
First Contact.

I awoke on a comfortable bed staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. The smell of medicine assaulted my nose before I remembered where I was.

Is remember the right word? I mean I was remembering but they weren't my memories, rather they had been placed there by God. They were memories of the last month in a school in Japan. I had come from England as a foreign exchange student and had been here for a month.

I joined the archery club and excelled in my subjects, I had many girls ask me out. But my answer remained the same.

'I'm so sorry but no one woman will be able to handle me so I wish to marry many women. If you can handle that I will take you as my girlfriend.'

What that actual fuck? I mean I wasn't opposed to having a harèm but that didn't mean I would turn away half the girls in the school. What a shitty backstory God had given me.

Once I finished gathering my thoughts I stood up from the bed with a sigh, nothing I could do about it now. I looked around the place and saw I was in some kind of hospital room.

As I was trying to get my bearings the door to the room suddenly opened, and in walked a busty, blonde haired babe.

"Shizuka Marikawa?" I said whilst looking her up and down. Damn she was fine. She looked just like she did in the anime.

She was tall for a woman and had ridiculous curves and humongous, gravity defying breasts that bounced with every slight movement. She had waist length blonde hair and hazel eyes and an innocent look on her face which complemented her greatly.

"You really shouldn't use my full name Mr. Scott. We barely know each other." She said whilst looking at her shoes with a slight blush on her face.

"Of course Miss Shizuka, I apologize for my forwardness." I replied back in fluent Japanese. I had barely known any Japanese in my past life, but thanks to Language Comprehension I had picked it up almost instantly.

After I finished apologizing to the busty nurse some static was heard from the speaker in the room before someone spoke.

"This announcement is for all the students... An emergency situation is taking place inside the school right now. All students must follow your teacher's instructions and evacuate."

Shit, that came a whole lot sooner than I thought it would.

As the man on the PA system gurgled on his own blood I grabbed the bag that was next to my bed, it was mine and was filled with my archery equipment.

I heard screams from the hallway outside and already knew that it was too late to make a run for it. I quickly pulled my Zombie slayer from my Item Box, I instinctively knew how, and turned it into a bow.

Luckily Shizuka was too preoccupied with checking if the others in the room were okay to notice so it was fine. I slung the bag on my back and attached it firmly to my body before taking the cap off of my quiver and checking my arrow count.

24 in total. Quite lucky, though they were solid fibreglass training arrows, not broad head composites like I would like but they would have to do.

I ran to the door and locked it before moving to the back corner of the room. I remember that one of the other two students here turned into a zombie so I had my eye on both of them with an arrow on my string.

Shizuka had calmed down a little and looked at me with a confused look on her face.

However before she could say anything one of the boys on the beds made a cracking sound as his body arched upwards and then back down. He yelled out in pain and then projectile vomitted blood over the whit curtain next to him.

I looked at this scene in shock for a minute before regaining my senses as he sat up with his neck bent backwards. The boy on the other bed stood up and walked to his friend. "Okaka?" he questions before grabbing a nearby IV stand and shouting "Damn it!" before approaching the Zombie.

Before he could however an arrow flew by his head and pierced through the zombie's skull.

/1ZP Gained/

A notification rang in my ear as I lowered my bow.

I honestly thought it would be harder to kill another person but it was quite easy. Especially with this awesome bow. It felt as if it was about a 35lb draw weight bit the force from it far exceeded even the best compound bows I'd ever shot, simply unbelievable.

"Oh, no. What should I do?" Shizuka said whilst looking towards the locked door.

I pushed one of the beds towards it and placed it about 10 feet from the door, I then grabbed the other beds and railings and made a makeshift funnel do that only one zombie could get through at a time.

"Miss Shizuka, gather all of the essential medicine and put it in those bags." I said as I pointed to the two rucksacks on the floor as well as the brown leather bag on her desk.

"Right, of course." She said before grabbing her bag and stuffing it with medicine.

"You," I said pointing at the guy still holding the IV stand "help her out I'll hold them off."

He just nodded before emptying the two backpacks and filling them with anything Shizuka pointed to.

I watched the door with my bow drawn only to see about 10 zombies appear all at once though the window.

They easily smashed it before piling into the room.

The ones who came through the door were slowed considerably by the barricade but the ones who came in through the widow were another story.

Four of them were stuck on the barricade whilst the other six came through the window.

I quickly fired three arrows in succession, all hitting their targets, before the rest of the zombies charged. I Spartan kicked one of the remaining three zombies into the other two before pulling another arrow and shooting the ones at the door.

It was then that something unexpected happened, the moron behind me decided to run at the three I had knocked down whilst screaming and waving his makeshift spear around.

"Stop!" I shouted but he didn't seem to listen. He managed to hit one of them and knock it to the wall but the other two sprung up at him and bit into his neck.

I managed to hit one before it chomped but the other got him and blood spurted like a fountain in the air.

Fuck. I notched another arrow and let it fly in to the other zombie's head before turning to deal with tho other two at the door. However I didn't need to as I found an alluring figure standing there instead, looking at me like a dog in heat.

"Saeko Busujima?" I said with surprise looking at the young woman in front of me.

"You know me?" She said, still with a fire in her eyes.

"I know of you," I replied back "You are an extremely skilled swordswoman. Your reputation proceeds you." I finished before looking at the two bodies on the floor with a large portion of their skulls caved in.

She blushed slightly before nodding at me and heading towards the struggling man on the floor. She placed her hand on his shoulder before introducing herself.

"I'm the president of the Kendo club, Saeko Busujima, a sophomore. What's your name kid?"

The boy replied in between coughing up blood "Ishi*cough*Ishi...Kazu."

"Ishi," Saeko said "you did a good job protecting Dr. Marikawa. I commend your courage."

As she was saying this admittedly quite touching scene, I grabbed the two rucksacks and quietly finished packing them. I had my back towards them so they didn't see what I was doing and I was slowly storing everything that wouldn't fit in the bags in my Item Box.

I turned to see Saeko stand up and pull her bokken from her waist as Shizuka started wailing. She was going to end Ishi's life so he didn't have to become a zombie.