
HPMRS CH 122: unexpected letters and the end of term.

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Ryan's workload increased after his return from the Forbidden Forest. Studying the enigma of natural affinity takes a lot of time every day.

Fortunately, his physique had been strengthened during his previous visit to the forbidden forest. At the same time, whether you practice Maoshan Taoism's mental method or study natural affinity, it will assist your body in quickly eliminating exhaustion. And Ryan was able to work with little to no physical strain as a result of this.

Fortunately, after several days of research and comprehension, Ryan finally got some hold of the new knowledge of natural affinity.

However, if one wants to further improve this ability, one needs to spend a lot of time to understand nature, and one can't improve his strength through random research.

As he was busy with these things, he found that most of his classmates were discussing summer vacation arrangements in the common room and Great hall. At this time, Ryan realized that the days of the school year were almost over.

At noon on the last day of school, just as the Ryan and Weasley twins agreed on contacting each other in the summer vacation, a group of owls broke into the common room and delivered the results to each student.

Ryan found out that he was still second this year, and Hermione was as expected the first one again, seems like handwriting does matter.

However, this year Ryan's report card is not the same as last year, there was a thin letter attached to the report card. After unfolding the letter paper, Ryan saw the content written in emerald-green ink:


Dear Mr. Ryan Liang:

I am very happy to inform you that you have obtained the opportunity to exchange internships at the Castelobruxo School of Magic in South America. The exchange is scheduled to start on September 1st and will last for one semester. Exchange students will return to Hogwarts after the Christmas break. We will await you on the 31st of July, sign your letter with your guardian's signature.

Yours Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy headmistress.


The following is a list of items. In addition to the necessary textbooks and utensils, it also indicates that the exchange activity needs to the student pay 200 Galleons.

What's the situation? Ryan was puzzled after receiving the letter. At this moment, Hermione also walked down the stairs from the girls' dormitory, holding an identical letter in her hand.

"Ryan, did you receive this letter?" Hermione asked when she saw the letter unfolded in Ryan's hand. "Do you know what's going on? I didn't see other people receiving the same letter at all. I asked a few senior students and even they didn't know what was going on, so I wanted to ask Professor McGonagall."

"Ask Professor McGonagall? This is a good idea." Ryan followed Hermione out of the common room and went to Professor McGonagall's office.

Ryan gently knocked on the door. Professor McGonagall's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Pushing the door open, Ryan saw Professor McGonagall sitting behind her desk writing something. Soon Professor McGonagall put down the pen, motioned to Ryan and Hermione to sit down, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Ryan took out the letter and asked: "I saw that only Hermione and I received this letter, so I wanted to ask what the exchange study is about? We even asked the senior students but didn't get anything."

"Oh, that's it." Professor McGonagall said as she took off her glasses and put them aside, then said: "This is an international activity project re-created by the Ministry of Magic this year. They hope to restore the international activities that were interrupted by the war."

"So we selected participants from the first three years of the school, this time the exchange is with the Castelobruxo, in Brazil."

After taking a look at Ryan and Hermione who were listening carefully, Professor McGonagall went on to say: "I am very happy to see that Gryffindor students are participating in this activity. Of course, this activity is voluntary. You have one month to consider it, as your parents have to allow and finance you to participate."

After listening to Professor McGonagall's explanation, Ryan signaled that he had a question to ask. After getting Professor McGonagall's permission, Ryan asked: "Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country. How do we communicate there? Also, our parents are not wizards, I may not be able to explain to them the situation of this activity. Can you give us some suggestions?"

"Language problem doesn't exist, because in the magical world of South America most of the people speak both languages, so they're Portuguese and English bilingual, at least there will be a lot of students and professors who'll be able to communicate in English, you do not need to worry about learning Portuguese, you can try to learn it by yourself a bit, just enough to let you communicate about necessities."

"As for suggestions." Professor McGonagall thought for a while and said. "I personally recommend that you should go there. This time, the students who are in the first three years are selected. Not going to Hogwarts for a semester will not cause too many problems. After all, Castelobruxo is also a world-famous magic school. The teaching level there will not be much worse than Hogwarts."

"For a wizard, having extensive knowledge is a must. Having the opportunity to study in other schools under different cultures is good for broadening of horizons. It is very conducive to the growth of young wizards."

"Thank you, Professor." After clearing the doubts in their hearts, Ryan and Hermione thanked Professor McGonagall and left the office.


At the end-of-year banquet in the evening, the food was still plentiful.

It's just that this year's House Cup was won by Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor was defeated because of the defeat in Quidditch. But most of the people in the academy were very happy because they successfully defeated Slytherin this year.

Only Hermione felt a little regretful, but the unhappiness in her heart was quickly dissipated by the joyful atmosphere of the house as a whole.


Early the next morning, the Hogwarts Express sent the students back to London on time. Ryan, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Fred, and George crowded in a box, fully enjoying the last moments before the summer vacation.

Originally, Hermione was still reading a certain book, but soon she also joined everyone in the chat. After learning that Ryan and Hermione had received an opportunity to go to the Castelobruxo School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Weasley twins seemed to have thought of something and said:

"Castelobruxo School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We heard about it years ago. It seems that our brother has a pen-pal from this school. Right, George?"

"Yes, Fred, at the time Will's pen-pal asked him to make a trip as an exchange student there. But Mom and Dad couldn't pay that much. He said he couldn't go, and the pen-pal was so angry that he sent him a howler, that howler was crazier and louder than mom's howler."

"In short, that school has their unique advantages in knowledge related to magical plants. It is a good thing to go there, you can learn a lot about plants. We seem to have a distant uncle in Portugal, and his children go to school there. After graduating from there he became a therapist in St Mungo's." Fred concluded.

After that, everyone started chatting freely, and Ginny told everyone mysteriously that she found that Percy was looking for a girlfriend. After hearing the news, the twins looked very excited. Ryan bet they would take this opportunity to mess with Percy.

The Hogwarts Express gradually slowed down and finally stopped. Ryan and Hermione met Harry Potter and Ron when they passed out of the station. When bidding each other goodbye, Harry took out a piece of paper in which some numbers were scribbled and handed it over: "Can you call me sometimes in the summer? Full two months with only Dudleys to talk with, it's a nightmare..."

"No problem." Ryan took the note and put it in his pocket. Then passed the entrance with them and returned to the Muggle world.

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