
In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold

Arthur Luigi, a man from Earth died and Gods of Old Valyria took him in House of The Dragon era to prevent the disaster of Targaryens and to reintroduce mankind about the Power of one of the most powerful houses of Old Valyria.

FroasT_King · TV
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22 Chs

Queen of Love and Beauty

Hearing all those chants, Prince Daemon Targaryen just smirked which made Arthur wonder if he was an ally or an enemy. What Arthur didn't know was that Daemon was happy because smallfolk where chanting the name of Valyria together. He was smiling because Arthur proved the smallfolks that Valyrian people are superior to everyone.

Lord Otto Hightower didn't take this wisely. From the moment Arthur saw his face, Arthur knew that Otto would be a problem if he wasn't dealt with soon.

Soon all chant came to a stop, because Daemon came to the joust with his Targaryen banner. He challenged Arthur by pointing his lance at him.

"Let's show them why we are the greatest power now, Arthur."- Daemon told loudly that was heard by the small folks. In response they again started to call out Arthur's name to demolish the glory of Daemon.

"Sure. But, you and I both know that if we start already, then it would be like a final match. The other knights would not dare to joust anymore."- Arthur also stated loudly. The knights hearing that got angry and embarassed but they didn't dare to contest anymore because of Arthur & Daemon.

So the other knights decided to participate in melee. Soon, Arthur and Daemon rode on their horse and took their wooden lance in their hands. Both started going for one another while Arthur used his strengthen magic in his body to withstand Daemon's blow if he did any.

Before Arthur could deal a blow in Daemon's body, Daemon pushed his lance towards Arthur's arm. Arthur barely dodged it by leaning right of his horse. All people thought Arthur lost but he soon leaned back again and this time he pushed his lance towards Daemon's horse. Due to that, Daemon's horse fell and Daemon had no chance to fight.

Then, Arthur saw that Lord Otto was saying something to King Viserys for which Viserys was getting ready to leave. Seeing that, Arthur knew that the Queen is having problem in giving birth. Arthur decided that he needed to end this tourney fast.

Daemon Targaryen was an arrogant son of a bitch. He always likes to fight. He gets bored in ruling. As a result, he challenged Arthur to a duel which Arthur accepted. Both took their Valyrian Blade in their hands. Daemon took out his 'Dark Sister' while Arthur had 'Narsil' on his hands.

"So, you can even craft Valyrian Blades. That's great. Now you are definitely worthy to be one of us."- Daemon laughingly said to Arthur. Arthur grinned at him and replied, "As a member of one of the top powerhouse in Valyria, I know how to make one. It's sad that Targaryens didn't have access to that knowledge."

Arthur thought Daemon would rush to fight him hearing that. But unexpectedly, Daemon was quite calm and collected. Instead of rushing, he were laughing loud.

"As expected, even you are from an extinct house, you still have your pride just like we have our pride."-Daemon started moving towards Arthur.

Soon, Arthur started clashing his sword against Daemon. Daemon had an advantage in melee because he was taller than Arthur and his arms were also longer than him.Besides, Daemon had battle experience. But as Arthur had strengthen magic, he again secretly used it on him. So even if Daemon sometimes clashed his Dark Sister against Arthur's body. But it couldn't hurt him a little bit. Though as it was a Valyrian Blade, Arthur's armor did break in the side of arms and ribs.

Arthur parried Daemon's sword attack and soon got down kicking Daemon's feet. Poor Daemon fell and taking that opportunity, Arthur kicked 'Dark Sister' from his hand. Before Daemon could pull out his dagger, Arthur already pointed 'Narsil' at Daemon's throat. So Daemon had no other way than to surrender. This fight blown the crowds mind. A 15 year old boy defeated a 25 year old Lord. As Arthur was also a Valyrian, smallfolks and other nobles thought that he could defeat regular knights. But the fact that Arthur could defeat Daemon who was also of Valyrian Blood, they couldn't handle that fact.

Arthur picked up Daemon by his shoulder and reached the resting place putting him down. Seeing this behavior, everyone could foresee that Arthur was a good man trying to stay as a friend.

Soon, the melee started. It was not melee.... it was more like slaughter. All the remaining knights started beating each other with there swords. Some got killed around that process. The king has left only for some moments yet it became a bloody battle.

"Let's watch the show. You can fight the last one."- Daemon grinned.

"I feel two dragons. Did you bring your caraxes?"- Not paying any heed to his suggestion Arthur asked Daemon.

"Yes. My niece and I brought our dragons to show our pride. There were rumours about your arrival and people needed fear. To keep them in fear, we brought out our dragon. It took a lot of effort to convince her."-Daemon chuckled while answering Arthur.

"Good work, Prince Daemon. We need to go to King's Landing right now and help him."- Arthur told Daemon. Before Daemon could question him about what nonsense he spoke off, Arthur went to the battlefield. He sheathed his sword 'Narsil' and started running towards the fighting knights. The crowd got confused as he sheathed his sword. Some even started telling that Arthur got arrogant due to winning too much. Some started stating he was too little to understand this. Meanwhile, in the Royal Box, a girl around 14 name-days, got anxious and worried seeing his crush rushing to that massacre place. She had gold-silver hair. She was Rhaenyra Targaryen. She wanted to use her dragon Syrax,which she brought from King's Landing to secure this man named 'Arthur Valhalla'. Her best friend Alicent also couldn't keep her worries at bay. As she was nervous, she started picking on her fingers and nails. While Rhaenyra and Alicent both were worried, Laena and her mother Rhaenys had a bright smile on their face. By Arthur's battle with Daemon and defeating him, they knew that Arthur is already possibly one of the strongest in Westeros now. So, they had a proud smile in their face because Arthur was like them, had Valyrian blood in his veins. In this situation, they wanted the common people to know the difference between the. The same thing circulated in Lord Corlys's mind while his son Laenor had the urge to go to Arthur right now and ask him if he(L) could become his(A) squire.

When Arthur reached the place where only 8 knights were remaining now. Arthur took his sheathed blade in his hand and started running towards those knights. The knights while seeing Arthur running towards them, decided to act together. But it was all in vain. Arthur at first dodge one of the knight's attack and used his blade to knock him the neck strongly which got the knight fainting on spot. Then another one tried to attack Arthur from the back but Arthur just dodged it. Due to him dodging 2 knights fell in the guard and Arthur just casually swung his 'Narsil' to their neck making them unconscious. The remaining five got afraid this time. As they saw that even teamwork doesn't work against him. They decided to try rushing and swinging at him.

"Such amateurs. You all are as green as summer grass. I haven't participated in a war yet you newbies can't best me.Pathetic."- Arthur started taunting at them loudly so that they would rush to his side. After all, a mad person loses all his reasonings and loses his life. It was the first thing Arthur knew when he was in the army. The crowd heard this and proclaimed him in their mind as a Prince now. Unknowingly, Arthur gained a new title 'The Lost Prince'. They added lost because his house has gone extinct now.

As Arthur expected, those five knights rushed to him without thinking about consequences. One by one Arthur hit their back of head with his sheathed sword making them lose their conscious. Soon, Arthur was the winner in both joust and melee. He got the Victor's Laurel to proclaim a maiden as his Queen of Love and Beauty. With the crown on his hand, Arthur walked towards the Royal Box where Rhaenyra was waiting for him patiently with a smile on her face. Although Laena and Alicent did already know that Arthur would proclaim Rhaenyra as his Queen of Love and Beauty, they still had a little hope in their heart that Arthur would choose one of them. When reached the Royal Box, Rhaenyra ran towards the edge to see his face. Seeing her behaviour, all the Targaryens and Velaryons started laughing. Nobles and common people also started to laugh at their princess's cute behavior. Even though Rhaenyra did hear them laugh,she didn't pay any attention to it. All she had in her mind was a man named 'Arthur Valhalla'.

Taking the crown in his wooden lance, Arthur pointed his lance towards the beautiful princess Rhaenyra.

" This is for making me the luckiest man with your blessings, my princess. If you can, please meet Prince Daemon and me to the place where you two put your dragons."- Arthur told Rhaenyra in a loving manner before throwing the lance away and leaving with his horse. Daemon had left a message by his squire which was about the place where the dragon's were resting.

Arthur wanted to go to King's Landing in the fastest way possible. Thanks to his appearance in Crownlands, Daemon and Rhaenyra brought their dragons Caraxes and Syrax to show the pride of Targaryens. Now Arthur decided to fly to King's Landing with one of their dragons.