
IN Harry Potter With a System


Dreamer_1297 · Book&Literature
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118 Chs

67. Heist

" I know Harry. You have reminded me of this thousands of times by now." Panny said exasperatedly and vanished with Alfred.

"Harry! What about Dumbledore and Quirrell? " Daphne asked.

" Looks like the paintings have informed them about trolls appearing in many places. Snape, Mcgonagall, Flitwick and Pamona have already gone to take care of other places. Dumbledore is with Quirrell, not letting him go out of sight." Harry said everyone's position clearly.

" Alfred! release all the other trolls in their designated places. Dumbledore has already instructed house elves to save the students. And after that go to Ronald Weasley's dorm room, you will find the rat - Stun it and bring it here" Harry said just as Alfred returned with Panny.

" Okay guys, now it's my turn. Wish me luck." Harry said while waiting for Alfred's return and gulped down polyjuice Potion. Soon he transformed into a complete new face with different height and build. Harry had Alfred bring the hair of a native American wizard for the purpose specifically. After he was completely changed, he donned another set of clothes using his new spell.

After getting a nod from the girls he took Alfred's hand and disappeared from the room. Travelling through space with Alfred had always fascinated Harry. He liked to watch its mysteries and wonders but not this time. Right now he was completely focused on the task ahead.

Alfred and Harry reached Dumbledore's office but still not appeared out of the space. Harry had been observing Dumbledore's office carefully using all his abilities. He knew where the philosopher's stone was being kept, where the death cloak of invisibility was kept, Where some very precious books were being kept and what are the security measures Dumbledore employed.

"Alfred! let me remind you the plan again. We will appear just behind that Phoenix- you will not leave my hand in any case- you will restrict the bird in the space - I will use my spell- we will have a maximum of 30-45 seconds before Dumbledore will apparate here- So immediately whisk us to the training ground. Clear? " Seeing him nod, Harry took a deep breath. "Do it!"

Alfred and Harry immediately appeared behind Fawkes and Just as Fawkes tried to flame away, Alfred used his ability to cage the phoenix inside a separate space bubble. On the other Hand, Harry immediately used his newly made spell to swipe the stone, the cloak as well as anything else he could in minimum time.

Harry knew that Dumbledore would be there any time as he had arranged methods that will ring alarms inside his head the moment any unauthorised person sets a foot in this space.

It took 30 seconds to loot everything and before returning Harry decided to leave another gift for Dumbledore. He used fiendfyre, left the flame to do its job and motioned for Alfred to take him away.

Harry could hear the crack of apparition and the light of some spell the moment he was whisked away by Alfred. No doubt Dumbledore had arrived.

"Alfred! Stay in the training ground - don't let the bird go- when I call your name just open a portal to my room." Harry instructed in one breath before Alfred sent him back to his room.

Appearing in his room, Harry saw that the girls had already undone most of the changes he made to the room at the beginning of the year except of the one Alfred did with space.

"Harry, We were not able to undo this space enlargement- all the other things are inside this trunk. All the trolls were taken care of by professors. Quirrell is with Snape." Hermione reported while handing Harry a bottle of polyjuice reversal Potion, which he immediately drank.

"Don't worry. Hermione, keep everything with you- you all immediately go back to your room using disillusionment." Harry said as he started to undo the spatial changes in the room while Hermione used Harry's cloth changing spell to make him wear his normal robes, taking away the other set of cloth to keep with herself.

The moment Harry finished with everything, he went to take a bath. It might not have taken more than 10-15 minutes doing everything but Harry felt mentally drained after it. He had to maintain his best state, paying attention to even the smallest details.

{ Meanwhile inside Dumbledore's office}

Albus Dumbledore was very angry. He had not been this angry in his whole life.

"Albus, I'm telling you that brat has his hand in this incident. The incident that night and now this, all this can not be a coincidence." Snape said.

" Severus. I have asked the portraits. Everyone has seen Harry go to his room directly. Moreover the attacker was an adult, A 35 something African wizard." Dumbledore argued.

" Headmaster. He could have taken polyjuice. Yesterday we tried to get Ms. Granger only to be stopped. I think this is his retaliation for that." Seeing that Dumbledore was still hesitating he continued," We can at least search his room. To not make it feel like we are targeting him, we can order a house wise search." Snape felt sure of his guess that everything had been done by Harry.

"We can't let anyone know about it Severus. Continue to keep a close watch of Quirrell. We must not let him know that we lost the Philosopher's stone. I will hide a duplicate in its place, our plan has to continue. Only Harry can defeat him." Dumbledore sighed.

" I will send someone to secretly search his room." Dumbledore said and waved Snape away.

After Snape left the office, Dumbledore call for house elves.

" Clean the place. Discreetly Search the rooms of mr. Potter and his friends for my things. Continue keeping watch on Severus, Quirrell, Minerva and Flitwick." Dumbledore ordered and went back thinking that at least nobody knew of there being so many trolls inside Hogwarts.