
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

ourslibrary06 · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter Twenty three

The air in the living room became tense and Calvin glared at Laura

"What do you mean by that?" Laura asked stammering and Calvin tightened his grip around her.

"Why did you kill her?" Calvin repeated.

"I didn't kill anyone!" She retorted Calvin tightened his grip on her and her arm started aching.

"Stop playing dumb Laura, how did you know that I am coming from her place of work?" Calvin growled and Laura chewed her cheeks.

"Why do you even want to know?" She shut her eyes. "Why should I tell you?"

"I demand an answer, now," Calvin ordered and Laura became afraid of him.

"Why are you horrible to me?" She asked him with her voice cracky. "Why do you care so much for a stranger and care so little for me?" Calvin was raking aback by her question.

"I don't understand..." He muttered.

"Yes, I employed a personal investigator to spy on you but I didn't kill anyone even though I was angry that she had sex with you that night, I can't just murder her for that." She said and tears started rolling down her eyes. Calvin removed his grip from her, and he realized that Laura was telling the truth she did not kill Mildred, but if it was not Laura then who was it?

"I'm sorry," Calvin said pinching his nose. He knew that someone had been stalking him all this while, but what he did not know was that person was hired by Laura his fiancee.

"You are sorry? Do you know how painful it is seeing you do all this? Do you know how painful it is to give all your care and attention to someone other than me? Or knowing that you are having an affair with someone? Why are you so terrible to me Calvin?" She asked crying and Calvin felt bad a little for her, he had not been so nice to her.

"I don't know." He answered tersely and raked his hair with his finger, a lot was going through his mind.

"You don't know? You don't have a damn reason why you are doing all this to me? You are a monster." She started crying out loudly and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." He said with his eyes lifeless as a stone.

"You go about having sex with random women, aren't you ashamed of yourself? Have you forgotten that you are royalty?" She sniffed. "Why can't you just be nice to me for once?"

"What do you want from me, Laura?" He asked and there was a little concern in his voice.

She came closer to him, "I don't want anything much from you, Calvin, I just want you to be less terrible to me."

"Is that all? Do you need a new car? A boat? A jet? A penthouse? Money? What do you need, I will give it to you?" Calvin asked with a sinister grin on his face, he was less concerned about this conversation he was having with Laura.

"I do not need any of those, Calvin! I don't need your money! I just need you!" She said in between sobs.

"I thought girls need all these things, money, wealth, fame and sex?" The grin on his face became wider.

"I don't need any of those, those aren't important to me, nothing is important to me apart from you, my love. Do you even love me, Calvin?" Calvin was touched by her words and he pulled her into a hug. His longish hands wrapped around her waist, and Laura was shocked beyond Jupiter she never expected Calvin to hug her.

"I'm sorry..." He took in a deep breath, and Laura shut her eyes, and her cheeks turned red, she was expecting Calvin to say the next sweetest thing on earth. "I am sorry for ever dating you and yes I do not love you, you are merely what I use to pass the time." His words were like a burning arrow shot at Laura's heart. "know your place lowly one." Laura's whole body went numb and her ears started ringing and her vision blurred.

Calvin broke the hug and intoned. "I will be taking my leave now." A cheerful smile appeared on his face and Laura boiled with anger. "Have a great day, my love."

He turned to leave and Laura whispered to herself. He stopped walking and turned to her.

"What did you say?"

"I can't continue with this relationship, it's over between us." She struggled to speak, and she spoke her whole body was fidgeting.

He continued with his steps, "Oh yes, you will continue with this relationship, you are not the one to decide when it will end."

"Why should it be this way? I do not want to be with you again! I do not want to see you again! I hate you!" She shouted.

He stopped and raked his hair with his hand, "It's an order."


Amelia was in her living room typing on her laptop, she just concluded a virtual meeting with her models in Paris. She stayed in two-bedroom flats, which consisted of her room and a visitor's room. Her living room was moderate in size, it had a white painting and it was beautified by furniture and flower vases which were kept at almost every corner of the house.

Her living room door suddenly opened and she jumped, she stayed alone, so this was strange.

Prince Chad stepped into her living room and he was on a black t-shirt and jeans, he had a face cap on as a disguise but Amelia could recognize him.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked alarmed "And why didn't you knock?!"

Chad turned to the door, "knock? I thought it wasn't necessary."

Amelia slapped her face, she had forgotten how arrogant Prince Chad could be sometimes.

"Yes, it is necessary that is why the door is there to prevent people like you to barge into someone's house abruptly." She said and hissed.

"What makes you talk to me in this manner?" Chad uttered bluntly and he glared at her.

"I am not even going to talk to you, what if I was naked or something?"

"If you were naked? If you thought you were going to be naked and someone would walk in then lock the door." He told her and sat down on a couch which was opposite the one she was sitting on.

Amelia did not reply to prince Chad.

"I need something to drink," Prince Chad informed her but Amelia did not say anything.

"Amelia," he called and she did not reply to him, she kept pressing the keys on her laptop with he eyes fixed on the laptop screen.

"Why are you not answering me, Amelia?" Chad questioned with a frown on his face.

"You know what to do before I will answer you." She told him and her eyes were still fixed on her laptop's screen.

"I am not going to do anything." He told her bluntly and she acted as if he was not there.

"Talk to me, it is an order!" Chad ordered and Amelia completely ignored him.

"If you don't answer me I will..."

"You will what?" She cut him off and he thought of what to say but he could not think of anything.

"Fine." He breathed. "What do you want me to do?"

Amelia became suddenly interested, she removed her gaze from the laptop screen and fixed it on Chad. She smirked, this was another opportunity for her to get whatever she wanted from Chad.

"First I want you to go out of my apartment and knock like a proper human would do," she paused. "Your Highness." She said sarcastically.

"Why do you want me to do that?" Chad rolled his eyes.

"I know that you are so arrogant that you can't do something so simple." She dared him, smirking her lips.

Chad stood up from the couch he was sitting on and went out of her living room and he knocked on the door. He kept on knocking but Amelia did not reply to him.

"Now tell me why you are not answering me?" He growled and punched the door.

He tried opening the door but he figured out that she had locked it from the inside.

"Amelia, do you want me to smash your door?" He asked calmly.

"If you do that you'd have to pay for it, and trust me you won't be paying a little amount of money." She laughed and Chad punched the wall this time. "I'll open the door if you just do me a little favour."

"What is that?"

"I want to start a real estate business and I want you to help me." She told him sweetly but Chad was not happy that she locked him outside. He did not know why he was still standing right at her doorpost begging her to open the door.

"Why should I do that?"

"You should if you want to come in and talk with me."

"Okay fine, I will do it."

'This was so ridiculous,' Chad thought to himself. 'Why am I being so soft towards her? I should have busted this door open, what is preventing me from doing so?'

"Give me a second." Amelia danced excitedly as she opened the door.

Chad frowned when she presented him with a pen and some documents for him to sign.

"This again? I have surely fallen from grace." He collected the documents angrily and signed them. Amelia became excited when he returned the documents to her, all signed, it was very handy to have Chad around.

She dropped the documents on a side stool and sat down on her couch.

"My turn," Chad whispered. He came close to her and she tried backing away but he held her by the hand.

He stared intently at her, rubbing his hand against her and she removed her gaze from him.

"Let me go." She cried out, Chad had noticed that this was her weakness, since she had some feelings for him she could not stand him being this close to her.

"I won't." He said grinning.

"I'll call the cops."

"I won't let you."

"I'll beat you."

"With what? Your baby hands?" He chuckled wiggling her hands in the air. "I'll let you go only on one condition."

"Please don't tell me not to be your business partner again," she begged him and he sighed.

"Not that, I won't do something that terrible...I love working with you." He breathed. "It is something far from that."

"Then what is it?" She pouted.

"Go on a date with me this Friday."