they could bulster the Clouds combat power in the future."

It's just a mission, go complain to the raikage instead of me. Not like I get to decide what I'm tasked with. Although, I kinda do.

Not like anyone could stop me if I just said no.

"Okay then, what about the bet with Raikage-sama? Mabui was on the line as a prize, no?"

Samui confirmed,

"That was just A being shameless again, just like back when we were 6, he told uncle that it was me, who was throwing lightning jutsu about his house! I'm the victim!"

Hachiro exclaimed with awe inspiring self-righteousness,

That's not the answer I was looking for.

Samui squinted her eyes and thought about words she could use to curse him.


Hinata's young exhausted voice could faintly be heard from the other side of the door.

"Daddy, Mummy, I'm back, open the door please~"

Hinata didn't have a key.

Hachiro and Samui quickly crawled out of the pool after hearing her.

Good thing they didn't give her the key or she would be seeing them naked.

This is why you don't give children the key to the house.

Note: So many references I don't understand ;-;