
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Business Party


Anthony, wait was his name Anthony? Anthone? Antone? The handsome guy that I always argued with. Even though both of us are inside our cars, I could still clearly see him


When we arrive at the venue I immediately searched for foods since I'm so hungry! I mean it's not just me right? Everytime I go to events we always searched for food right? Is it just me? Oh okay. I won't go to jail by just putting food on my plate right?

When I got the plate, it was right at that moment when dad called me. I sighed and placed the plate back on the table.

"Ysh sweetie, come here" dad said. I have no choice but to return to our table because dad called me or should I say disturbed me from re uniting with the love of my life

When I arrived on our table--- OH MY GOD!

My eyes immediately sparked the moment I saw foods on our table.

"Ysh, I would like you to meet your soon to be husband" dad said. I just coolly nodded while my eyes are still on the foods

"Ooohh future hus--- WAIT WHAT?!" I immediately snapped out of it and looked at the person in front of me.





Why is he here?

Why is Anthony Martinez here?!

Anthony's POV

When I saw her--- I didn't know my future wife could be this pretty.

*dug* *dug* *dug* *dug* *dug**dug* *dug* *dug* *dug* *dug**dug* *dug* *dug* *dug* *dug**dug* *dug* *dug* *dug* *dug**dug*

Wait, why is my heart beating so fast?

"Son, she was what I was talking about. Your future wife" mom said and smiled sweetly at them.

"Uh Christian, Sophie. I think we should leave them for a while" Tito Carlo said and signaled my parents to go somewhere else.

"Uh no, it's fine tito. We'll go somewhere else" I sofly said. I signaled the girl to come with me in the garden and sat in the swing

When we sat down, the silence was so awkward I could almost hear all the crickets. I'm actually impressed that this girl haven't fainted yet especially that I'm right beside her.

"Uh hey, what's your name?" I asked, for sure her face would turn red the moment we start a conversation

"Yshianna Nicole Vinci" she answered while still looking straight in the huge fountain in front of us. Her name sounds familiar though.

"You?" she asked

"Anthony Martinez" I answered and offered my hand when I noticed something different.

When I looked deeply into her eyes, she looks like---

Oh shit--- this can't be!

Pimple face?!

"So uh where do you study?" I asked to confirm if she really is pimple face.

"Genius Academy" she answered. My eyes widened.

"Uhh what do you normally wear in your school?" I casually asked

Yshianna's POV

"Uhh what do you normally wear in your school?" he coolly asked


Should I say it? I want to trick him though.


"I actually wear thick eyeglasses, long ass skirt, and always have books on my hand" as a honest person I would say the truth, nothing but the truth.

Does it ring a bell? Hmm Anthony?

Anthony's POV

I knew it!

It's her!

The ugly nerd!

"WAIT WHAT?! You're-- that.... that---" I internally cursed, I didn't know that it was her. Well I actually had a clue but--

"Yep" she said sweetly, well sarcastic but sweet. "I guess you are my FUTURE WIFE and I'm your FUTURE HUSBAND then" I sadly said. Well who would want to get married with someone you don't even love right? I sound like a grown up when I want to escape things. I almost feel like the whole solar system is thrown at me and I've got nothing to do but catch it. That's how big my problem is.

"But actually, I have standards" I cockily said, in hopes that I can make her feel irritated. I don't know why but I enjoy seeing her irritated and annoyed expression.

"What do you look for in a girl?" she asked as if she's already bored about our conversation.

"Beautiful, not clumsy, intelligent, has a pretty smile, and---" I looked down at her chest and she did the same too, She got what I ment so she immediately covered her chest with a red face while I just laughed hysterically because I find her face cut---- funny and dumb.

'Smile through the pain', they say. When she started kicking me I couldn't even feel pain, not one bit. When we calmed down, we just sat there silent and looking at opposite directions. I peeked at her to see what she was doing and saw that she is shivering because of the cold.

She's shivering, even her lips look cold and in need of some warmth so I took off my coat and put it around her shoulders

Her hands held on to my coat which led our hands to slightly touch. And I suddenly felt strange.... a good type of strange

I could feel the electricity running through my veins the moment I touched her hands. When I looked at her face to see her reaction in case I'm just insane or delusional.

She froze

I feel like she also felt what I felt, it's impossible to not feel it.

We stared at each other for 2 minutes

When she looked away and removed her hands in my coat so I did the same.

"Uh thanks" she awkwardly said

"I think we should get inside, it's getting cold" I said and went inside first because I could feel my heart hammering on my chest.

We sat down with our parents in the table. They were talking about something before we came back but stopped when they saw us coming.

Yshianna's POV

"Oh,the 2 of you are back" Tita Sophie


"Of course hon, don't say the obvious" Tito Christian sarcastically said.

"Uh by the way Ysh you will be staying at the Martinez' residence since me, Aj. Sophie, and Christian are going to New York for our new business" dad said

"What?! You mean just the two of us?! Dad your daughter is a traditional woman!" I said almost begging not to leave me alone with this jerk

"Hey stop assuming, of course there are housemaids in the house" Anthony sarcastically said

As if I would want to sleep under one roof with you! I'd rather buy a condo unit than living with you under the same roof! Dream on jackass!

"Son, actually Yshianna is right. It's just the two of you. The maids took a day off" Tita Sophie sweetly said.

"What?! Mom! Oh come on!" Anthony desperately said, maybe afraid on what women would do to him the moment he falls asleep which I would never do!

"Son you heard what your mom said so respect our decision" Tito Christian said

"Don't fight in front of the food" Tita Sophie said

"Ughhh but mom!---"

"No buts, the two of you will get married. Period!" she grinned and started eating. We had no choice but to eat silently as well.

"I think we should go, we shouldn't be late for our flight" dad said when we finished eating dessert. He looks excited while I feel burdened

"Wait right now? Like right now? No time to adjust?" I asked. Very shocked that dad would automatically leave me. Nobody bothered to answer me, instead they just went out of the venue so I had nothing to do but follow them to the parking lot

"Alright, we'll now leave the two of you" Dad said.

"Ysh be good, be responsible and take care of your soon to be husband" dad said which made me annoyed

"Dad! You're already about to leave but you still have time to joke around" Dad laughed and caressed my hair, he looked at me as if I was the most important thing on earth.

Anthony's POV

"Son, we made something for you. Hope you'd like it" mom said with here eyebrows wiggling.

She gave me a roll of cartolina so I decided to open it because of curiousity.

"Mom! What is this?!" I angrily asked

"Of course the rules regarding for the engagement or on how you should treat your fiance" mom said as if it's the most important thing in the world right now. I don't really need it anyway. I would treat her the way I want to


"Try searching on google son, maybe you'll find the answers there" dad sarcastically said


"No buts just search it on google" dad said. I pursed my lips because of annoyance

"Alright bye son, WE LOVE YOU!" mom grinned and did a finger heart. While the car was slowly disappearing I could still see my mom's grin. When I turned to look at pimple face, her head is down and silent.

But when you look closely she looks like she's crying. To check if my assumptions are true I cupped her face and saw her crying so I wiped it with my fingers

"Shh don't cry, you look like you were abandoned or something" I said trying to make her smile but failed

"Let's go home" she said as if she's not in the mood. I am supposed to be the one that's not in the mood, imagine living with her under the same roof!

I just drove quietly to our house since she looks like she's sleeping.

"Hey Anthony, I don't have my things in your house right?" she asked with her eyes closed. So she's not sleeping huh?

"Mom said it's already there" I answered while my eyes are on the road. The moment I looked at her... pffft I wanted to laugh so hard because she's drooling! I wanted to make fun of her but I'm afraid I'll crash my car.

"You're beautiful, why would you hide it?" I whispered, afraid that she might wake up and hear what I said

I just don't get it, she has the looks but she's hiding it. But at the same time I felt relieved, no suitors the better.

"Nic, we're here" I woke her up. She immediately opened her eyes and looked around to see our mansion

"Oh" she just said and went outside so I did the same too. We went inside the house, this is one of our properties. This isn't our original house but it is still familiar to me. It's a very modern house with glass walls. It's not that big but very ideal on starting a new family-- wait why am I thinking this way?

I was on my way to go to my room when she held on to my tuxedo so I faced her. "Why?" I asked

"Uh where is my room?" she asked

"Oh yeah, you don't know your room yet" how stupid of me

"Follow me" I said and went to her room. She patiently followed me while I'm conscious about what she thinks of my back or is she staring at me?

We stipped in front of her room. "Thanks" she said and went inside, she was about to close the door when I blocked it with my hand.

"Hey Nic, goodnight" I whispered but enough for her to hear.

Don't get me wrong I'm just trying to be nice since I know that she feels bad about her dad leaving, I'll return to my usual self tomorrow morning

"Yeah goodnight to you too" she said. I stared at her to check if she's just pretending. Why isn't she going wild when I just told her GOODNIGHT! She didn't fall for my looks, oh well I have a bunch of fans I don't need another one.

I removed my hand on her door and went to my room with a big smile plastered on my face. I learned one thing tonight.
