
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

ourslibrary06 · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter thirty-three

"You see there is nothing special about this party," Chad told Amelia as they danced. "I'm just here because of you."

"Really?" Amelia said trying to hide the amusement in her eyes from him.

"I shouldn't have come, what's the point of all this?"


"Spend time with your family and friends." She told him and he chuckled.

"I do not have friends and my family can be horrible sometimes," he sighed. "My life isn't that fascinating right?"

"It is not, a lot of people want to have this type of your life."

"Humans can never be satisfied, our cravings are unlimited." He breathed. "See that girl in a long red gown at that corner all by herself,"

Amelia turned to where he was pointing to.

"That's my sister, Flora and I have never had an informal discussion with her before."

Amelia nearly tripped on her steps but Chad held her.

"You are joking right?" She asked surprised.

"Nope, I am not." Chad replied plainly.

"Was she staying somewhere else?"

"No, we grew up together in this castle." Chad sighed. "That my uncle, Williams Cruise, he was the richest in our family."

Amelia turned to look at whom he was referring to, and she saw a man with grey hair, who was wearing a tuxedo, he was quite plump and he had a pot belly, he laughed loudly as he drank from his wine glass and Amelia immediately disliked him.

When Chad saw the disgust on her face after showing her Uncle William he chuckled.

"I know, I know, that's how I feel whenever I see him too, he is so arrogant and quite infuriating." He said still chuckling.

"Who's the richest in your family now?" Amelia asked him, curious.

"I am the richest." He told her and whirled her around. "You're not that bad at dancing." He held her waist again and she cringed.

"I guess so."

"That's my brother Calvin, over there, you should stay away from him." Chad said with a serious tone and Amelia stared at Calvin who was talking with a group of men, he had this cheerful laugh on his face and this liveliness in his eyes. She started to wonder why Chad told her to stay away from him, he looked nice.

"Why should I?" She asked Chad, she did not understand why he said so.

Just don't go close to him, that's it. And that young pretty girl in a pink dress over there is my little sister, Amanda..."

The way Chad's tone of voice was when he talked about Amanda his little, it seemed like she was the only one in his family he really liked. Amelia stared at Amanda, smiling, she saw how friendly and pretty she was, she was in the midst of some young men and they were really concentrated on what she was telling them, they were all happy listening to her. Amelia liked Amanda more than his other siblings.

"Never go close to her, don't even think of ever speaking with her," Chad's tone of voice changed immediately and Amelia stared at him and saw that was not bluffing.

"Why...is...that?" She asked him stammering.

"Just do like I say, it's an order." They stopped dancing and she frowned.

"You are not the boss of..."

"Your dress is beautiful," he muttered and she trailed off. "I want to thank you, Amelia, working with you this evening was the greatest thing ever," he chuckled and took his lips in. "I had a fun time, especially making these clothes and wearing these clothes, you taught me a lot this evening...Amelia." He told her and her heart skipped a beat, she forgot what she wanted to complain to him about, she felt butterflies in her stomach, she had never felt this happy before.

"Can I get something for us to drink?" He asked her and she nodded. "Just stay calm, and don't have any informal discussion with anyone, if anyone asks you any questions, answer discreetly." He held her shoulders. "All of this is for your benefit."

"Okay." She told him with a low voice and he patted her shoulders before leaving.

Chad went to get some drinks for the both of them and on his way, he met Laura, his brother's fiancee all by herself and decided to approach her.

"You're Laura right?" He asked her, and she turned, surprised to see him standing behind her.

"Yes, I am how did you know my name?" Laura asked him, this was the very first time he was speaking to her, she usually tried to talk with him but he either ignored her or smiled and did not utter a word, so with all this she was very surprised that he knew her name.

"You have been my brother's fiancee for some time now, why won't I know your name?" He chuckled and she played with her fingers. "Why are you here alone? Is there any problem? Or you are not the party type?"

She nodded and she pointed at Calvin. "He is the problem."

Chad face palmed himself laughing and then he took his lips in. "How is he the problem if I may ask?"

"He is just so annoying, so infuriating and I am so tired of him," Laura complained bitterly with her hands balled into fists. "Every time I see him I feel like punching his face."

"Ahh, no need to act violently, but if you dislike him this much why haven't you left him since? Why are you still with him?" He asked her and she pouted and thought why she was still with him and she could not think of something reasonable apart from, she loved him so much.

"Ehm, I don't know," she sighed. "I just don't know why I am still with him."


"There is something good in him and you're not seeing it." He told her and she huffed.

"There's nothing good in him."

"If there was nothing good in him you won't be with him." Chad told her with a smirk and she was surprised that it was the truth, there was something good in Calvin.

'I just use you to pass time...' Calvin's words rephrased in her mind and she shrugged.

"I doubt, he doesn't have anything good in him and I am completely clueless why I am still with him, he has done a lot of horrible things to me."

"Horrible? That's not horrible, Calvin hasn't done anything horrible yet, do you have an idea of what's horrible?" Chad chuckled and he noticed that Laura became slightly afraid, and he straightened himself. "I think you should try and look for the good in him."

"I have been trying, but nothing is happening, why is it me that has to do the work?" Laura said with a stressed voice and Chad pinched his nose.

"Do you want a drink? It'll help you calm down." He collected a glass of wine from a servant who was carrying glasses of wine on a tray and gave it to her. She gulped the drink and in less than a minute the glass was empty.

"I want more," she told him and he refused to give her.

"Chill, don't drink too much," he paused, "How are you?" He asked her and her eyes shone wide, he noticed how surprised she was and asked. "Why are you surprised that I asked how you are?"

"I'm just surprised because no one really asks how I am," she said with a low voice and Chad placed his hand on her shoulder.

"How are you?" Chad asked again she straightened herself, and there was a radiant smile on her face.

"I guess...I..am fine," she stammered. "What about you?"

"I think I'm about to die of boredom...I am not the party type, especially this type of party." Chad sighed.

"I rather be alone listening to music than attend this type of party, I just came here because of Calvin," she said and looked at where Calvin was, he was with a girl as usual and this made her angry. "And there he is doing what he is only good at. I so want to get back at him, do you know what he hates?"

"I do not know, and why do you want to get back at him?" Chad asked her and she shut her eyes.

"I know that he hates you."

"I'm not sure."

"He hardly talks about you, and anytime he is around you he is angry."

"I guess so," he pinched his nose and sighed. "How are you?" He asked again.

"I am very fine, speaking with you and telling you some of my problems made me feel better." She said with confidence and Chad smiled.

"When people speak out about their problems to others they feel better...you shouldn't let the problems in your life deprive you of joy, you should focus on the positive things and not the negative." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and a radiant smile appeared on his face. "Your dress is beautiful and you look pretty."

Laura's cheeks turned red and for the first time in a while, she felt quite special, she felt like she was cared for, and she felt happy?

"Thank you," she told him blushing.

"I'm no therapist but I can put a smile on anyone's face," he winked at her and she giggled. "Oh, and I think your smile is pretty too."

"Thank you so much, I just wish, I just wish..."

"You wish what?" Chad asked with a grin.

"I wish Calvin was like you, nice and reasonable you are way better than he is..."

"Calvin can never be me, I'm Chad, he is Calvin, Calvin can never be Chad, Chad can never be Calvin...and who told you that I am better than Calvin?" An impish grin crept to his face and he raked his hair with his hand and then he tapped her shoulder gently. "Remember what I told you Laura, focus on the positive things..."

Chad remembered that he was supposed to get drinks for himself and Amelia and it had been more than fifteen minutes now, he turned around and his eyes searched the hall for Amelia but he could not see her.

"See you later, Laura," he told her and left her, Laura was sad that he was leaving she wanted to spend more time with him.

Chad looked for Amelia but he could not see her, and neither did he know where she went to.

"Tch. What a pain." He cursed and continued looking for her.

After searching for her throughout the hall he concluded that she was not in the hall, so he had to go and look for her outside the hall.

He stepped out of the hall and went to the garden which was not far from the hall.  He saw her standing alone staring at the skies.

He walked to her slowly and then stood beside her.

He took in a deep breath and called with a low voice. "Amelia..."

She turned to him with her eyes glossy and with a cracked voice, she muttered, "You promised not to leave my side."