
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Nightmare

Yshianna's POV

"Mom! Come on, let's go to that stall!" I was pointing at a stall full of big stuffed toys. We're in the amusement park, we planned this for our 'girls date' which happens annually. Mom was talking to someone not familiar to me but I didn't really pay attention to what they were talking about since my attention is only at the stall. I was a sucker for stuffed toys.

"Mom come on!"

"Okay, okay wait" mom said while laughing because of my eagerness to go. I was so happy that time, we're about to cross the streets but I just couldn't wait any longer. I ran into the street and stop when I saw a ball of light almost blinding me. A truck was headed towards me making me stop at my tracks and just glued on where I was standing.

"Anna!" I was forced to move out of the way. I stumbled against a rock but that didn't stop me from looking back to see what happened.

My mom...lying on the streets, cold and covered with her own blood. I couldn't even recognize her anymore

"Noooo! Bring her back! Give me my mom back! I'm begging--"

"Noona, noona! Wake up! You're dreaming again" my younger brother waked me up. I immediately woke up, I could feel the beads of sweat dripping on my forehead down to my neck. I was panting so hard, he gave me a glass of water and slightly patted my back. I then realized that it was a dream, a nightmare on what happened several years ago that I wanted to forget but I guess this is my karma.

When I lost my mother right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything but blame myself for what happened. It was a dream I never wanted to see again, if I'll be given a chance to erase those memories I'll gladly do it in a heartbeat.

"What happened?" My father came inside our room with a worried expression. He looked like he just took a bath. He's wearing his t-shirt and slacks, his usual corporate attire.

"She's dreaming again" dad sat down beside me and hugged me tight. He always does this when I have nightmares more specifically, that nightmare. I immediately felt relieved and all the veins in ny body calmed down because of his warm and tight hug.

"I'm here, you're not alone" he kissed the top of my head and let go of me. He smiled and tucked my hair at the back of my ear. 10 years have passed but it seemed like it just happened yesterday. I still refuse to accept the fact that she's gone.... because of me.

All I have now is my brother, Aj. He didn't even feel my mom's touch and care, my mom was pregnant when the accident happened but gladly Aj survived the accident but sadly mom didn't. But he never blamed me for what happened, he understood everything in such a young age.

And especially my dad... Carlo Vinci. He lost his partner and wife because of me, his daughter. Even though he was mourning, he still didn't blame me for what happened when it was clearly my fault. If I had moved out of the way or if I was patient enough, she would still be alive and we're still complete. I even remembered those times when our company was almost failing but gladly dad didn't just watch the company crumble down.

"Anna, Aj. Let's go downstairs, manang already cooked breakfast for us. Don't worry too much" he patted my head once before going out of the room.

"Dad is right noona, don't worry about what happened ten years ago. Perhaps a food would make you feel better right?" He grinned like a dog. I slightly laughed because of his cuteness but remembered that it would take more than that to stop thinking about it. Aj has this Aussie accent because we studied at Australia ever since his pre school till 3rd grade days. But he's currently feeling like his undergoing puberty.

I ruffled his hair which annoys him. "You always think about food" I remembered every year, we needed to move out of the country and go to one country to another because of a certain reason that I don't even know but we decided to just stay in Australia when Aj already needs to study.

"Stop it noona, I just did my hair!" He protested and went to the vanity mirror to fix his hair again. I just sat there and admired him for being so matured despite not having a mother while growing up. In such a young age he's very intelligent, a very fast learning and understanding person especially to the new people he encounters

"No matter what you do you still look like a monkey" he looked at me with the what-the-heck look. He held on to his waist and faces me like an angry mom ready to lecture her daughter.

"Please do remember that you're my sister. Therefore I conclude that you look like a gorilla" I picked up my pillow and threw it at him. He's laughing like crazy when he successfully catched it.

"Too weak to even throw a pillow---ow!" I threw the other pillow at him but this time it hit perfectly in his face. He threw the pillow on the floor and caressed his red nose

"Oops, just gorilla things" I peace signed. He was about to come at me when dad peeked at our room.

"The two of you stop it! Go downstairs after fixing your beds" dad said and closed the door

"Hey noona! The last one to go downstairs would not have desserts!"

"Oh game on dumbass!" We raced to the stairs and almost flew just to arrive downstairs first but sadly he won. How can he win with those tiny feet?! It's not fair right? I'm older so he should follow what I say. Alright that was childish of me to think that way.

"Kids move faster, it's your first day today at your new school. It's bad to be late" I wanted to hit Aj so bad but we had to move fast especially I'm still not on my uniform. Because my younger brother didn't even wake me up to get ready!

"Yes commander" I playfully saluted and Aj did the same too. We sat at the dining table and ate our breakfast but I guess there will be no desserts for me.

"Dad! We go to the same school right?" Aj asked, almost pleading. His puppy eyes and thin lips would probably make girl's hearts break the moment he reaches puberty.

"Yes Aj, now stop talking and eat your food" dad said. We always do what he says especially when he's serious. Dad is very scary whenever he's serious or angry about something or someone.

"Ya noona! Let's go together" I stucked my tongue out to annoy him. But when I saw that he was about to cry I immediately caressed his hair. My baby is still a kid, and I prefer him to be that way.

"Fine, I can't let you walk on the streets alone right?" I said while smiling sweetly

"Of course not"

"But you still look like a monkey" he rolled his eyes and went back to eating

"You still look like a gorilla" he mimicked me with such an annoying tone

"Alright, I'll leave you alone so you can just walk your way to the school" I said and went back to eating.

"I was just kidding! What I mean is you look like a beautiful... uh ehem gorilla?" He isn't even sure about what he said but I still laughed because of his cuteness.

"I'm not really sure if I would take that positively or negatively" his eyes widened

"Positive!" He said, convincing me so that he won't walk his way to school. After eating breakfast and getting ready for school we went outside where our car is. A matte black SUV since dad has an excessive love for black things which I don't understand.

We left Korea after the incident happened, but now we're back to our beloved home, my mother's home! My dad owns the biggest car company and the Vinci Enterprises.

"Noona, what if there would be many bullies in school? What should I do? Should I fight back or just act matured or something? They would probably tease me for not learning how to speak Filipino!" Aj asked while sitting beside me in the backseat while my dad is driving. We have lots of drivers but father prefers to take us to school despite his busy schedule. Aj is already panicking since it's his first time to actually go to a Filipino International School.

"You know what just calm down and don't mind them. Or do you want to eat lunch together? In case you don't have friends on your first day" I offered. Dad looked at us in the mirror.

"Aj, your noona is right. Just wait for her in your classroom and don't go anywhere, your school is too big to even find you" dad said

"Yes dad" Aj answered and looked out on the window. He sighed as if he has the biggest problem in the world

"We're here!" Aj squealed loudly. I just laughed and unbuckled my seat belt when the car stopped. He immediately went outside to check the school out.

"Anna, stop thinking about what happened. It wasn't your fault" maybe he can see right through me. I was thinking about it the whole time. I just forced myself to smile because Aj is with us.

"Dad I'm fine, it's all in the past now. Let's just focus on the present" I said and smiled to assure him that I'm fine. He sighed and nodded.

"Alright, take care of Aj and have fun! Be good while I'm gone"

"Yeah bye. Take care too" I kissed his cheek before going out of the car where Aj was waiting. He is too excited. He looks like he is ready to run to check the whole school but couldn't even do it in a day since the school is too big.

"Noona! I've been waiting for you to get out of the car, what took you so long?" He was about to throw tantrums but he noticed my serious expression. So I decided to kid around.

"Don't shout at me, remember I'm still older than you" I said and climbed the stairs to go inside

"I'm sorry" he saide and held my hand with his tiny ones.

"Aj, patience is a virtue" I jokingly said. He looks tense when we went inside the building. Students filled the corridors, talking about their summer escapades. The whole floor was filled with beautiful and handome students with their expensive bags and sunglasses.

"Don't be so nervous! You look like you're about to pee your pants" I joked. He rolled his eyes and gripped on my hands tighter. He hid beside me, looking so anxious.

"What should I do? I don't have any friends" he didn't transfer schools in Austalia so he doesn't know how to socialize with new people.

"Oh come on Aj, you're still a kid. Just do what you always do. Play and just have fun! You should learn how to mingle with o----" someone caught my attention that made me stop from talking. We're on our way to Aj's classroom.

"Hey let go of me!" The guy said while forcing the little girl to let go of his uniform that was unbuttoned with a black shirt inside. Even though I could only see his side profile I'm sure as hell that he's handsome and rich, just one look in his shoes and you could already tell that he's one spoiled and lucky person on this planet.

"Uh excuse me. I think you shouldn't treat the girl that way---"

"Will you shut up?!" He shouted in my face. I shockingly stared at his face for a good three minutes because I got a closer look on his face, and with these thick eyeglasses who wouldn't see him clearly right? He has brown dangerous eyes, pointed nose, fair skin, and especially his thin but pinkish lips whenever he licks it makes it a hundred times more attractive.

"And you. Go inside your classroom! Cam, please!" He ordered the girl that was crying, afraid of going inside and leaving someone familiar to her. He walked out the moment the girl let go of his uniform. I crouched so that our eyes would level.

Oh god this girl's genes are outstanding! Why would a kid be more beautiful than me?

Her eyes are brown, her nose is very cute and red because of crying and her lips that are pinkish and thin. Even a kid looks better than me! "Hi little one, is he your brother or something?" I asked. With big eyes she shook her head

"Nope, he's my cousin" she answered while sobbing. I immediately searched for my lollipop inside my bag and showed it to the girl.

"Shhh don't cry, what do you want? A candy? Lollipop?" I offered. Her eyes automatically went to the lollipop in my hand and tears stopped flowing in her rosy cheeks. I swear if this girl reaches 16 or 17 all boys would probably court her, well except for my brother that loves himself too much

"Here, you can have it" I gave her the lollipop, she didn't think twice on receiving and eating it. This kid would probably get kidnapped for liking candies so much. I wouldn't even be shocked about it.

She ate it happily and looked at my brother then back to me. "Kid, what's your name?" I asked kindly

"Cameron Martinez" she's so cute and I swear! I won't leave till I could pinch her cheeks even once

"You're so cute" I said and pinched her cheeks which made her smile cutely. I stopped pinching her cheek when the bell rang, a sign that classes are about to start. My eyes widened and looked at my brother that was extremely bored.

"Aj, I'll come back here okay? Be good while I'm gone. Love u!" I said and ran as fast as I can to the classroom that I was assigned to. Thank god I'm not yet late, students are chatting and laughing when I arrived. I looked for a vacant seat at the front but sadly there are none so I just sat at the back without looking at my seatmate.

"Why the heck are you here?" I heard him say. After I fixed my backpack I looked back at him to see----


He's------ oh shit!


Author's note:

Don't forget to vote or comment any of your opinions about my story so that I could develop as an author and recommend this story if you like it. Anyways I'll be updating once a week or twice. Thank you for reading! XOXO!