

Caught up in a planned-out life. Boredom runs in her heart. She craves a change, a new start, a different turn, an excitement she has no idea of. She craves to be in the world and feel like living which is a great contrast to the path made for her since childhood. Unbeknownst to her, every and any decision made comes with an aftermath, a change in the course of events, a blessing or a curse, a reward or a repercussion.....

AstraStar1 · Urban
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9 Chs


Mrs. Hynn was a vibrant woman in her 60s with skin as dark as ebony, radiated energy as she approached Lexine. Despite her age, she moved with the agility of someone much younger. Also, she really didn't look her age. Black indeed doesn't age.

"Lexine! Lexine!" she continued to say Lexine's name as she half ran towards her.

"Easy Mrs Hynn. You might fall" Lexine said in worry as she was prompted to caution her against potential falls when Mrs Hynn was about to cross the gutter to her side. 

"Don't worry about me, dear. Old bones never crack!" Mrs. Hynn quipped confidently and stated in a matter matter-of-fact tone, earning a smile from Lexine who shook her head in amazement.

"You never seem to amaze me Mrs Hynn. I want your type of energy when I get to your age" Lexine said in a playful tone. Lexine admired Mrs. Hynn's vitality, jokingly expressing her desire for the same energy when she reached Mrs. Hynn's age. But beneath their banter lay a deeper understanding of Lexine's guarded nature.

"Hahahah God willing you will" Mrs Hynn then turned her attention to Tara. "Lexine whose baby is that?" She asked curiously.

Mrs. Hynn, though familiar with rumors surrounding Lexine's life, was unaware of her pregnancy until now. She wasn't around to see Lexine's baby bump show. Things she knew about Lexine were partly true and partly false.

Some information was confirmed by Lexine herself. But there was not much that Lexine would let out because despite how easygoing they were, Lexine was quite closed off to her. She wouldn't share with her things she could easily share with Dr. Malwin.

She had to ward off people away from her because of the struggle she had to face at the hands of some. Her own family let her down and even the father of her baby betrayed her.

At this point, she had a tough time believing the kind actions of anyone. She became alert at all times. Lexine had faced betrayal and struggles, leading her to trust only Dr. Malwin, who had stood by her during her darkest moments.

Dr. Malwin was the only person she had ultimate trust in now. He had earned her trust by standing by her when she had no one and defending her when she was falsely accused and humiliated. For that, she had so much love, respect, and appreciation for him.

"That's my baby Mrs Hynn" By now Lexine had already covered the baby's face with a baby sleeping mask and a hat which she had gotten by the road size on her way to the shop. A cotton cloth covered her whole body so all you could see was her nose and mouth.

Technically speaking, the baby wasn't supposed to be out this early. The right way was to stay at home for at least a week after birth before letting the world see the baby.

It was said to be done to ward off evil eyes on the baby but here they were. So, Lexine had to come up with a different alternative and that was to make sure that the baby was thoroughly covered, protected and safe from prying eyes.

Knowing Mrs Hynn would ask to see the child which Lexine would do anything to prevent, she had an idea.

"Mrs Hynn, please let me open the door so that we can properly sit down."Lexine's idea was to open the door enter the shop and lay down the mat and pillow she would normally take a nap on, on days she felt exhausted and place Tara on it. Then come up with the excuse that Tara is sleeping and therefore she didn't want her to be disturbed.

"Oh alright dear" Everything went according to plan since Mrs Hynn didn't insist. But knowing her and her curiosity, Lexine was sure she'd want some info before she left.

Lexine came back after laying Tara down and just as she thought,

"But my dear when did you get pregnant that I had no idea about it? And who is the father? Wait, lemme think, is it the same young man emm what's his name, how could I forget his name...., Oh yes Jack" Here we go. Mrs. Hynn couldn't resist asking about the pregnancy and the father, recalling a young man named Jack. Lexine didn't feel she was obligated to answer her, but she had to say something to stop her from probing even more.

Lexine didn't say anything upfront but instead went in to get her a Plastic chair to sit on out of courtesy. "Have a seat Mrs Hynn" She offered. "Thank you my dear" Mrs Hynn took the chair and faced Lexine watching her, attentively waiting for a response.

Lexine, however, chose her words carefully, revealing the challenges she had faced alone during childbirth and asserting her role as both mother and father to her child.

"Mrs. Hynn, I got pregnant 9 months ago and just gave birth recently, my baby is just 2 days old. I gave birth alone with no one by my side except Dr. Malwin. At a point, I almost lost my child." Lexine spoke very emotionally.

"After everything I have gone through which you are aware of, I had to endure giving birth without a single family member at my side." Lexine's eyes were blurred with her unshed tears.

"I am not going to talk much, but what I want you to keep in mind is that I am the father of my child, the mother of my child, and the sole family of my child. I will be whatever the baby needs me to be, and I will make sure we survive and thrive. Gone is the timid girl who was looked down upon by everyone. I am a mother now, and like the lioness, I am going to protect my child and absolutely no one is going to make me inferior again without my consent. No more!!! and that's my promise to my child."

Mrs Hynn was shaken by the great resolve and fire that burned in Lexine's eye. Her heart went to her as a mother herself, and for some reason, she felt very proud of her.

With unwavering determination, Lexine vowed to protect and provide for her baby, shedding the timidity of her past. Mrs. Hynn, moved by Lexine's strength, offered words of support, acknowledging the blessings and hardships of motherhood.

Lexine cleared the unshed tears away with the back of her hand. She was not going to cry, not today.

"Lexine, I understand your pain. My dear, you are blessed. Be strong, the spirits are with you." Just as she finished that statement, five Kanwes appeared around Lexine and tapped her back offering comfort and solace in their soothing presence while singing in a language that was incorrigible. They were all women.

Even though both Lexine and Mrs Hynn couldn't see them, Lexine felt this sense of warmth and comfort wash over her. She felt at ease.